
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 13 Chapter 39: : Dead Enemy

The tree hole is very spacious, at least about ten square meters, at this time Su Xiaozheng was resting on the blanket.

If there is no Alice avatar threat, it is the safest way to be a contractor. However, with Alice avatar staring, Su Xiao cannot act rashly.

Su Xiao could n't take any action here, and Alice did n't come to take the initiative to find Su Xiao. The reason is very simple. The forest is different from the sealed room. In the sealed room, Su Xiao has a limited range of swings. The avatar presses Su Xiaoda with long-range + melee + summoning ability, but in the forest, whoever wins or loses is not necessarily.

Su Xiao got up a few hours after taking a nap, patted Bobowang, and motioned for him to rest.

Sitting at the entrance of the tree cave, Su Xiao began daily meditation. During meditation, he had a strong sense of the surrounding environment and was not worried about being attacked.

Same as Su Xiao's speculation a long time ago, meditation in the natural environment has better results. This is still an artificial natural environment. If it is pure natural, the effect will only be better.

Time passed slowly. When other players were searching for food, Su Xiao had already gotten food that could not be eaten. As for fresh water, he harassed the star crab and moved it, and the fresh water was inexhaustible.

The sun is shining, and the strong forest has only this kind of weather. Su Xiao is sitting in a tree cave, holding a tablet computer in his hand, and playing the decryption game.

Just then, the prompt of reincarnation paradise appeared.

[Hint: The hunter has successfully survived in the strong's forest for five days, and he needs to rush to the starting point to count the game points as soon as possible. ]

Su Xiao was surprised when he was prompted by the reincarnation paradise. Time passed faster than he thought.

"The fourth game is so simple?"

Su Xiao picked up a bucket of fresh water and washed it. Among the players, only he dared to use fresh water in the strongest forest.

One person and one dog walked outside the forest of the strong. Soon, Su Xiao arrived near the cabin. Someone had already arrived in advance. Is it ... fat?

At this time, the appearance of skin fat changed greatly. Before, it was a surge of body fat, but now it can only be regarded as slightly fat. According to previous experience, he can restore the fat reserve in no time.

"You seem to have had a good five days."

Pipty chewed the jerky in his mouth, looking slightly tired.

"Fortunately, at least sleep is adequate."

The two chatted for a while, the three national football brothers walked from the forest, watching the three brothers, skin fat mouth raised.

"Ha ... hello."

The national football boss smiled and greeted him, and the three brothers were blushing and swollen.

In fact, the three brothers fought with Pi Fat and were educated. Of the seven, Pi Fat's fighting power was only under Su Xiao.

From the appearance of the yellow skinny skin of the third child, the food should be snatched by the skin.

"It seems to be fighting for points."

The Golden Eyed Man and Detective Little Lori walked out of the forest. One arm of the Golden Eyed Man was missing, and Detective Little Loli was flabby and could be unconscious at any time.

Seven people gathered together. In this way, it came to the point of the puzzle game. The wolf butler in front of the wooden house had been waiting for a long time.

"Seven, congratulations, you all survived in the strongest forest. This is a rare case in the past. Next, I will announce the game points you have earned."

The wolf steward took out a scroll of parchment from his arms, popped the parchment, and the wolf steward narrowed his eyes.

"First, the least points in the game are ..."

The wolf steward looks around at everyone and sells it at a critical moment.

"The least is the player's cocoa beans."

Cocoa is the code name of Detective Little Loli, which was already known in the third game.

With this result, Detective Little Loli's mouth was opened and closed, and the golden-eyed man with a broken arm laughed.

"Sorry, everyone is selfish for survival. Goodbye, no, goodbye, little cocoa bean sister."

The golden-eyed man laughed very cheerfully. In the five days of survival, he basically ran away, running away under the pursuit of 'guest'.

Those "guests" are a little embarrassed and scared. Su Xiao is full of blood. They dare not go hunting. They do n't bear much fat. The three national football brothers are not afraid of chasing. Detective little loli and golden glasses man.

The two have been cooperating because they both know that the two with the least points in the game may be the two of them. They are not teammates at all, but competitors and enemies competing for survival.

If you want to know your enemy, get closer to him. Both of them think so, so they team up.

"Cocoa beans are eliminated."

Detective Little Loli raised her hand just after the wolf steward's voice fell, "Wait."

"It's ugly to have no needless struggle, but we have been working together for a long time, so be decent."

The smile on the male face with golden eyes disappeared.

"I donate this treasure to Alice."

Detective Little Loli took out a fiery red spar, and saw the wolf steward's eyes when she saw the ore.

"This is the wreckage of an artificial sun. Where did you get this thing?"

The Wolf Butler stepped forward.

"In the stomach of a beast, if I guessed correctly, the artificial sun in the sky has fallen once. If you look closely, you will find that the artificial sun is missing a corner and there is no weather change. After observation, judgment, and reasoning, I conclude that the housekeeper might need this thing. "

Detective Little Loli's breathing is a little short. She is gambling. This is important. This is her only chance.

"When did you get this thing?"

The golden-eyed man's complexion was already gloomy.

"While you are rushing to make up for those combat-lost guests."


The golden eyed man remained silent.

"This is indeed part of the artificial sun, because without it, the artificial sun of the strong forest cannot be turned off, so the strong forest is only at noon."

The wolf steward took the artificial sun debris from detective little loli, and he began to contact someone. After a long time, the wolf steward spoke.

"You have two options, get 10,000 game points, or get eliminated from Queen Alice while you are eliminated."

In fact, these two options are no longer needed, but before Detective Little Loli chooses, the golden-eyed man opens his mouth.

"Cocoa beans, congratulations on your reward for Queen Alice. That should be generous."

The golden-eyed male's teeth clicked.

"Wash brother, in fact, we are already the enemy. From the knowledge that there are only six customs clearance places, the moment we choose to form a team, we are the enemy, compared with one enemy in the future. I am not interested in that kind of reward ~ www. mtlnovel.com ~ Wolf Steward, I chose to get 10,000 game points. "


The gold-eyed man approached, holding Detective Little Loli's neck with one hand and lifting her up.

Detective Little Lori's feet left the ground, and her dusty face was expressionless.

"Wash brother, goodbye, no, goodbye, it's too embarrassing, wash brother."

Detective Little Rory still called Sweet Sherlock.

"The game points changed, and the eliminated person changed to Wash."

The Wolf Steward was expressionless, although he had a good personal relationship with the Jinsi glasses man.

The man in gold glasses flung Detective Little Loli aside, he already noticed that at this time the players could not hurt each other, he rushed to the wolf steward and grabbed the collar of the wolf steward.

"Wolf steward, our previous deal ..."

Before the golden words of the male eyeglasses were finished, the sky lowered a few iron chains and tied him.

"There is no transaction between us."

The wolf steward waved and patted the hand of the man in the gold glasses, tidying his collar, and several iron chains dropped from the sky tightened. The man in the gold glasses was forcibly taken away.

"Do not!!"

With a snap, the man in the gold glasses was drawn into the sky by the iron chain, and a pair of blood-stained glasses fell to the ground.

Does the golden eyeglasses man really have no deal with the wolf steward? Of course not, the two have a deal, but Detective Little Loli and Wolf Steward have a higher personal favor!

"Here are the highest game points."

Upon hearing the words of Wolf Steward, Detective Little Rory's breathing was quick. She had more than 10,000 game points. The one with the highest points could choose any item in Alice's treasure house