Tom leaned back in his chair, satisfaction washing over him as he closed his laptop. It had been a productive day, with meetings and appointments wrapping up earlier than expected.
He glanced at the clock on his office wall and smiled. There was still some time left before the close of work. That meant Lucy didn't have to go home with Adolf today as she had been doing all week.
Picking up his phone, he called Adolf and asked him not to bother picking Lucy, since he was done for the day and would leave the office with her.
Because of his busy schedule, they had been unable to go on a date all week as they agreed they would be doing, and even though Lucy was not complaining, he knew that she must be feeling pretty bad about how late he got back from the office and how he was usually too exhausted whenever he got back to spend time chatting with her.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: