
Deborah Steele

Aaron settled into his seat on the plane, the gentle hum of the engines and the soft murmurs of passengers around him creating a cocoon of solitude. As the plane taxied down the runway, he found himself reflecting on the whirlwind of the last four days in Ludus.

He had come with a singular purpose: to finalize his divorce from Sara, a chapter he had long wanted to close but had been unable to bring himself to do it.

The visit had been emotionally taxing, but it had also been a journey of emotional release and unexpected encounters. One such encounter replayed vividly in his mind as the plane took off, the ground below shrinking away.

Aaron leaned back in his seat, a smile on his face as he closed his eyes and his thoughts drifted to the lounge where Tom and Lucy had dropped him off so he could have his solo celebration for the end of his deceptive marriage.

Four Days Earlier

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