
Chapter 62 Conference Started

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==Before the buildings at the dock had been exploded.==

~Jens's side.

After Jens had disembarked from the Mothership with her forces. Her forces immediately subdued all the Catians that had been stationed at the dock by firing freeze beam on them.

Jens's forces consists of various types of Dogisia-designed robots where there are 250 robots in humanoid size, 50 robots in 5-metres height, and 10 robots with 10-metres height. Those 10-metres robots had stayed in the Mothership as Jens wants to keep them for her next plan.

Jens and her forces continues their way inside the dock where Jens had ordered some of her humanoid robots to plant some bombs inside the buildings at the dock.

After that, Jens going to the place where the meeting for the conference had been held after she had threatened some of the Catians at the dock before they had been shot by her forces with the beam.

==Another place where the conference of the alliance of Galactic Federation of Intelligence Life had had been held.==

Multiple figures are sitting inside the meeting room where various type of aliens can be seen inside there such as Crab-looking aliens, Squid-looking aliens, and etc. At the huge platform or seat, a golden blob of bouncy mass with various tentacles around its body could be seen had seated on that seat.

That blob of mass or can be called as the Orsonions is an alien races with indetermined roundish figures or mass where that race had reached high-level of intellectual capabilities after they had allowed their brains to use 100% of its capacity.

Beside the Orsonion's seat, there is the leader of Catia Federation sitting on his seat. He also brings two bodyguards with him where those bodyguards standing behind his seat. Other leaders inside the alliance also had brought two of their bodyguards which had been allowed to enter the meeting room with them.


Sound of wooden hammer knocking on the table can been heard where it cause the commotion inside the room to be silenced.

The leader of Catia Federation raises from his seat and say: "Welcome and thank you for all the members of Galactic Federation of Intelligence Life to come at our planet for the our 160th Conference between the Alliance of Galactic Federation of Intelligence Life. Our Catia Federation will try our best to accommodate your stay here as long as the conference still ongoing." He bows his head slightly as he had said that.

All the alliance members inside the room are clapping from the speech of Catia Federation's leader.

"Now, let's start our conference, everyone. I will become the chairman for today's meeting so I will try my best to conduct the meeting in this room smoothly." Catia Federation's leader said that to everyone in there which he continues: "For our first issue is the application of Krabbia Federation and Planet of Octopusia into the alliance of Galactic Federation of Intelligence Life. Can the representatives of the planets that had been mentioned by me to raise from their seat?"

(A/N: I just put random characters to this fan-fic. Therefore, this fan-fic maybe different to the canon or completely different.)

Both of the representatives that had been called by the chairman had raised from their seat. Krabbia Federation's representative has the appearance of a Peekytoe Crab where its standing on its small pair of hind legs. Representative from Planet of Octopusia has the appearance of a Coconut Octopus where two of its tentacles acting as its legs.

"Are the both of you had agreed with the condition that had been imposed on you if you want to enter the alliance?" Asked the Catia Federation's leader as the chairman for the meeting.

"I agree with the conditions that had been imposed on our planet which are the exchange program for the alliance's knowledge hub, war between the alliance members had been forbidden, 75% of army available in the planet, and 5% tax for the transaction of import and export between the planet inside the alliance." Replied the representative from Planet of Octopusia.

"That's good. How about the representative from Krabbia Federation?" Asked the chairman as he looks at the Krabbia Federation's representative.

"I also agree with those conditions but I want to ask something to the chairman or the leader of Catia Federation." Replied the representative from the Krabbia Federation.

"...Sure. What is you want to ask me for?" Replied the chairman after paused for a little.

"Is it true that your Catia Federation had caused the fall of Dogisia Federation due to your greed for their knowledge that they had been received from the Great Library of Supreme Knowledge which belonged to the Orsonions?" Asked Krabbia Federation's representative.

A commotion had raised from that question where various aliens at the conference had whispered to themselves about the incident that had been thousands of years.

The leader of Catia Federation coughs for a moment to silent everyone in there before saying: "May I ask where you had heard about it?" There is a slight angry had been put on his words as he asked that.

"One hours ago, I had received an information from unknown sender when I'm going to this place for the meeting. The only thing that I could see from the sender is they had declared themselves as the true descendants of the Dogisia Federation. I think that some of the people here also had received the same information." Replied the Krabbia Federation's representative.

Some of the aliens in the conference had raised their hands and said that they had received that information just like what the representative of Krabbia Federation had claimed.

The commotion starts to raise again where they starts to ask whether that information is true or not.


The wooden hammer hitting on its plank had caused the commotion at the conference to subside.

"I don't know why you had received that information but I could guarantee to all of you here that our Catia Federation had not caused the fall of Dogisia Federation where the Orsonions could prove our innocence on that event as they also had involved during that event." The leader of Catia Federation said all of that with confidence.

The whispers between the members inside the conference could be seen here and there as they questioned about the words from leader of Catia Federation.

Suddenly, the Orsonion starts to speak in telepathy to all the people inside the conference where its body starts to shine slightly. It said: "What had been said by the leader of Catia Federation is true."

The reply from the Orsonion had cause great commotion to the people there where the leader of Catia Federation had a smile on his face.

However, the Orsonion still not finished yet as it continues: "But...I don't know whether the claim from the leader of Catia Federation during that time is true or not. This is because Catia Federation had pressed our rallies to attack on Dogisia Federation due to the declaration of war that had been received by them from the Dogisia Federation."

"Your Honor, Dogisia Federation had broke one of the rules from the alliance of Galactic Federation of Intelligence Life which is war between the members of alliance is forbidden. Therefore, our leader at that time had requested the attack on them." The leader of Catia Federation quickly said that to the Orsonion.

"How about the reason behind their declaration of war? Do you had investigated about that?" Asked the Orsonion.

The Catia Federation's leader just stay silent on that question which cause the people inside the room to whisper by themselves.

The Orsonion just sighed looking at the Catia Federation's leader before it continues: "How about we ask to the people that had declared themselves as the descendants of Dogisia Federation? Young Child, How about you coming inside as I had already knew about your arrival on this planet?"

The people inside the room had confused expression on their face as they had listened to the Orsonion's word which they trying to find who is the one that it had talked with.

(A/N: All this time, Orsonion talking using telepathy where people inside the conference could hear anything as long as Orsonion had gave them permission to hear its voice.)

The door for the conference room had been opened where Jens and her forces had came inside the room. All the robots with her had aimed their beam rifles at the people inside the room which cause chaos to spread inside there.

"Who are you? How do you had entered this room as there are may guards that had been stationed outside?" Asked the leader of Catia Federation at Jens as his bodyguards aiming their guns at Jens.

"I'm Jens and also the descendant of Dogisia Federation where its planet had been destroyed by your planet." Replied Jens at him which cause commotion inside the conference when people in there as they had heard about her origin.

Jens continues: "About all the guards outside, you could said that they had slept for a moment...like this." Jens snaps her finger at the end of her word where two of her robots shooting at the bodyguards of the Catia Federation's leader where those bodyguards had frozen from that shot.

The people inside the conference become panic after had seen Jens not hesitate to attack at the guards of Catia Federation's leader.

"Why you do that?!" Shouted the leader of Catia Federation while pointing his finger at her.

"Why?..." Jens chuckles before continues: "You had already knew why I had done that. I'm just trying to avenge my fallen comrades when they had died meaningless due to your own greed."

"You couldn't accuse me without any evidence. Show me the prove that my planet had caused your planet's doom." The leader of Catia Federation said that while being angry with her.

"Yes, Young Child. You need to give us your evidence if you want to say that." Supported the Orsonion.

"Evidence?...Sure. I will show you right now. You will see the true face of Catia Federation where they had always portrayed themselves as peaceful and loving people." Replied Jens before she manipulates her terminal on her wrist which showing a hologram to the people inside the conference.

For half an hour, the hologram had shown the scene where Dogisia Federation had been granted to enter the Great Library of Supreme Knowledge, First Leader of Dogisia Federation had fought with Catia Federation's expert teams where they had been tasked to take the knowledge of the Great Library of Supreme Knowledge inside Dogisia Federation, the dead of First Leader of Dogisia Federation and declaration of war with Catia Federation, the claim of Catia Federation that had said Dogisia Federation had strayed away from the right path, and finally, Catia Federation's attack on Dogisia Federation under the banner of Galactic Federation of Intelligence Life.

Stunned and shocked expression can be seen on the face of the people inside the conference as they watching at the hologram until the end before their face changing into disgust and enraged looks as they looking at the leader of Catia Federation.

The leader of Catia Federation had paled looks on his face as he shouts: "You're lying!!! I know that you had fabricated that footage beforehand before you had shown it here." He looks at the people inside the room and said: "Everyone, don't listen to her words. She just trying to manipulate all of you to side with her."

Jens had ridiculed looks on her face where she said: "I'm lying? What benefits that I could get here for lying to the people just like you? I just want to show to others about your true face only."

"Young Child, what do you want for the compensation for the accident that had fallen on your planet? I will try my best to fulfill that as I also had felt guilty on that event." The Orsonion interrupted suddenly.

"Compensation?..." Jens scoffed on that word before she continues: "From that event, our people had been killed, our planet had been razed and my parents also had died from that accident...and you want to talk about COMPENSATION. HAHAHAHAHA...How ridiculous." Jens had mocked expression after she had laughed.

"I don't want any compensation from any of your hypocrites." Jens said that as she takes out the detonator for the bombs that had been planted before. She said: "Now, I will make this despicable planet to experience my anger where they will receive their punishment for all of their past actions."

She pressed the button on the detonator where multiple explosions be heard after that which cause slight tremor inside the room.

She said: "I had ordered my subordinates to plant many bombs in this planet where every time I had pressed this button on my hand. Some part of the planet will be exploded later. So, try your best to prevent that."

Jens turns her back on the people in there before she walking out of the room. She stops for awhile and said: "One more thing, I want to advise to the guests that had came here to immediately escape from here as I don't want all of you to involve in my revenge. Although if you had died here, I could only apologise for that. Bye Bye. I hope that you have a great time in here."

Jens going out of the room where the conference had been held. Multiple explosions could be heard as she walking out from there where the people inside there starts to going out to escape from the disaster that had been occurred on this planet.


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