
Seeing You Again 2

I was walking with someone, towards the Outsider I hated most.

"It seems like you two gotten close."

He's talking about Alicia who's beside me.

"Shut up and just answer my question."

"What question?"

"Where... where you gonna use hundreds on Outsiders outside?"

"Hundreds? You mean thousand?"

"Just answer!"

"Hehe, I'm just going to visit someone."


"You will know it later on."


"Should be okay to leave those people?"

"We already kill the Outsider so it will be fine for now. We should just hurry."

We're moving to another village to check whether there's Outsider there or not.

"Wait! Did you hear that?", Barbara said.

"What do you mean?"

The ground shakes a little.

"An Outsider?"

The trees in front of us fall one by one.

"Get ready!"

After a few seconds, a huge Outsider appears.

"What a huge monkey.", Rick said.

"It looks like you to be honest.", Ernesta said.

"S-Shut up! No time for jokes!"

The Outsider saw us.

"Oi, it's looking this way."

The Outsider grabs one of the trees that fall and raise it with its two arms.

"It's going to rampage."

But before it can make a move, a wave of flame runs towards the Outsider.

It burns the Outsider until it becomes ash.

None of us was able to speak because of the surprise.

We look at each other like asking "who the hell did that?".


I remember someone who use fire.

When I look around, I saw the same woman I saw that day.

"My, you okay there?"

The tall woman with her hair and short and red-orange eyes.


She saw me and after that, she smiles.

"We already handle the Outsider, it's safe to that village now."

She knew that we were going to that village.



There are other people arriving.

"Who are they?", one of them asked.

"A-1.", the woman said.

It's five of them, including...


It's definitely Hiro.

All of them including Hiro walk away.


I try to run towards them but Darius stops me.

"I-It's Hiro! You guys saw him right?!"

"We know... but we still have a mission to do."

"But! Just... let me go alone."

"It's dangerous."


"Vinna, it's okay. Hiro will come back.", Ernesta said while trying to smile.

"Haaa...", I sighed.

*I have to calm down, going reckless thing won't make Hiro come back to us.*

"Got it."

*Dang it! Dang, it!*

"Let's go now."

Ernesta holds my hands before we continue walking.


"So, that's your old team huh.", Crystal said.


"Why not go back to them."

"Not now."

"I see... well it's none of my business."


"Where the hell is that girl is?"

Alicia and I walked outside, I just look somewhere and she disappear suddenly.

*It's dangerous here, I should find her immediately.*

After walking for half an hour...

"Where the hell I am?"

I want to shout but I might encounter people here.


I continue walking until I reach a huge tree.

I look behind it and saw a huge building.


I cover my mouth immediately.

*Oi! I have to be quiet!*

"Ho, that was close.", I said quietly.

I was about to leave when I saw someone laying on the ground.


It's a girl with short blue hair.

"Is she dead?"

*No, she's near in this building, maybe she just sleeping. But why here? Was it more comfortable to sleep here than inside?*

I walk towards her and bend down my body.

I poke her cheeks.

She let out a small and cute voice.



*What the hell I'm doing.*

I try to stand up but my foot slipped.

To avoid falling, I accidentally put my hand to her chest.


I stare at her for a few seconds.

She didn't wake up.

"Woo... hm?"

While touching her chest, I realize something.


I immediately pull my hand on her chest.

*She's... a boy?*

"No way..."

I poke his cheek again.

*There's no way this person is a guy right?*


*Wait. Wait. Wait! The hell I'm doing?*

I stand up and hurriedly left the place.


*I wonder... why she didn't hurt or kill me.*

"I thought all Outsiders are heartless."


I was walking when I pass through Winter's room.

"Oi.", she calls me.


The door of her room is slightly open.

When I enter, she's sitting on the floor while laying her back on the bed.

"What's up?"

"Those people before... are they your old team?", she asked.

I sit down first beside her before answering her question.


"I see... well, Crystal already asked that earlier... What do you mean when you said 'not now'?"

To be honest, I don't know how I going to answer her.

"Should I not answer that?"

"It's okay. I guess you have some plans in your mind. But remember this, Hiro."


"If ever they don't accept you, you can come back here again."


"After all, we are your friends."


"But lucky you. You have so many friends. You can have fun with those people if you wanted."

"Was it the numbers is important in the first place? Even having only one friend is enough."

"Heh! Your right."

The bed suddenly move.


"Luan is sleeping there."







"You okay?", Ernesta asked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm just tired."

"Be careful, you're not paying attention, you might trip on something."

We just finished a mission and right now we're going back to headquarters.

When we get back, I went straight to my room and sit on my bed.

A few minutes later, Commander enter the room.

The door is not locked at that time.



"It seems like you got something in your mind."

"It's nothing."

I lay down and cover my face with my arm.

"You. You see Hiro in the middle of your mission right?"

"They tell you what happen?"


"I see..."

"What do you want to do now?", she asked.

"Can I lie to you?"

"Go ahead."

"I want to stay here until I calm down."

"Should I believe you?", she said.

She smiles after that.

"No need."


"I... also saw that woman."


"The one you call Red."

Her eyes widen when she hears that.

"I see..."

I don't know what Commander is thinking but from her looks, she's trying to calm down.

"What are you gonna do, Commander?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to chase after that girl?"

"You mean going to chase after Hiro and Red?"


"No, we can't."


"Vinna, we have a responsibility to do. People's lives sake here."


"I know what you feel. I wanted to find Red as soon as possible. But, I'm going to do that after everything is fine."

"I see... you're right."

"Yeah, it will be awkward if we meet in this kind of situation. That's why..."

She walks towards me and holds both of my shoulders.

"Stand up. Let's do our best for now."



We have been called to by Captain.

All of us gather around.

"We have another mission!", Captain shouted.

"So, where is it this time?", Crystal asked.

"Just a village near here."

"Aren't we exposing ourselves too much? Remember, A-1 already spotted us. They are also already aware that Hiro is with us. It will be big trouble if we become publicly known. They might find us and Miss Altina will be in big trouble because of that."

"I know, but it's Miss Altina's order. She might have some plan in mind just in case that happens."

"Wait, I can ask something."

"Go ahead."

"Does Miss Altina already know that Hiro is with us?"

"Of course. I don't want to keep a secret from her. She also said that she won't tell anything to A-1."

"I see... Well, let's go and finish that job quickly."

"That's what I like to you, so motivated."

"Shut up!"


We already arrived at the village that has been attacked by Outsiders.

"What now?", Winter asked.

"There are only weak Outsiders, we can take them on. We should hurry."

"You really motivated, Crystal.", Captain said.

"For the second time, shut up!"

"Okay! Let's rock!"

"Captain and I will go first. Eliminate the Outsiders in your sight."

We rush to the village.

Some Outsiders saw us.

Before they do anything, Captain flew towards them immediately.

I make the ground into ice and slide there towards the Outsiders.

I created an ice sword that I use to kill every Outsider I pass through.

"Let's finish this quickly."

"Why are you in a hurry?"

"We can't expose ourselves too much, Captain."

"I know, I know but rushing things won't do any good."

"Tsk! I know that!"

I change my ice sword into an ice ax and throw it towards the Outsiders.

It hits six Outsiders that lining up.

*I know this is an order from Miss Altina but still, it's so dangerous. I really have a bad feeling about this. It feels like we're digging our graves as we spend time here and exposing ourselves.*


"Hey.", Winter taps my shoulder.

"What is it?"

"Do you think Crystal is okay?"

I look at Crystal who's rampaging.

"Obviously not."

"Right? Just what's going on?"

"I have a hunch."

"What is it?"

"He doesn't like being exposed so much."

"Why so?"

"As he said earlier, it's dangerous if many people know about our existence."

"I see..."

Although we have to do this to save people but what if it will result in problems for us.

Should we risk our lives to save people?

But if we put ourselves in danger, we won't able to save people in the future.

What's more important?

*Save people now but risk ourselves or save ourselves to save people in the future? The present or the future?*

Thinking about the problem in the present and the future at the same time is such a pain.

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