
Assaulting a Republic Military Base I

I keep leaping from building to building, getting as far as I can from the site of my force explosion. That Jedi Knight said the base I'd need would be in sector L of the Military District. I look and see the bottomless pit that leads into the depth of Coruscant. I look up and see the skyscrapers reaching into the sky. I jump through a bunch of traffic, and some people honk at the interruption. I keep going, ignoring the angry drivers.

The images the force gave me, the visions. Seeing them being tortured like that makes my insides boil. I land on a metal pathway that leads into the L sector. I start to walk now that I'm in a place of importance to the republic. Someone leaping from building to building is going to draw too much attention here.

I watch multiple ships overhead shoot towards the area I came from. The place I devastated. I probably killed a lot of people in my rage, but they aren't my concern. Finding my parents and their captors is. Many would condemn my actions so far on this journey. The ones that do wouldn't do anything for their parents. It's not the best way to handle things or the most logical. My parent's lives are on the line.

I'm going to do what I need to find them as fast as possible. If that means people standing in my way have to die, then so be it. If innocents get killed by the outrage I'm in, then so be it. I walk silently with my face hidden and suppressing my force signature the best I can. It's doing good. For now, there aren't bounty hunters and snitches walking around up here.

I look ahead and see a republic checkpoint that leads deeper into the sector. I look past the checkpoint and see it's all military personnel. The base I need to get to is that way. I'm not getting past that checkpoint without getting discovered. I look for alternate paths, and I see that troopers are also patrolling them. I stand in the middle of the moving foot traffic and a good distance away from the checkpoint.

I don't have time to waste planning a stealth way in. I hold out my right hand and force pull my lightsaber hilt into it. I ignite it, and the people around me see this. Many begin to move aside, clearing a path. The troopers see what's causing the disturbance. They see me standing in a parting crowd of people. An activated lightsaber at my side and hood on.

They get stiff and point their blasters at me. I throw my left hand forward and grip them all. I throw my hand to the left, and they all go flying off the pathway and into the depths of Coruscant. I leap onto the other side of the checkpoint as the people on the bridge run away screaming. I send blaster bolts the way they came with Shien.

I land in a group of droids and troopers, and I channel the force around me and unleash a force wave. The force explodes from my center of being and bends the metal pathway I landed on. All the droids and troopers go flying and crashing. The ones that stood close to me were disintegrated. "Focus all fire on the Sith!!" They actually think I'm a sith with a yellow blade. Fine, think that about me. I charge the incoming group in front of me.

I deflect their blaster's shots back at them with Shien. As I reach the front of the group, I start using my new skills and moves in my chosen forms. I quickly annihilate them beyond the perceivable speed for a non-force-sensitive. The troopers that have the high group continue to try to hit me with shots. I throw out my hands on either side of me and grip the two buildings they are perched on.

I rip the buildings out of their places and use them to crush the next incoming wave of troopers. The shots stop, and everything is silent. I didn't break a single sweat. There are no more enemies immediately noticeable. I make my way down the ruined path until I make it to the break in the metal path caused by the thrown buildings.

I jump over it and continue down the path. After about 15 seconds of walking, a bunch of troopers fall from the area above with grapples. They are on their way down, but they are taking too long. I grip them all with the force with one hand, and their whole bodies lock up in their positions. I squeeze my hand, and they all crush in a sickening shower of blood. I let go, and the mangled bodies of the troopers hit the metal path.

Some miss and continue to fall into the depth of Coruscant. Someone down there is going to be very surprised. I start using force run and make it to the big section with republic drop ships. They are parked and not moving. I look towards the commands center, and I see many troopers behind barricades at the door.

A Jedi is standing guard in front of them, waiting for me. She is older looking, has some wrinkles. I leap from where I am, and I land several feet away from her. I can see that intimidated the troopers behind her. I leaped a good 350 feet in a single go. She points the tip of her lightsaber at me. "I'm grateful you let my old padawan live, but that doesn't excuse the crimes you have committed. Prepare to face justice. I don't care how powerful you are. The force will guide me to victory." She gets in a Makashi stance, and I force pull my lightsaber hilt into my hand from my belt.

I ignite it and get into my custom stance. I can tell she is nervous since she doesn't recognize it. I'm wary of this one. As a Makashi practitioner, she has the discipline and looks like she has been studying it a long time.

I launch forward and begin my assault. She is using the parrying and redirection of Makashi well, but she is too old. She is having too hard a time keeping up. I'm using precognition, and I sense a danger behind me. I leap up and backflip away. I look, and it's the same male Jedi Knight from earlier. His hand is now replaced with a prosthetic one. An old Master fighting with her apprentice against me. This is going to be interesting.

I'm going to stop holding back with my lightsaber skills now. I get into my custom stance and launch at them. I alternate between attacking and defending as they sync up their attacks. I kick the male Jedi Knight away and buy some one on one with his old master. I unleash a fury of attacks with Ataru and force integrated Niman. I make her lose her footing and fall. I force push her away as I feel her apprentice returning.

I dodge his attack, and parry is average skills with Shii-Cho. He knows his Soresu, but other than that. I believe all he can use is Shii-Cho. He is only 20, though. I parry a strike of his upward, and it leaves his entire midsection open. "NOOOOOO!!!! WILLIAM!!" I cut him in half with my lightsaber, and force push is now separated body away. His old Master screams as I do this. I watch his top half and lower half fly in two different directions.

I turn my attention back to the old master, and I see the anger in her eyes. I point the tip of my yellow blade in her direction and wait for her to get up. She force pulls the Knights, Williams, lightsaber from my side on the ground and catches it in her hand, and she ignites the blue blade. She is dual-wielding. "Shoot him, you fools!!" The troops obey, and I'm now getting shot at.

I use Shien to send the shots back, and I leap behind some crates. I charge the force in my hands and use force blast to send the crates right at the barricade and troopers. I hear their bones crunch at the heavy and fast impact. I walk out from my spot and stand across from the old master. "What a waste... You could be the greatest Jedi to have ever lived, but instead, you have chosen the Darkside." I scoff and lift my hood. She sees my eyes, and they are a calm blue.

I have been using the Darkside's abilities. I'm not getting corrupted though, never have been. I don't know why. She get's into a new stance fit for Jar'Kai combat. I get into my custom stance and prepare for this fight.

[A/N: The reason he doesn't get corrupted by the Darkside of the force is because he's basically the force incarnate. Being the son of the powerful Lightside and Darkside entity Abeloth, he doesn't suffer the effect of using the Darkside, despite looking human. He is far from it. He doesn't know because no one told him Lillis and Jorand Opal adopted him. He thinks he's a regular human, not the force incarnate.]

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