
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 11 Chapter 69: : Murder Squad

In a short period of time, more than a dozen therapeutic and auxiliary contracters were killed or injured. This attracted Greek's attention. Liu Liu sent her, but Liu Li could not find the culprit for a while.


Behind the Tianqi Paradise camp, after Su Xiao cuts a throat as an assistant contractor, he vaguely feels that someone is approaching.


"Finally found, this wicked assassin."


Liu Li looked at the corpse with the throat cut away not far away, and she hated gritted teeth. There were three people beside her, a male contractor of the soil system, a female contractor of the perception type, and a strong man holding a sledgehammer. The strong man is at least three meters tall, giving a heavy feeling, although he is heavy, but his strength attribute must be very strong, it is likely that it is a single attribute development, the strength attribute reaches 80 points.



It is not too difficult to reach 80 points in a single attribute, and this is the strong man with a sledgehammer.


Liuli did not come by herself. In most cases, she followed her sister or acted as a team.


There are five people in the Liuli team. Liuli himself controls + melee + long range, while the male male contractor is biased towards protection. The perceptual contractor is responsible for finding the enemy's position, and is also responsible for connecting the spirits of the other four during the battle, so that the four can More tacit.


As for the strong man holding the thick and thin hammer of the water tank, he has only one task. After Liuli controls the enemy's actions, he goes up to the hammer. His skills are bonus attacks, and he prefers a one-shot spike.


还有 There is also a teammate in the distance of the four-member team. That is a sniper who likes Liuli's heart. He provides fire support at any distance.


Control + Assistance + Perception + Main Attacker + Long-Range Sniper. The purpose of this team is obvious. It is not used to deal with powerful plot characters, but for the other powerful contractor. Therefore, this team does not have a bulky tank. Instead, it is replaced by a soil contractor who can both defend and provide good control + attack capabilities.


The core character of the puppet team is Liuli. Her strong control ability, Su Xiao, has seen it once, which can force the enemy to fall into an illusion and misperceive the surroundings.


'Southeast, 26 meters, behind the stone pillar. '


The female perceiver transmitted this information to Ruri and others.


"OK, give him a shot first and force him out."


Bian Liuli said in the spiritual link that she was the commander of this squad. It had nothing to do with it because she had free time to command during the battle and she had the ability to command.




内 In the spiritual link, the male sniper in the distance spoke. The spiritual link is the ability of the female perceptron. In this link, five people can speak thoughtfully and avoid strategic leaks.



嗖 ~


A bullet came.


The broken stone splashed, and a half-weathered stone pillar not far away was interrupted by the waist. After the upper half of the stone pillar fell to the ground, it fell into white stones. The stone pillar was as fragile as tofu.


The light blue light flashed, and an energy shield wall appeared behind the stone pillar. A man in a black trench coat stood behind the energy shield wall.


"It's a surprise, I just met acquaintances."


Su Xiao looked at Liuli not far away, and for some reason, he suddenly thought of a nursery rhyme, although he didn't know what the song was called, but he listened to the **** rhymes for a few hours, and the singer had incomplete tones High when low.




Bian Liuli wanted to escape subconsciously. She may have suffered from 'Su Xiao Fear.' She had even better memories of the two previous encounters. One was almost killed and one was used.


"Luri, calm down."


The soil contractor said, this is a middle-aged man with a calm personality.


"Couldn't we be good at dealing with such a powerful independent contractor?"


After hearing the words of the soil contract, Liuli calmed down.


"The opponent is very strong, I said very strong, it is already strong enough to pervert, so we have only one chance."


"To understanding."




Liu Li calmly looked around, and immediately came up with a strategy to deal with Su Xiao.


"C strategy."


As Liu Liu opened her mouth, Su Xiao suddenly disappeared.






A wall of earth was formed not far from the four people of Liuli. Liuli and the perceptual contractor stepped back. At the same time, the strong man holding a sledgehammer also stepped back. Although he has a large waist and a round waist, his defense is very poor. His ability Both focus on attack.





The blade of light flashed and the earth wall was shattered. This allowed Liuli's four teammates to intuitively recognize Su Xiao's attack power. Once they were close, they would be dead. Once there was death and injury, the formation was broken, and they were away from the group. Not far away.


"Fantasy · Psychedelic Realm."


Wu Liuli used a move that had mislead Su Xiao's perception before.


The scene in front of Su Xiao changed, Liuli disappeared, and her teammates also disappeared. This was not the first time that Su Xiao had experienced. He immediately turned on the counter-shield and formed a circle to protect him.


Perception, sight, hearing, smell and so on are all misguided, only the touch of the hand is still there.


Ka Kaka ...


A layer of granite was attached to Su Xiao's two calves. He was firmly fixed to the ground, and he did not know whether it was real or an illusion.


Qi Suxiao held the Dragon Dragon Flash, and the line on the left hand was scattered on the nearby ground, waiting for the enemy to approach.


However, under the misguided 'crazy psychedelic realm', even if an enemy approaches, he cannot detect it.


"It's two hundred and thirty meters short, and soon ..."


Su Xiao muttered, I don't know what to say,


With a crackling sound, a blood flower burst from his left shoulder, a bullet ignored the counter-shield, penetrated his body, and looked at the power. This should be a sniper bullet. This may be an illusion or may be real.


The real situation is that Su Xiao stayed in place, holding the glass with his hands more than ten meters away, focusing on confusing Su Xiao. The soil contractor made extremely strong granite and fixed the counter-shield around Su Xiao. On the ground, this limits Su Xiao's actions and makes it easier for teammates to attack.


The female perceptor's finger was on the ground ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, trying to shield the surrounding perception. The male sniper in the distance continued to shoot, and the bullets flew by the counter-shield shell.



"What kind of ability is this, has blocked seventeen bullets, so it won't work, Liuli, how long can he confuse him."


The soil contractor opened his mouth, and he created a four-meter-tall rock giant facing the counter-shield mammoth.


"Maximum 3 minutes. After 2 minutes, the psychedelic state begins to be unstable."


Qi Liuli pondered for a moment, looking at the strong man with a sledgehammer.


"Don, go up, fight for that guy's energy shell."




Dao En nodded, held the sledgehammer in his hands, and rushed towards Su Xiao, but the speed was a bit moving.


Although the speed was touching, Daun's attacking force was absolutely strong, and he rushed to the front of Su Xiao, raised the sledgehammer, and smashed it with all his strength.




The sledgehammer smashed on the counter-shield, a wave of air spread, and the ground around ten meters away shook. The granite wrapped on the counter-shield was shattered by a strong earthquake.


With a click, a crack appeared in the counter-shield, and blood was pouring from the corner of Su Xiao's mouth. He was injured by the shock.


After the hammer passed, Daun took a few steps back, sitting on the ground with a bang, and the sledge hammer hit the ground with a bang, smashing a shallow pit in the ground.