
Is he actually a daughtercon?

After Ashur teleported out of there, he noticed he was now at the spot where he left Hephaestus after he caught the flyer.

Looking around, he spotted the restaurant he told Hephaestus to wait at, she has been probably waiting for over half an hour and would be probably hungry waiting.

Ashur approached the restaurant and went inside, as Ashur came inside the restaurant, he noticed that it was very fancy on the inside.

The color scheme was white and gold and it gave the atmosphere a 'Noble' and 'High class' feel, there were pristine white round tables scattered around and some had two chairs while others had four.

The chairs were white and had gold as the frame, with gold trim on the white leather cushions.

It gave a surprisingly modern feel as Ashur would not expect this kind of thing in a fantasy world.

As Ashur looked around, he was approached by a waiter.

"Sir, would you like a seat?"

"Ah, sorry, I have someone waiting for me, she should have red hair and an eyepatch," said Ashur

"Ah, her? Right this way sir"

The waiter then brought Ashur to a two-seated table in a deserted corner of the restaurant.

As they arrived at the table, Ashur could see Hephaestus waiting in boredom on her face as she held up her chin with her arm that was on the table.

Hephaestus soon noticed the new arrivals and when she turned to them, could not help but let out a smile as she saw Ashur.

She then suddenly got up and shouted 'Dad!" as she ran into his arms.

'Dad?' the waiter was confused before suddenly thought, 'Is he the one in the rumors that are going around?'

Seeing them hugging, the waiter walked away as he thought he should get back to work.

As Ashur and Hephaestus were hugging, Hephaestus started to take a few sniffs at him and frowned and she could not help but say "Dad, why do you smell like you have been drinking and why is a woman's perfume all over you?"

Ashur could not help but have cold sweat break and thought 'What is she? a dog?' before he tried to think of an excuse.

"I, uhh, had to meet someone but I had to wait for them and I got offered a glass of wine, so I drank a bit while waiting and I accidentally bumped into a woman as I was walking around while waiting," said Ashur as he hoped that she would buy it.

Hephaestus looked at him suspiciously then asked "By any chance the person that you were going to meet a woman?"

"No, it was a man."

Hephaestus gazed at Ashur intensely before deciding to drop the matter.

"Anyways, let's eat! I'm starving!" said Hephaestus as she rubbed her stomach

Ashur and Hephaestus then sat down at the 2 seat table that Hephaestus was previously sitting at.

After they sat down, Ashur noticed a button that was on the side of the table that had a fairly obvious placement, he knew what this was for because he had been to restaurant's like these before, the button was to alert the waiter that they were ready to order or to call him over.

After a quick second, Ashur decided to call him after they had made up their minds.

"What do you want Hephaestus? I'll be having a steak and a salad."

Hephaestus looked at the menu for a bit before deciding to also order a steak but with roasted potatoes.

After they decided their order, Ashur let Hephaestus press the button at the side of the table, soon after, the waiter that brought Ashur here appeared.

"Guests, are you ready to order?" said the waiter as he looked at Ashur for confirmation.

"Yeah, we are ready to order, I will be having a steak with salad and she a steak with roasted potatoes"

said Ashur as he looked at the waiter writing down their order.

"Alright, it will be done in a bit," said the waiter as he then walked off.

After the waiter left Hephaestus and Ashur discussed various things and Ashur could not help but think of something he saw while browsing the internet in his previous life, 'If your waiting for the waiter, doesn't that make you the waiter?'

After a few more minutes, the waiter finally returned with their food and put their food on the table before leaving shortly after.

They then started to eat their food with enjoyment.

"Wow, it's really good!" said Ashur as he cut off a piece of his steak and ate it.

"Really?" asked Hephaestus.

"Yeah, it's really good, here try some," said Ashur as he then began to cut off a piece of his steak and then brought it to Hephaestus's mouth.

"Wow! It really is good! Here, try some of my roasted potatoes" said Hephaestus as she then used her fork to pick up one of her potatoes and bring it to Ashur's mouth.

"It's amazing! Here have some of my salad" said Ashur with a smile.

As the other customers noticed what they were doing, they could not help but think 'Is Ashur actually a daughtercon?'

After Ashur and Hephaestus finally finished their food, they called the waiter to pay the bill.

After arriving, the waiter then handed Ashur a bill of 5 divine coins witch Ashur could only think 'Expensive' for a meal.

Divine coins were not actually coins but rather crystallized divine power in the shape of small stones.

Every god could make one but it takes many years to create and grow bigger, gods usually stopped at the point of regular divine coins but some grow them further as there are other uses, such as they can also be used as ingredients such as for crafting.

Ashur did not have many divine stones as he really owed a lot because of his bed, but he still had enough to pay for the meal.

After paying, Ashur and Hephaestus decided to go home as the sun has started to set, but not without Ashur hoisting Hephaestus up and placing her upon his shoulders with Hephaestus giggling to herself as she looked around from on top of his shoulders as he walked home.

As they arrived home, Ashur, to Hephaestus's disappointment, had to put her down as they walked into the house.

After entering the house, they both decided to go go to bed as they were both tired now.

Hephaestus went to her newly built room next to her workshop and Ashur went to his own room and laid on his bed.

After 15 minutes of Ashur laying down with his eyes closed, trying to fall asleep, he noticed his door suddenly creek open and then closed.

Before he could get up and check, Ashur felt a small figure rush under the covers and cling to him and he knew it was Hephaestus.

'Good grief' thought Ashur before snuggling into Hephaestus.


A/N I made a discord: https://discord.gg/SfEKRgWuaY its also in the synopsis too

I am almost done with my goal of being 20 chapters ahead and after I am exactly 20 chapters ahead, I'll start to release faster. I'm currently 13 chapters ahead

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