
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 11 Chapter 49: : Close the door and put the cloth

[Special Mission: Caesar's Crisis]

Difficulty level: Lv. 23

Mission Summary: In the name of Nicholas Caesar, help Carlos remove unknown energy from the body.

Mission information: Unknown energy in Carlos has formed a low-level symbiosis with Carlos.

Mission period: 3 natural days

Quest reward: Caesar's thanks

Mission punishment: Caesar's favorability is cleared, Carlos's favorability is -1000 (enemy).


Su Xiao triggered a mission of unknown nature. If it was triggered by other plot characters, Su Xiao might be in a good mood. As for Caesar ...

Su Xiao glanced at Caesar, who was smirking with big yellow teeth. Caesar's purpose was obvious, and he pulled Su Xiao on the thief ship.

"Case, the white wolves in empty gloves also have a limit."

After a period of contact, Su Xiao had some understanding of Caesar's character.

There are many pitfalls in this task. First, Su Xiao is going to help Carlos in the name of Caesar. In other words, even if he successfully helps Carlos to clear that energy, Carlos will probably not thank him, but will The love score is on Caesar. After all, Su Xiao is Caesar's assistant, so this 'in the name of Nicholas Caesar' is very problematic.

The second aspect is rewards. 'Caesar 's gratitude' is very suspicious. Based on Caesar 's character, his gratitude is likely to be something weird, such as a broken bowl, a bowl of soup? Or a word of thanks.

Don't think this is ridiculous. With the thickness of Caesar's skin, more than 70% of this kind of thing can happen. Even if Caesar's conscience found out, the so-called gratitude will have a lot of water.

"My dear friend, what are you talking about, how could Caesar ..."

Before Caesar had finished speaking, Su Xiao said, "Boob, bit him!"

The second sister-in-law Bubuwang didn't care what special plot character Caesar was. In Bubuwan's eyes, Caesar was a little green-skinned dwarf, so he bit it up.

"Wait, you stupid dog, we are friends, can you bear to bite me ... oh!"

Caesar screamed, Bobuwang bit his hip, and the dog's head throbbed left and right. To help Su Xiao deal with Caesar, Bobuwang also temporarily lost the martial arts.

"Stop and show you something good."

Hearing Caesar's words, Su Xiao raised her hand, and Boobong Songkou, the policy of closing the dogs, obviously made the uncle Caesar somewhat helpless.

"I got it occasionally, it was a few years ago."

Caesar walked into the bedroom, and there was a tinkling rumbling sound in the bedroom. After a long time, Caesar came out of the bedroom, holding a black brooch in his hand.

This brooch is a bit like a brand name and is not bulky. It won't be noticeable if worn on the neckline.

The brooch exudes a dark purple light, the light is deep, as if strengthened several times in the reincarnation park.

"Help me solve the current trouble. This thing belongs to you. Although I don't know what it does, my intuition tells me that this thing I got from the corpse is good."

Caesar only knew that the thing in his hand was an ornament, and for Caesar, this thing had no use, he could not use it at all.

When Su Xiao touched the black brooch, his body hardened for a moment. This was the equipment he had been looking for!

[Certificate of Hunting Demon (Set 1/3)]

Origin: Any world above Lv.20.

Quality: Dark purple (set)

Category: Brooch Style Brands (Extremely Rare)

Durability: 37 ~ 37

Equipment requirements: strength 40, agility 40.

Equipment effect: Unyielding (Passive): When the health value is lower than 10%, it will delay for 10 seconds to enter the dying state.

Tip: The unyielding (passive) cooldown is 48 hours.

Rating: 260

Introduction: One of the hunter set, the set effect will be activated after collecting three pieces.

Set Effect 1: Demon Hunter (Passive), Strength +15, Dexterity +10, Stamina +10.

Set Effect 2: Melee Master (Passive), Melee damage increased by 40%, maximum health + 20%.

Set effect 3: (invisible)

Price: 73,000 Paradise Coins.


Su Xiao remained calm. Although he was very excited now, one of his long hunting suits was in sight.

In order to find this thing, Su Xiao didn't know how long he looked in the trading market. However, there is no clue. It seems that except for the "hunting ring", the remaining two items do not exist at all.

Just today, Su Xiao finally found one of the parts of the hunting suit, which is a brooch.

In fact, the attributes of the three pieces of hunting suits are not very strong. The strong ones are the set attributes that are activated after three pieces. Strength +15, agility +10, physical strength +10, melee damage increased by 40%, maximum health + 20% .

What is this concept? For any melee, these are the coveted bonuses.

However, the number of hunting suits is too scarce. Su Xiao has killed many powerful enemies in the previous derivative world and has completed many hidden tasks, but he did not get any clues about the hunting suits.

Now, a demon hunting suit appeared in front of Su Xiao, who suspected that the other contractor had fallen after the death of this world, and was later obtained by Caesar.

The origin of this piece of equipment is not important, what is important is how to get it.

Robbery? Obviously not. With more than 100,000 troops stationed in the Black Earth Fortress, Caesar's relationship with Carlos is extraordinary. Robbing is the most stupid method.

And according to Caesar, this is clearly the reward for treating Carlos.

"What does this thing do?"

Su Xiao intentionally said that if Caesar was aware of his desire, with Caesar's character, it would be more difficult to think of it.

"Hey ~ this thing, uh ~ that ~"

Caesar spoke for a moment.

"The workmanship is fine, there is no wave of alchemy, this is a magical instrument?"

Su Xiao looked at [Certificate of Hunting Demon] and had a very critical look.

"Ah ~ That's right, this is a magical instrument, my dear friend, as long as you help Caesar solve the current trouble, this thing belongs to you."

Caesar didn't actually know what it was. He just felt that it had some value, something that was tasteless and a pity to abandon.


Su Xiao took the [Certificate of Hunting Demon], unfortunately, he did not acquire the ownership of the [Certificate of Hunting Demon].

"If this thing is paid, it's not impossible, but ..."


Caesar yelled, and he heard that Su Xiao wanted to make him better.


Su Xiao stared at Caesar, who looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

"My dear friend, the deal has been concluded, let's start quickly."

Caesar snatched the [Certificate of Hunting Demon] from Su Xiao, and Su Xiao did not show the slightest regret.

"After that, I am the captain."

The meaning of Su Xiao is obvious. Adding officers to the ranks, of course, this is just a smoke bomb. The contractor's big fight is about to begin. By then, official positions will have little effect on Su Xiao. He is not good at leading soldiers to fight or attract people's hearts.

"Captain ..."

Caesar rubbed his chin with his hands. He seemed to be hesitant, but he didn't want to give anything else.

"After the deal is over, you will wear this brooch to become the captain."

"The deal."

Su Xiao took over the special task, and the special task reward has become: [Certificate of Hunting Demon] + Captain Officer.

Bobuwang quietly turned his head ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and sighed, the little eyes seemed to be saying, "Master, you are really acting."

Su Xiao was relieved. [Certificate of Hunting Demon] should not be lost. It would be suitable to cover a captain position that Carlos could seal at will. However, as for adding other benefits to Caesar, Su Xiao did not consider it at all. It 's already a limit to come up with the "Proof of Hunting Demon".

Su Xiao had not agreed before, it would make this matter very troublesome. Caesar is not easy to deal with. If he finds something wrong, he will immediately put away the [Certificate of Hunting Demon] and raise the price. Fortunately, Su Xiao is enough. Calm and careful, Caesar did not notice the abnormality.

This is the time to test Su Xiao 's level of alchemy. However, Su Xiao 's method of helping Carlos to remove unknown energy from her body is not alchemy, it 's just a cover.

If the operation can be obtained, Su Xiao can still get a big gain. Perhaps that gain is not worse than the [Certificate of Hunting Demon]. This is also the benefit he originally wanted. [Certificating of Hunting Demon] is an unexpected gain.

It's done in heaven, and in people, Su Xiao has done his best to do the best he can.