
Assaulting a Republic Military Base II

The old master looks more heartbroken every passing second. I did just kill her old apprentice. I don't know her name, but I know the Knight's name. William, she screamed it right before I cut him in half. "Out of respect for you fallen comrades, I'll give you a chance to walk away. The difference in our power is too great. If you were to continue fighting, you would die. I'll admit you are an incredible student of Makashi. It's outdated, and you can't transfer skill in Makashi into two blades. Jar'Kai isn't suited for Makashi." My words do not affect her. If anything, I made her determination to beat me even higher. It's just us now, no apprentice, no troopers—just us. I shift slightly in my stance and make a slow approach to her.

I'm going to be smart about this. Who knows if Makashi is all she knows. She could be an expert in Jar'Kai combat for all I know. She raises one blade above her head and holds the other one horizontally in front of her. I can tell by her stance she knows what she is doing. I lunge forward, but not at full speed. I skillfully probe her defense and notice she is using Soresu. Now I see where William learned it.

I let her start attacking, keeping her active. She isn't fast or strong enough to get past my Shien. I gently force push her away in the middle of her attack, and I jump back to create space. She knows Soresu as well. She is holding back, though. Trying to pace herself. "What is your name, old Master?" I ask as I want to know who I'm fighting.

She stays in her stance and guard. "Jedi Master Lera." I don't know much about this Master, only that the current battlemaster of the Order trained her. So she is hiding a lot more skill than she is showing. "You haven't fallen to the dark side... Why are you attacking this republic base? The republic wants you. This doesn't make sense." She asks me a question this time.

This means my reasons for coming to Coruscant are not know by even Jedi Masters. Satele must have pulled some strings, or the Senate did something. Satele will surely come after me. However, I have a couple of days ahead of her. Telling Lera won't change the fact she thinks she needs to stop me, and I need to get into that base. She is in the way of that.

I take a breath and clear my mind. I focus entirely on the battle, and I channel force into every part of my being. I launch at her, unleashing attack after attack. My Ataru and Niman are overwhelming her fast, but she is hanging on. I up the pace, and I trip her with my leg and tear her lightsabers out of her hands with the force. I throw them away to the side. I point the tip of my yellow blade at her nose as she lays on the ground covered in sweat.

I don't take pleasure in defeating an aging woman. "I'm going to let you live, Lera. Satele will be hot on my trail, and when you talk to her, I want you to tell her something." Lera doesn't respond. I take her silence as an indication to continue. "She would do the same for Theron. I wouldn't stand in her way." I stop pointing my lightsaber at her and deactivate it.

I clip it to my belt and place my hand on her forehead. I make her go to sleep. Now only another Jedi can wake her up. She lays on the ground unconscious. I turn my attention to the massive heavy doors that lead into the base. I walk in front of them a good distance away and stare at them. I lift my right hand, and I squeeze the massive doors with the force.

They instantly crumble, and I tear them off their hinges. I throw them out of the way, and they hit a dropship that is parked, and the impact destroys the dropship. I walk up the little staircase and look inside. There are a bunch of civilians looking at me in fear. Some start shouting and panicking in fear. They depended on the Jedi outside to save and protect them.

Lucky for them, I'm only interested in information regarding the imperials that captured my parents. Who I assume is the leader walks from the crowd. She approaches and has a stoic look on her face. "What are your terms, Sith? We'll make sure the republic answers them for our safe return." I look her dead in the eyes and see she is completely serious. She is wearing a lab coat and is an officer about the medical staff here.

I raise my hand and grip the computers, and support concrete around the room. I tear them from their places and barricade the entrance behind me. This intimidated her slightly. She backs up with a look of caution. "What do you want... These people are innocent..." She sounds a little desperate now. I'm not going to kill these people if I don't have to.

I lift my left hand lazily, and she lifts into the air. Many men and women around the room gasp in fear and look away. She is totally locked in the force and can't move. "I want information on Imperial spies that have come through in the last 6 months. Any of them that left with captured people." She looks at me with confusion.

She thinks I'm with the Sith. I'm by myself. "I'm not with the Empire or the Sith. I'm just someone looking for people he cares about, and people are getting in the way." Many people look at each other and whisper amongst themselves. The lady I have midair and locked in the force tries to speak, but I don't let her. She would cover it up since she is an officer. I'm going to use her life as a bargaining chip. She loves someone in this room. I can feel it.

I lightly close my fingers, and she groans and moans in pain. "Anyone that knows what I'm looking for better come forward with the information. You have 30 seconds, and if you don't. She dies." Many back away as I finish my threat. I continue to squeeze her more and more as the time passes gradually and her groans get louder.

Soon her bones begin to crack, and you can hear her screams in her throat. "PLEASE STOP!!! I HAVE WHAT YOU NEED!!!" The lover reveals himself. He runs out of the crowd with a datapad in his hand. I let the woman go, and I force pull the datapad from his hand. He heads straight for this lover. I start scrolling through the names and use the force to feel out which one is the one I'm looking for.

All of them are alter egos, to be sure, but I find the one I'm looking for. I click on the name, and a picture pops up. You can change your name, but not your face. He is a young imperial with three moles on his face. He is a lieutenant and commands his own squad of spies. The name he was using while on Coruscant is Jacob Plour.

This is the man that took my mother and father. I can feel it. "You're a cold-hearted monster!" The man yells at me as he holds his dead lover. I walk up to them, but he doesn't care. He just holds her and cries. I pull them apart with the force, and he slides across the ground into the crowd. I lift his lover and hold her midair. I place my hand in the center of her abdomen, and I heal her wounds with the force. I place my index finger on her temple and bring her mind back to life.

She takes a deep breath and coughs multiple times. I set her down gently as she is still unconscious. The man rushes to her and holds her trying to wake her up. Her eyes flutter open, and they stare into each other's eyes. I turn away towards the entrance, and I lift all the debris with the force and throw it to an empty area in the compound. "Thank you for saving her..." I hear him say as they hug. I don't turn around, and I walk outside the base. I can sense tons of soldiers and Jedi waiting for me. As I stand at the top of the little staircase, there are tons of troopers pointing their rifles at me. They have artillery pointed at me too. There are several Jedi's with their blades ignited.

I can see a group of three trying to free Jera's mind, but they need a powerful Master with help to do that. A male in heavy armor and robes stand in front of the forces. "Padawan Opal! The Galactic Republic wants you for high treason and multiple counts of Murder! Surrender peacefully, so you don't have to die today!" I look at the man, and I force jump in front of him.

I stand about 15 feet from him. He points the tip of his green blade at me. I force pull my blade from my belt into my right hand, and I ignite it. I get into my custom stance and let the force flow through me. He takes a couple of steps back feels my huge increase in power. No one here can compete with my connection to the force. I'm going to use that to my advantage.

[A/N: No one can compete with your connection, you dense boy!! These guys are going to get slaughtered... Well, sometimes you got to learn the hard way.]

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