
Learning I'm special

[A/N: This is the last chapter of daily updates. I wanted to get more than a few chapters out so people had something to read. Now the updates will be infrequent. I'll try and make sure it isn't more than 10 days between uploads. Thanks for reading!]

[P.S: I have a few chapters stockpiled for this story. I'll release them every so often. My main focus is my original.]

I watch Conobai place the hilt back on his belt, and he turns to my parents. "May I speak with you two in private..." I watch Conobai walk off with my parents into the hall. They close the door, and now I'm concerned about what's wrong with me. I turn and look at grandpa Jora, and he smiles down at me. I lower my head and try to think about other things. I wonder what they are talking about. As Nathan waits for his parents. They are having a very important discussion. Conobai is trying to find the right words.

That was truly incredible. I've never seen such talent in someone so young. His connection to the force is unbelievable. I need to choose my words carefully with these two. If I push too hard, the boy won't become a Jedi. "I'm sure you know what's going on with Nathan. He is a one-of-a-kind child, and you saw his power. The fact he can do so much is evidence that he will end up hurting himself or others. I don't know why you don't want the Jedi to be involved, but you need to think about the risks for Nathan. Without someone to teach him, he is going to end up doing real damage." I watch the two and try to gauge their reactions.

They look at each other and walk away to whisper. I can't make out what they are saying, but I can feel their emotions and what I feel is the same feeling I get from all parents who are afraid of losing their child. They stop and walk back to me. Lillis is the first to start speaking. "There is something you should know about Nathan..." I nod my head and prepare for any useful information. "He isn't our blood son. We adopted him..." I wasn't expecting that. I look at them in confusion.

Jorand clears his throat and gets my attention. "The day we got him... He was given to us by some woman... She arrived on some stealth ship, gave him to us without a word, then left... We have been raising him all on our own since that time..." Very strange indeed. While it seems farfetched, I don't sense any deceit from them. They are telling the truth.

It begs the question of who brought Nathan to them. I could ask to look at their memories to get a better idea. "If you would allow, I can look into your mind and see this woman for myself. Is that alright with you?" I direct my question at either of them, but Lillis steps forward. She nods her head and looks determined. "All I need you to do is imagine her and bring it to the forefront of your mind. I'll be able to see her easily without diving fully into your mind." She nods her head and closes her eyes.

I close mine as well and begin to step into her open mind. I immediately see who this woman is. I've never seen her before. She has a radiance and is powerful in the light side of the force. This is the first time I've sensed someone's connection to the force through a memory. I approach her in this freeze frame and get a good look. However, her eyes turn towards me. That isn't supposed to happen. She then moves in a flash of speed and lifts me off the ground with the force.

This is one of the freakiest things I've ever encountered. How can a memory of something else attack me? "Jedi knight Conobai... I'll give you a single warning. Do not assume to know the depths of the child's power. Amor is more powerful than you could ever realize..." She begins to speak to me about Nathan, but she refers to him as Amor. That must be Nathan's true name before he was given to the Opals. I try to ask a question, but my mouth refuses to move. What I want to ask is who she is. "I'm Daughter... I represent the light side of the force. Your people are not ready to fully know of us. Amor is going to be something the Jedi, and sith cannot control. Leave him out of your wars and politics. He could bring you and your people to an end." She refers to herself as the Daughter. I have no idea what's going on.

I watch her snap her fingers, and I'm thrown out of Lillis's mind. I recoil in pain and look at the parents in confusion. "What did you see..." Jorand is the first to ask, but in all honesty, I don't know how to explain what just happened.

I take some breaths to try and gain my baring's. "Do either of you know who the Daughter is?" I watch them both shake their heads no. "Do you know who Amor is?" They look at each other and look back to shake their heads no. "I need to talk to my padawan. I'll let you guys think about what to do with Nathan." With that, they head back inside, and I'm left with my thoughts. The only way I'll find answers is in the restricted section of the temple on Tython. Even that is a long shot. I call out my padawan, and he joins me. We need to discuss a plan in case they don't let us take Nathan. While Conobai and Jace talk about what to do. Nathan is with his family.

I watch mom and dad quickly run into the room and make their way to me. I don't know what's going on because no one is telling me anything. I look at aunt and grandpa Jora, and I'm glad that they were here to help. I look at mom, and she continues to look at me with worry. "What's going to happen to me, mom... Why am I able to do these things..." My mom hugs me and runs her fingers through my hair.

She stays silent, and I'm getting impatient. I pull away from her and run away from the bed. I rush to the door to try and get away, but it's locked. I get frustrated and reach for it again. This time it flies off its hinges and slams against the wall on the other side of the hall. "Please don't run away, sweetie!!! I'll explain everything to you!!!" I know she is lying. I know they are both lying. They are going to keep the truth from me for as long as possible. I step out into the hall, and I see Conobai and Jace. He begins to walk towards me, but I reach out my hand, and they both get slammed against the wall.

They are trying to move, but they can't budge. I turn and start running the other way. "Nathan!! Please stop and think!! Now isn't a good time for you to run off!!" I ignore Conobais words and continue running.

I don't know how to get out of this building. I start to get flashes in my head, telling me where to go. I make it to the main hall that connects to the entrance. At least that's what I feel. "Alert all guards! Stop the child from leaving the building!!" An announcement rings throughout the building from several intercoms. I run for the door, and once I reach it, I notice it's a sliding door this time. I see the pad, but I don't know how to open it. I hear footsteps and yelling from the other side of the hall, I start to panic, and I push forward with my hand. I don't know why I did it. I know it will work.

The sliding door rips and flies across the street, hitting a car. I don't really care about them right now. I run as fast as my little legs can carry me. I run and run. I keep following the flashes telling me where to go to get away. Soon I'm all alone in a forested park. I take a seat and finally feel how cold it is. I curl up and put my face on my knees. "WHY WON'T THEY TELL ME ANYTHING!!!" I scream into my knees, and I feel the ground start shaking. I hear huge cracks and rips, but I'm too scared to look up.

I take a peek, and many trees and huge rocks and boulders are spiraling around me fast. I hide from it, and it gets worse. I feel so alone... As this is all happening. There is a certain sith watching this from the sanctity of his chamber. The Emperor Vitiate is seeing across the galaxy and pondering what to do.

I watch the boy unleash power I've never seen. In the end, the empire will be a mere stepping stone for my plans, but I don't have an apprentice to carry out my specific orders and do my bidding. Someone so powerful will keep my enemies far away after I train him. I press a button on my chair, and my wrath walks into the room. "Lord Scourge, prepare a fleet and begin a full-scale assault on Alderaan. Once you have taken the planet, inform me, I have a matter to attend to personally." My wrath obeys my orders and walks off. I haven't spoken for many years, and when the dark council learns of this, they will be more than interested in the planet. I must move quickly if I wish to take the child as my apprentice.

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