

*Why? Why?!*

"Ernesta... we have to!"

"We can't, Vinna."


*Why? Why Hiro is here... and attacking Commander?*


"Let's drink!", Captain shouted.

All of us now are celebrating.

"What are we celebrating again?", Winter asked.

"No reason in particular. Captain just want to party.", Crystal said.


"That's Captain for you."

"Come on! Let's drink!"

"So loud...", Luan said.

"Too bad, you still young for this little Luan."

"I want to sleep..."

"Sorry, sorry!" she said while patting Luan's back.

"She's drunk already?"

"No, that's her normal self."

"She sure she's having fun huh."

"Want to drink?", Winter asked me.

"I don't drink alcohol.", I reply to her.

"I see, too bad. How about you Crystal?"

"Just a little, I don't want to get drunk."


Captain suddenly stops shouting and glances at the window.


"It looks like they already find us."


"Vinna!", Ernesta shouted.

She's running towards me.

"W-What is it?"


She shows me two pieces of paper.

"What is that?"

"A coupon from 'eat all you can restaurant'. It's going to expire the day after tomorrow."


"Let's go there tomorrow!"

"Why me? Why not invite Relaine?"

"She's mad at me."

"What did you do this time?"

I pass her all my work. Now she's having body pain. She's resting right now."

"Oh wow... I can't believe you and she is still friends."

"Hehe, she really loves me."

"Haaa... well if Relaine recovers tomorrow, you better invite her. I will go just in case."

"Thank you!"

She walks away after that.


I look at the sky before going inside the headquarters.

*Such good weather... but why do I feel so uncomfortable right now?*


"Oi... what the hell is this?"

We're on the top floor of the headquarters.

Our place has been surrounded by so many Outsiders.

"They really find us huh."

"What now?", I asked.

"Can we even defeat those Outsiders?"

"No, you can't, but I can.", Captain said.

"What are you talking about?", Crystal asked.

"You guys, get away from here."

"What about you?"

"I will stay here."

"What?! Do you think we will abandon you here?"

"You know, there's a part of me that wants to protect you guys and the other part of me wants to save this place. We stay here for so long, I want this place to stand forever."

"But still!"

"Crystal, we have already lived under the same roof for years, do you think I will not able to survive this Outsiders outsider?"

"No... you will definitely survive."

"Right? That's why you don't have to worry about me. Got it?"

"Tsk! If you don't survive. Expect me to steal your position."

"Heh! You can't, I won't die here."

Crystal turns around and walks away.

"Hiro, just in case you meet her, tell her this..."

After saying those words, I already know what to do.

"Let's go."

"Wait, are you sure about this?", I said to him.

"Don't worry, Captain can survive."


"She might have a plan...she needs one to survive."

Even with his words, I can see the darkness in his eyes. He wants to join Captain. That was his eyes telling him.

"Where are we even going anyway?", Winter asked.

"There's only one place to go."

Crystal looked at me after he said that.

"I see... good timing, I have some business there."


All of them left now.

"Now then!"

The Outsiders around me started to walk slowly towards me.

There are so many of them.

Hundreds? Thousand? I don't care about that. My team is already safe, now all I have to do is to protect this place.

"Come at me!"

I jump to the window and run away from the headquarters.

All the Outsiders follow me.

There are so many of them that I feel the ground is shaking so much like there's an earthquake.

When I get away from the headquarters, I suddenly stop and throw a fireball towards the Outsiders.

The Outsiders in the front get burned and die after that.

"Let's rock!", I said while I punched my palm.


"Commander, here are the files you asked."

"Thank you."

Commander is sitting while writing something.

Before I bring the files to her table, she stop writing then glance at the window.


She stands up and walks towards the door.


I follow her.

She walks from her office to the outside.

I can't see any emotion on her face.

I couldn't read what was in her mind.

"Welcome back."

When she said that, four people appear at the gate.

It's the people we saw back there.



I was outside running towards the origin of the large smoke I can see in the sky.

"What the hell is going on right now?"

All of the Outsiders outside disappear.

"Tsk! What are you planning to do Cerex!"

I was at the top of the mountain.

I can see where the smoke coming from.

From here, I can spot the burning trees, the ground that looks like lava now, and the burned corpse of hundreds of Outsiders.

"What the..."

In the middle of chaos, there's a woman.

I can't see her clearly except for her hair red and wings made of fire.

"Who's this woman?"

This is the first time I saw that kind of amulet power.

"Come on! Come at me. Let me show you where bad people went after death!"

She looks like that creature from the book I read before.

The creature that lives in hell. Punish sinful people.

"The devil."


"Follow me."

Commander turns around and walks towards an open space place at the back of the headquarters.

*What's going on.*

The others follow them including me.

"Commander.", Hiro said.

Commander didn't say anything and just continue walking.

Hiro grabs the scythe on his back.

*That's not his...!*

He suddenly dashes towards Commander and swings the scythe towards her neck.

Commander manages to block it using her arms that cover with rocks.


Commander turns around and punches the ground.

The ground cracks and shart rock appear that runs towards Hiro.

Hiro jumps away and slashes the rocks that coming towards him.

"What's happening?"

Commander raises her arms and pointed rocks appear on the ground.

She shifts her arms towards Hiro and the rocks fly towards him.

Hiro runs towards her while spinning the scythe his holding to block the rocks.

After blocking them, he swings the scythe horizontally towards Commander.

Commander leans back to dodge it and then slightly raises her two fingers.

A sharp rock appears in front of Hiro but he manages to block it using the scythe he's holding.

The rock slightly pushes him away from Commander.

"Oh my, what a great time to be here.", Ernesta said

*Why? Why?!*

"Ernesta... we have to!"

"We can't, Vinna."


*Why? Why Hiro is here... and attacking Commander?*

"Let them talk."

"How can you call this talk?"

"Let them talk through their action."

"Just what the hell is going on."

"Hiro, tell me, where's your leader. Where is she?", Commander asked.

"She's in danger right now."

Commander's eyes open wide after hearing that.

"I see..."

She snaps her finger.

Many more rocks appear on the ground.

Hiro jumps away but it keeps chasing him.

He uses the scythe and swings it to the rocks.

Commander keeps using her amulet and attacking Hiro without moving in her position.

She pointed her two fingers towards Hiro.

While Hiro is busy avoiding the rocks. A huge one appears behind him.

It stops him from getting away.

Commander closes her two fingers.

Hiro has been surrounded by rocks after that.

It's so fast that he didn't able to react to that.

Commander walk towards Hiro.

"You been away from us for a long time, but you manage to find new friends. I know you are mad at me, but it's okay. You sacrifice everything for this. All I can say to you is..."




"I will leave this place."

"...What are you talking about."

"I saw her."


"That woman in that picture."

He pointed the picture on my desk.

"Hiro, I think you're mistaken. Red is already dead for a long time."

"I see... that's her name. But I'm not mistaken. I saw her, using a fire amulet."


*No way, right?*

"That's why let me do this."

"Hiro... are you perhaps trying to draw away the issue right now by doing this?"

"That's one of my reason. That's why let me do this."

"You know you have to sacrifice everything you have right now. But it's okay, if things happen, you can be mad at me. You can take revenge if you wanted. I don't care about that."

"Then... let me... find her."


"mission accomplish... Hiro"


"To think you will able to kill thousand of Outsider for a short time. But I guess this is your limit."

The woman is laying on the ground unconscious after killing thousand of Outsiders.

"What are you trying to do to her?"

"Trying to use her to get more fish."

*He's going to use her as a bait huh.*

"Humans are really interesting."

Next chapter