
Leaving for Tatooine

~~~(POV: Grandmaster Satele Shan)~~~

~~~(Location: Republic Fleet)~~~

General Garza stares at me, having a hard time finding her words. I can feel her anxiety about this mission and her fears about Nathan. "Master Satele... The force is an enigma to me... Something that I know I'll never fully understand... I was hoping you could explain in terms I'd understand of what we're dealing with..." I'll give her credit. She's trying her best to fulfill her duties.

To explain Nathan and his gifts in military or plain terms is hard, but I'll see that she understands. "Nathan is incredibly powerful. His connection to the force is something that's never been seen before. The best way to describe him to you is someone with the power to do anything he wants. No one can stop him. He's one of a kind..." A feeling of pain and sadness swells in me.

I can't help blaming myself for the way Nate turned out, keeping the truth from him. "Does he have any actual weaknesses... While the presence of his aunt might help these talks with him, I don't want to send senators and troops on a suicide mission..." Like a true military leader, looking for anything to exploit in an enemy.

She'd never understand our ways. She could never understand Nathan... "The only real weakness he has is youth and inexperience. All the power at his fingertips, and he tosses it around without thinking the damage it could do... The only way to beat him is to make him beat himself..." That's the best way I can describe it. Nathan is only 20, and that can be used against him.

She looks at the hologram of Nathan and sighs. "I want to thank you for being here and helping this mission. I think with you on the diplomatic ships. He won't tear them to pieces with... The force..." She has a hint of disdain towards the force. It's common. People who can't feel it or use it think it's just a trick. Not an actual power that is in everyone.

The fact that the force shows favor in some individuals doesn't help the public's opinion and people like General Garza as well. "Nathan has changed a lot since he was my padawan... It'd be wise not to give him a reason to retaliate. The force will warn him of any danger." Garza frowns at the warning I give her. She leaves the room without saying anything else.

I look at the hologram of Nathan, and it gives me the echoes of pain I had when I gave up Theron... Nathan was the closest thing I had to a son, and I lost him too. I turn away and leave the room, too, heading to the hanger bay to join the people heading on this mission. I look at the single ship that'll be taking 12 of us.

All are Jedi's and diplomats, and there will be a small force of special operations troops tagging along. Upon the approach of the craft. I see Nathan's Aunt, Marisa Opal, head of house Opal, on Alderaan. The house has become one of the strongest, rivaling Thul and Organa. It could be from Nathan's reputation, but that's speculation.

She sees me and meets me near the ship's loading ramp as the rest of the diplomats load in. "Greetings, Master Satele. It's been a long time since the last we spoke." She's being polite, but I can feel her contempt for me. Cursing the Jedi for taking Nathan away from Jorand and Lillis. "The Jedi and Troops are the last to arrive." I turn around and see familiar faces.

Masters Noman Karr and Padawan Jaesa Willisaam, along with Master Gnost-Dural and his apprentice Lekira. A girl that Nathan knew during their time as younglings. Marisa loads in before I can say anything, and the troopers load in themselves. Leaving only the other Jedi and me. "I want to warn all of you Nathan is dangerous and powerful, so be careful when we arrive." My warning is enough.

We all find our own seats around a big conference table on the ship, and the pilots are taking care of flying. As we exit the station and enter hyperspace, it's time for direct talks with these Senators. "Once we arrive at Tatooine, please let me do the talking. Once we get planetside, I'll let the Senators take over negotiations." Everyone nods their heads in agreement. I look over at Noman Karr's apprentice, and I can feel her fear, but she's doing good controlling it.

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