
My Home...

~~~(POV: Nathan Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Childhood home on Tatooine)~~~

My entire childhood is recorded in these walls... I think about them every day... My mother and father were killed by the actions taken by the Sith Emperor. Tatooine is my real home, and this little farm is my home. "Boss? You alright?" A voice that I rarely enjoy breaks me out of my memories. I look over to Xossiks. A Trandoshan, he's the house sitter while I'm away.

His reptilian voice and Trandoshan accent are easy on the ears. "Remembering some parts of the past... How have things been around the farm? Any trespassers?" He lets out a small his and takes a breath. Explaining to me that everyone knows this is my place, and coming here is a death wish. Only the truly insane or desperate would come here on purpose.

His attitude towards this is something I've gotten used to. He isn't disrespectful. Sometimes a little more vulgar than I prefer to hear. "Leave, Xossiks. I'm going to be staying here for a few weeks, so I don't need you here." I've never seen a Trandoshan move so fast in my life. He uses the time he's not sitting for the house exploring worlds and doing something for The Scorekeeper.

It's an honored tradition in his species, and the only reason he does this for me is that he intends to battle me one day. Earning a great score. He assumes that being near me, he can find a weakness. I appreciate how forward he was with it. Despite that, I could see into his mind, didn't even have to ask him. He just told me when we met.

The bed isn't nearly big enough for me anymore, and I can't bring myself to sleep in my parent's bed. My sleep is something that many would call Jedi or Sith rancor shit. The force shows me so many things when I sleep, and the most often as of late is a white-haired woman on a distant planet and another dark-haired woman in a hospital bed.

They are familiar to me, yet I can't place them. It makes me wonder who they are cause Lillis and Jorand are my parents... Who could these people be? My connection to the force is stronger the more I grow in my abilities along with my lightsaber. Out of nowhere, I get a flash from the force. A message. I feel someone enter the system, more than one.

One is incredibly familiar. I know who it is. "Satele..." I stand up from where I'm sitting, and I use the force to feel out the other signatures. Another person I know, Marisa Opal. The older sister to my father. Once outside, I look up into the sky and see a single small ship descending towards me. There are Jedi, Troopers, and Senators on the ship.

Normally, I'd destroy anything coming close to Tatooine that isn't authorized by the Hutt Cartel or me. My feelings for Satele and Marisa keep me from doing so. They're not my enemies. I can sense that many on the ship are here for talks. I stay where I stand as the ship lands in the distance. Blowing sand in all directions. Eventually, powering down, and the ramp lowers.

The first ones out are the troopers, followed by Jedi and Senators in the back. My eyes meet Sateles, and an influx of pain and regret comes from her. While I haven't forgiven her, she's still important to me. They slowly make their approach. Troopers don't have their weapons drawn. At least they're respectful.

The group stands 15 feet away from me, and the hood over my head flutters off and reveals my face. Another spike of pain comes from Satele. Marisa walks out of the group and starts moving towards me, stopping a few feet away. "You've grown... You look so much different than either Lillis or Jorand now..." She smiles, and I feel that she also has great regret.

My eyes run over all of them, and some of them feel fear as I do. Especially the girl... Jaesa Willsaam... She's strong in the force, has the same connection as... Noman Karr... Quite famous. They both flinch as they realize I'm in their minds. I stop my invasion and turn my attention back to Marisa. "What are you doing here... This isn't the place for an Alderaanian noble." Her feelings boil in anger and frustration.

She folds her arms and closes her eyes. "You're also an Opal... Meaning you're Alderaanian nobility too." Talk about being petty. Was she always like this? "We want to talk with you, Nate... The Republic wants to talk to you..." I could look in their minds and find out what they want, but talking to them is more... Civil than carving my way through their minds.

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