
Comments of chapter undefined of Genius Mage in a Cultivation World


This story’s writing is so obtuse and weird. It doesnt come across natural at all. It feels like someone is just writing using a thesaurus or dictionary and replacing regular words and sentences with these weird unnatural sounding things that go on and on. I mean how many times did the author rexplain that he went 20 years back in time or should have at least. It was so long winded. I cant take any more of this. It’s just so strange and some of the sentences barely make sense. Like, yes those words go together but it just sounds weird and hardly makes sense. i’M a native English speaker from the USA and even this is just so bizarre at times. It also feels really filler-y. I cant even imagine what it’ll be like when there’s actually action or fights taking place.


I honestly felt the same way when reading the first and second chapters, incredibly and unnecessarily long winded. The sentences do make sense if you forgo some errors that are prevalent but the problem is they don’t flow well, I really liked the concept and wanted to give this novel a chance but I cannot bare to sit through more of these if every chapter is built on 1 sentence being reworded 10 times. Might have to revisit at a later date and see if the author decided to clean up the early chapters.


good start , Thank you for your work .


Great Chap! Also author, I just wanna know if you're going to give specific names to all spells or leave them ambiguous...


so it's this another weak mc?, looking bad already with this chapter, the author is inventing problems into existence.


What the Frick is happening , I don't know ! The author just made this hard to even understand ! Like what happened to his wife ?




The time is absolute. Look on it as a videoplayer . When you pause the player the video stops. So is the time. When you pause the time everything sops. When you revert it everything comes to the beginning. You can see it but you can not intervene in to it. Why? simple. Because energy is constant. By putting in foreign energy (your body) in to the world in specific amount of time you are increasing the energy amount of the world itself broking the balance. Remember nothing comes from nothing and not goes in to nowhere. Also even if yuo put something in video frame it will not present in the next frame. So you have to put your new body in every frame of time until your death if you want to now simply dissappear then next monet after your move back in time. Or you have to create a parralel world with you body together to keep the balance. Do you know what it takes to create a world? He he, only God can do it. So coming back in time is impossible for above reasons until you are the God. And even for God it will takes dropping the current world and creating the new one.


To slow down your fall you need to spread out the parachute. 3x3m will be enough to not break your legs. I think it is not something hard to do with magic.


Had some difficulties understanding some stuff. Like when did he see people? An oasis is a water pond in the desert, does not include people by default




not bad but author repeated information to munch


Really dude? Good start but the chapter only talked about 1 thing repeated 1000x, clean up the chapters