
Two months later

It's already been Two months since Ashur adopted Hephaestus and he has been spending most of his time leisurely with her.

He was mostly spending time with Hephaestus and she even taught him some basics in craftsmanship and a bit of blacksmithing.

He also knows that she secretly loves teaching him things and working together with him, and Ashur does not really mind this, as he gets to spend time with her and to see her happy.

After the first time that Hephaestus had snuck into Ashur's bed, Hephaestus kept repeatedly sneaking into his bed every night after that night.

Ashur did not really mind it much and just a few days ago, Hephaestus started openly going to sleep with him.

Ashur has also started up a hobby recently, he started carving some wooden figurines of characters of various anime's in his past life and painting them.

He already made some characters in various poses such as 'The Dio walk' with Dio and he also made a Jotaro counterpart. He also made a 'Star Platinum' and 'The World' figures to go with the Dio and Jotaro figures.

The most recent figure Ashur created was one of Saber with Excalibur as she did her noble phantasm.

Hephaestus also saw the figures and thought that they were very cool and said that he was very good at making them.

She especially liked his new Saber figurine.

As Ashur looked at the block of wood in front of him, he could not help but think about Loki and what has happened between them recently as he started carving.

Recently, Ashur had a few of Loki's 'Lessons' and their relationship had developed much more than before.

Loki had recently escalated their 'Lessons' and it has evolved into them making out for a long period of time and groping each other to Loki having Ashur even suck on her bare breasts.

It's not just sexual lessons that Loki has been teaching Ashur, she has been actually trying to help Ashur with his problem with actual lessons and his condition has actually been improving, although the actual lessons are still a bit perverted.

Such as when she got a few of her goddess friends together and surprised Ashur, and he did not know that she had planned to surprise him so it was totally unexpected.

Loki had Ashur wait in a room at her house while she secretly brought three of her goddess friends and they all burst into the room before they suddenly started clinging to Ashur.

As they started clinging to him, two of them rubbed their breasts on both of his arms as they clung to them with their breasts enveloping each of his arms, one clinging to his back with her large breasts pressed against his back and Loki sat on his lap.

At the time, Ashur did not really know what to do as they started clinging to his body, he was frozen like a statue as he did not expect Loki to suddenly do this.

Ashur was used to Loki's antics after a few of their 'Lessons' but he truly did not expect such a surprise.

It's not that Ashur is afraid of women, he actually likes them a lot, but he has this instinctive reaction to freeze when they flirt with him, but to save his face and for people not to find out, he sometimes runs away.

Although he did freeze when they started clinging to him, he did not hate it and actually somewhat enjoyed it.


Ashur was now looking at his finished carving, It was a carving of Loki but with a bit of a twist, she was half naked and was just only in her panties while she was doing an erotic pose.

As Ashur was just doing the finishing touches on painting it, he heard a knock on his front door.

Ashur quickly hid the new figure that he had just created in his storage space inside his body before he got up and started walking to the front door to answer it.

When Ashur Answered the door, he was faced with a goddess with short white hair wearing a metal breastplate with a black leather skirt and thigh length form fitting leather boots that look more towards fighting than fashion.

She also wore a violet scarf like cape that is seemingly is a cape but wraps around her neck like a scarf.

She was actually quite muscular for a woman and she had a beautiful face, but what drew most of Ashur's attention was her brilliant silver eyes.

Ashur believes that if she decided to cross-dress, she could win any contest as she was a huge tomboy. She was even more tomboyish than Loki and they would think he was just a 'Pretty boy' if she really tried and Ashur questioned her gender several times but was assured by other gods that she is in fact, a she.

"Oh, hello there Athena," said Ashur as he looked at the goddess at the door.

"Hey Ashur!" said Athena as she looked at him with a smile

"Come in and take a seat," said Ashur as he gestured inside and Athena then walked inside and took a seat on the sofa.

"I've come here to talk about the favors you owe me," she said as she looked at him.

Ashur owes Athena a few favors as she was the one who helped him out most with the construction of his bed, by her pulling a few strings and she had to owe a few favors herself, so Ashur treated her very nicely.

She was also one of the very few females that the old Ashur called a friend.

"Recently, I've been in the need of a sparring partner and I remembered you owe me a few favors," said Athena as she looked at him with intrigue.

"Wow, I guess it really is true that you've changed!" Athena said, a bit surprised but she continued on.

"When I last saw you, at the mention of someone cashing in those favors that you owe, you would sigh every time!" said Athena as she looked at Ashur with a bit of surprise.

"Yeah, I've been hearing that I've changed a lot lately," said Ashur.

"I will call you over every week or two and we shall spar for a few hours," said Athena as she got up to leave but suddenly thought of something.

"Hey, why don't we have our first sparring session now?" suddenly said Athena as she looked at Ashur with expectant eyes.

"Sure," said Ashur as he did not have anything planned today.

"Great! Let's head to my courtyard to do it!"

"I'll take us there then," said Ashur before he then teleported both of them.


A/N: Athena's character is based off of Athena from the webtoon Athena Complex

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