
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 13 Chapter 25: : Doubt and Digging

"From what happened last night, Alice seems ... stupid?"

Detective Little Lori tilted her head and said these deadly words, you know, Alice was hiding in the crowd.


Confused man in gold glasses.

"Yes, it's stupid."

Detective Little Loli insisted, and after finishing her thoughts, she said:

"If I were Alice, I would never attack Bai Ye on the first night. Even if I attacked the third national football team without the right to question, it would be more profitable than attacking Bai Ye. It's a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and Catwoman is more likely to be killed. In my initial expectations, Alice was most likely to attack Catwoman last night. "

Detective Little Rory completely ignored her own safety and the thoughts of others after entering the reasoning mode.

"Suppose I am Alice. The order of my attack on the gamer is as follows. The first night I attacked the catwoman, the second night of the national football second child, the third night was skinny, the fourth night was the national football boss, the fifth night was glasses, the first Six nights are white nights, and the seventh night is the third national football team, or after the third or fourth night, attack yourself and mix yourself with the dead. "

Detective Little Rory's words make sense, not only is she wondering, Su Xiao is also wondering, Alice will attack him, no matter what it thinks, it has nothing to do with the game. He even smelled a trace of personal grudges in it.

What puzzled Xiao Xiao was that he and Alice had no personal grudges. Before entering the Demon Castle, he didn't even know that Alice existed.

"Compared to the benefit of attacking me, the benefit of attacking catwoman or glasses is indeed higher."

Su Xiao took out the eternal crystal bottle, took a sip, and drank about a third.

The sweet spring water enters the throat, a cool feeling runs down the esophagus, and his health and mana are restored.

"So, I ca n't understand why Alice attacked you, or you are Alice? Last night, it was more convenient to pretend to be attacked than to be a" dead ". This is in addition to the national football The third child is higher than the owner of the audience. It is likely that Alice will not pretend to be the dead. She is enjoying the game and has been hiding in the room. It is not something she is willing to accept, but after being attacked, , Not only can elute most of the suspicions, but also can move freely and participate in the later games with a high status, even without being questioned for a long time. "

Detective Little Loli's voice had just fallen, and everyone's eyes were on Su Xiao.

Su Xiao thought for a moment. It seemed that this might indeed be the case. The survivors after the attack were far more convenient than being 'dead'.

"That makes some sense."

Su Xiao didn't explain, this game is to be jealous of each other. Like Detective Little Rory, a player who often doubts others, she is less likely to be Alice.

"Of course, this may also be Alice's smoke bomb. The purpose of her first attack on you was to marry you, but I have a strange feeling. Compared to marrying, this is more like a personal grudge. The goal It 's clear, it has nothing to do with the revenue during the game. "

Detective Little Rory has a very strong reasoning ability. After her summary, everyone has obtained information that Alice has only two possibilities to attack Su Xiao. Su Xiao is disguised by Alice, and Su Xiao and Alice have personal grudges.

"It's a bit unrealistic to say personal grievances. You should all come to the Devil's Castle for the first time, so ..."

Detective Little Loli didn't say anything after that, the sentence was: Su Xiao was posing by Alice.

"Good reasoning."

Su Xiao looked as usual.

"Aren't you refuting it? According to normal thinking, whether you are Alice or not, you should refute it."

Detective Little Loli looked at Su Xiao with a gaze.

"At most, some people used the right to question me. From the known clues at present, I am most likely to be Alice."

"It's settled. Today I give up self-doubt, I choose to question you."


Su Xiao, holding a cigarette, leaned on the sofa.

"What is your opinion?"

Detective Little Loli looked at the crowd, and everyone looked different.

Skin fat is thinking, the catwoman scratched his head with sharp claws, the man in the gold glasses was hesitating, and the three of the national football team were discussing on the team channel.

Five minutes passed and no one spoke.

"It seems that this method is not good, Bai Ye's thigh."

Detective Little Loli spread her hands.

"No one agreed, the fox's tail was hidden deep enough."

Su Xiao spit out a green smoke. Detective Little Loli seemed to be questioning him, but actually dug a pit and waited for Alice to jump.

If at this time someone agrees with Detective Little Rory's point of view, that person may be more than 50% Alice, and questioning Su Xiao will only waste the right to question once, which is beneficial to Alice.

When no one is found to speak, Detective Loli speaks surprisingly.

"I can prove that Bai Ye was indeed attacked last night."

"Huh? How do you prove?"

"My room with Bai Ye is the closest. Last night I heard someone walking in the door wearing high heels. At first I couldn't confirm the sound of the room. Just now, when Bai Ye said he played with Alice, no one else spoke Refutation, that is to say, no one else was attacked by Alice, of course, this does not rule out Alice's trap. "

Su Xiao's suspicions were mostly washed away. The three brothers of the national football team were a little aggressive throughout the story. The plot was a bit complicated, and the subtitles were not played.

"Oh, our three brothers followed the public's statement."

The national football boss got up to speak and then sat down.

"Just tell me, the clue is still unclear?"

Catwoman's complexion is not good-looking, she knows how dangerous she is.

"No, the clue is already obvious."

Detective Little Loli's voice had just fallen, and a prompt appeared.

[Announcement: Player No. 1 uses questioning authority against Player No. 1 and fails. Player No. 1 is not disguised by Alice. ]

Detective Little Loli testified that she was not Alice.

"The clues are already obvious to the extent that we can use the simplest elimination method. First, the third national football team and I are not Alice, and the possibility that the third national football team, the second and Bai Ye are Alice is not high, so Counting, only skinny, glasses, catwoman ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Detective Little Loli smiled, and when she heard her, the national football boss patted his thigh, and the national football second wife also showed a happy face .

"Willn't we win soon?"

"Alice is cool."


Su Xiao poured a basin of cold water and looked at the national football boss and second child.

"Three skinny, spectacled, and catwoman are just more suspicious. Before the three of us can confirm the identity, there is also a chance that it is Alice. If Alice really hides in the three of us, it will be troublesome."

Su Xiao's words made the smiles on the faces of the national football boss and the second child disappear instantly.

"It's true, but our advantage is undoubted. When Alice chose to attack you, she was already at a disadvantage. Tomorrow I can figure out who is Alice, surely! Unless she can reverse the situation instantly."

Detective Little Loli's tone affirmed that this was her confidence in her reasoning ability.