
Full Invasion of Alderaan

I don't know how much time has passed, but more damage has occurred when I lift my head. I can't stop it. I don't know how to. I close my eyes and think of the times I was kept from the truth. Why do they want to lie to me about what's going on with me? I hear faint yelling, but I can't make it out, and I don't care about that right now. I focus on the good times I've had with mom and dad. I remember the smiles on their faces.

I feel calmer when thinking about the good times. I ran away because I wanted time to think about what's happening. I killed some imperials, fell asleep, and then woke up on Alderaan. It's too much too fast, and now I'm being told that I'm like the Jedi. I barely know anything about the Jedi. How am I supposed to know what that means? If these are the cool powers I was led to believe, then I don't want them.

I look up, and all the debris, trees, and rubble have stopped spinning and are now just floating in place. I see my mom and dad running behind Conobai right now. I watch them approach, but aunt stops them from getting any closer. Only Conobai approaches alone. He slows down and looks at me, and instead of saying anything, he sits next to me. "Do you think you can drop all this?" I shake my head no because I don't know how to. "Okay, take deep breaths and focus on clearing your mind. Then let go of any emotion you are feeling right now." I follow his instructions.

I let go of the emotion that is affecting me right now. Betrayal. Everything crashes down. "Why does this happen... I don't know how to control it..." Conobai puts his hand on my shoulder and sighs.

He looks in the direction of my parents, and so do I. "You love them very much... Whatever happens to them will affect you greatly. I want you to come with Jace and me to Tython. We can teach you how to control your powers." I look at him and see no hesitation or doubt in his eyes.

My parents are the ones who decide that, and I don't know anything about the Jedi. All I know is I truly know nothing. "You have to convince my parents... I don't think they would let me go... They seem to really hate you... That tells me I shouldn't trust you either..." Mom and dad don't like the Jedi or the sith. So that must mean they don't like me because I'm like them. I look up to the sky, and I see flickers of light. Then I see ships appear out of hyperspace.

I don't know why, but I get a horrible feeling about this. Conobai looks up too and sees what I see. He grabs me and lifts me. "I need to get you off this world now!!" My parents charge towards us, wondering what's going on. "The empire is here!! We have to hurry to my ship!!" Mom and dad nod their heads and look at me. I see Mom's expression and see how scared she is. "We can't let the sith get to him!!" Are they here because of me? As the Jedi take Nathan and his parents to their ship, Lord Scourge is on his way to his target location.

I can feel the boy, and I understand why the emperor is so keen on getting him. In actuality, the child is stronger in the force than any I have ever sensed. However, he is unguided. So it will be easy to subdue him. The location of the disturbance is one of the forests near Chianar. "Commander, mark the coordinates for the forest of Chianar. My mission here is coming to a close." The imperial commander, whose name I don't know, barks orders to his soldiers.

My capital ship moves over the forest. "Sir, we are getting multiple life signs. Should we send the troops to intercept?" This is a delicate situation. If the boy is pushed, it could end up flying back in my face.

I turn and look at the unimportant commander right in the eyes. "I'll handle this alone. Prepare a shuttle for me. Do not delay any further." The commander stiffens and sends the orders out fast. I turn and leave the bridge. The hanger is close, so I'll intercept them in time. I reach the hanger, and I enter the shuttle and set out immediately. As Lord Scourge catches up to the small group running through the forest, they have a hard time getting out with all the combat happening. Conobai is doing his best to lead the family out of the forest.

A surprise invasion of Alderaan is just a ruse. The emperor might have sensed the boy's power. We don't know who the emperor is and his reach, but he has eyes and ears everywhere. He likely sent these forces here. As I run behind Jorand, I see the scared face of Nathan. He buries his face in his father's shoulder and tries to hide from the battles waging above us. If they contacted us as soon as they thought he might be force sensitive, this wouldn't have happened.

I feel a deathly chill run down my spill. I feel rage, anger, and hate like nothing I've felt before. The feeling gets worse, and a shuttle zooms over our heads and lands in front of us. "Do you feel that master... Do you think it's a dark council member?" I don't know who it is, but who or whatever it is here for Nathan. The ramp into the shuttle opens, and out walks a sith. He looks directly at me and keeps a neutral face.

I draw my lightsaber and ignite it. "Jace. Take them to the ship and head straight for Tython. I will not survive this encounter, but promise me the boy will be safely delivered to the council." I look to my padawan and see the sadness and fear. He nods his head in determination. They continue running towards the many spaceports using a detour through the forest. I turn my attention back to the sith. "You will never have the child. Surrender now, sith. The council will show you mercy." The sith smirks and draws his blade. It was worth a shot.

I get into my Soresu stance and watch him slowly approach. He stands in front of me and looks me up and down. He then turns off his lightsaber and crosses his arms. "I don't need a lightsaber to kill you. However, the emperor will be coming to Alderaan himself when I confirm I have the boy in my possession. I'll let you live and walk away if you tell me which spaceport he is being taken to." The emperor himself is coming here... I can't let him through me! If he succeeds, then they will use him to bring the galaxy to its knees.

He sees my look and shakes his head. He force pushes me away, and I hit a tree hard. He is far too powerful to fight on my own. "You would never understand, sith... I'm not fighting for survival. I'm fighting for the future of the galaxy!" I stand up and make a quick approach. I utilize some Makashi, but he dodges it. I feel a tight grip around my throat, and I'm lifted out of the air. I see the sith holding out his hand with a disappointed look.

I can feel my lungs burning and my throat being crushed. I know this is the right thing to do. Nathan is too powerful for the sith to have. I watch him close his fist, and I feel tremendous pain, then nothing. I open my eyes, and I'm now dead. I look at my dead body and watch the sith walk away. Jace will still need my help before I enter the force forever, so I must handle that. The padawan of Conobai is loading onto the ship this instant.

I can sense the death of my master through the force... Whoever that sith is, he's more powerful than anyone on planet can handle. I press a button on my belt, and the loading door opens. "Get on the ship! The faster we get out of here, the better!" They stop at the entrance and all look at each other. They share nods, and Marisa leaves and heads towards her house. The parents load on. I close the loading doors and race to the pilot's seat. I enter commands and press the necessary buttons, and the engines roar to life.

The family straps in, and I launch off the landing pad. I dodge fighters and fly through broken spaceships as I reach the battle between ships. It's pretty tied right now, but the imperials look like they will pull through. "No time to plot a course! I'm blind jumping!" This is risky, but I trust in the force. I input many commands, and we enter hyperspace. I take a bunch of labored breaths, releasing my stress. We did it. I enter commands, and the ship exits hyperspace.

I look at the parents and child to see relieved faces. "I'm plotting a course for Tython. Once we get planetside, the council will meet to discuss Nathan and the both of you." I watch the parents exchange looks, and Jorand holds Nathan a little tighter. I plot the course and enter hyperspace. It will take a few hours to reach Tython, so I'm going to meditate. "I'm going to be in my chambers. We'll be arriving at Tython in a few hours. Please let me know if you need anything. I need to process my master's death in the meantime." They nod their heads and undo their fasteners. I hope you rest in peace, master.

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