
Chapter 63 A Pendant

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


Chaos had enveloped the whole Catia Federation where multiple explosions can be seen everywhere which cause a building to collapse for each explosion.

Various spaceships also can be seen started to move away from the dock as the people that had visited the planet rushing to return at their own spaceships.

The people from safety department of Catia Federation had been rushed to the explosion site where they trying their best to save anyone that had may trapped inside the collapsed buildings.

~Inside the Reisende.

"Melwin, our assault teams are ready or not?" Asked Kanda to his First Officer.

"They are ready, Captain. They just waiting for your permission to engage." Answered Melwin.

Kanda nods at her and say: "Deploy them immediately to find Jens and arrest her."

Melwin nods at his order and order the leaders of assault team to bring their team to execute the plan.

Two hatches start to open on the front hull of the Reisende which are located on its both legs. The assault teams under Raven, Claris, and Sarah starts to coming out from the hatches that had been opened where some of them helping the Catians to rescue the people that could not escape from the explosion while the rest going to find Jens inside the Catia Federation.

The Catians feeling suspicious at the sudden appearance of Kanda's assault teams at first where they had suspected that his forces was the one who cause today's event. However, they had relieved from the suspicion when Raven had explained about their side on this event where they had not involved with current explosion event.

The forces under Kanda quickly taking out any victims from the collapsed buildings while being lead by one of the Catians inside their forces. However, their current rescue mission become harder as more building had been bombed where this event will continue until the rest of assault teams had succeeded to apprehend Jens.

==At another location where the rest of assault teams.==

Assault teams under Sarah and Claris had passed through various buildings inside the Catia Federation while being guided by the Catians under their team.

They had separated into several small teams where each team had some of the Catians inside the team.

They had covered any plausible places within the place where the conference had been held which they sometimes had encountered with Jens's robots which they easily defeating all those robots before continuing to the their next list of the places that they had not visited yet.

All their progress whether their rescue mission or searching mission had been informed to the Kanda where Kanda also had moved Reisende away from the dock and trying to search Jens from the outside using Reisende's capability.

As Reisende flying above the buildings at the Catia Federation, Reisende had picked a big unknown signature while being surrounded with multiple small signatures from one of the buildings within the radius of Reisende's searching range.

Melwin had informed about this information the assault teams at the ground where they quickly going at the location.

When the assault team under Claris had arrived at one of the buildings that had been suspected having many figures inside the building, she had met with huge numbers of Dogisia's robots where her team quickly make her way to the top. Aoi also had participated under Claris's assault team where she also had fought with those robots which she had shown astounding performance during the fight with those robots.

When they had reached at the room that located at the top of the building, they enter the room and could see Jens had waiting for them inside the room. Jens had faced her back to the people that had entered the room.

"You're under arrest, Jens. Please kindly put your hand behind your head as we apprehend you." Claris said to the Jens while aiming her rifles at the her.

Her team also had readied their gun by pointing at Jens while being cautious to any of Jens's movement.

Jens turns her body to face Claris and her tem before she smiles suddenly and say: "I don't think that I will find human travelling to the outer space. Is it because of Ichijou Kanda? I don't think that he had the capability to do that."

"Claris, can you show what had happened inside that building?" Asked Kanda through Claris's earpiece as he want to check whether Jens in there or not.

Claris controls her terminal on her wrist before a hologram appears inside the room. The people at the Reisende can be seen inside that hologram.

"Hello, Jens, we meet again." Greeted Kanda through the hologram.

"Heh, I don't think you could chase me until this planet, Ichijou Kanda." Replied Jens while smirking before she continues: "So, what do you want? Do you want to capture me? For what? I don't think that you care so much about your 'friend' planet.

"Well, you're right about that, Jens. I don't really care about this Catia Federation but some of my girls are from this planet. So, I need to show some concern about that." Replied Kanda while shrugging as he sitting on his seat.

"Hahaha, I don't think that you're such a caring person as you had defeated many of my forces on Earth." Jens said that while laughing.

After she had finished laughing, she walking to the side of the room where the room had been surrounded by transparent glass. She could see many buildings around her had been collapsed from her the bomb that her force had planted. She also could see that many people starts to getting from this place using the spaceships while some of them had helped the victims of her bombing.

Jens suddenly speak while her sight still on the outside: "You know, Ichijou, when our planet had been attacked by the army under the banner of Galactic Federation of Intelligence Life. We had asked our allies other than the Catia Federation to help us holding the assault from those army but they just stay silent without do anything just like what had happened right now. The conference for their alliance had been held here but they just think about themselves first and running away from today's event. They will show their concern when the people in this planet succeeded to repel me or plundering this planet's resources if this planet had lose from my revenge. Whatever option is it, Catia Federation today will suffer just like what our planet had experienced."

Kanda inside the Reisende become silent hearing Jens's word before Melwin suddenly talking to him.

She said: "Captain, we had detected multiple signs of spaceships coming at our location. Most of them are from the army of Catia Federation and there is a huge reading of energy coming from one of the two humongous spaceships with them."

Chaika quickly inserting her input on her terminal before a monitor had show the formation of the spaceships that coming at them. There are two humongous spaceships where one is from Catia Federation and another is from the Orsonions. Other than that, there are 5 large spaceships around those enormous spaceships which belonged to the Catia Federation. Next, 100 of Catia's spacecraft also had escorted those seven spaceships.

(A/N: Example of size comparison, Humongous/Enormous Spaceship = A double decker bus, Huge/Large Spaceship = A 3-tonne lorry, Spacecraft = A car like Honda City)

~10 minutes later.

A total of 107 spaceships and spacecrafts can be seen facing the Reisende and the building where Jens had resided.

A communication attempt from one of those spaceships had been received by Reisende which Kanda had allowed Chaika to connect their communication.

At the screen, there are two figures can be seen which are a male Catian and a golden blob of mass with tentacles.

"Hey, Melwin...why is it that golden slime had standing...maybe bouncing...beside that male Catia." Whispered Kanda at Melwin which could be heard by some of the people inside the bridge.

Melwin just sweatdropped on Kanda's words about the Orsonion's appearance where Chaika almost burst into laughing as she listening to Kanda's whisper.

Before Melwin could reply, a voice coming out from his head: "Young Man, I'm not a slime. I'm one of the Orsonions where our races had became the leader of Galatic Federation of Intelligence Life. The one beside me is the current leader of Catia Federation."

Kanda just scratching the back of his head while awkwardly laugh before he say: "Haha...I'm sorry about that. I'm a bit shocked to see a slime that had always appeared inside a game."

The Orsonion just waving one of its tentacles at the Kanda and say: "A game? What are you talking about, Young Man?"

"Well, you see, I'm from the planet Earth inside the Solar System and the game that I had talked about is the entertainment product that had been created for the population inside our planet. There are various type of games available inside our planet such as racing, sports and adventures. The slime is one of the monsters that might appeared inside the adventure games. Therefore, I had mistaken you with that slime." Replied Kanda.

"Earth?!! Impossible!!! How can that planet which had limited technologies to travel at the outer space could come here. You're lying!" Shouted the male Catia.

"Hahahaha, you couldn't see this man with your normal eyes. He always exceeds everyone's expectation on him. Even I couldn't match with him." Added Jens as she also had seen the conversation between Kanda and the Orsonion and the leader of Catia Federation.

"YOU!!!" Pointed the male Catia as he continues: "You're the one who had done today's accident on my planet. Come here so I could arrest you and takes responsibility for what had happened today."

"Hahahaha..." Jens just laughed at the word of male Catia before say: "What a pathetic leader you are, not only you had not explained about the truth of the action that your previous leader had done on the Dogisia Federation on your people. You're also trying to covert our knowledge that our planet had been learned in the past from the Orsonions. Fortunately. you couldn't have those knowledge. Do you know?"

The male Catia just look angry at Jens, incensed as he listened to her words before he say: "Know what?"

Jens takes out a pendant from her neck which is a large golden circle ornament with a dragon design where its coiling to the center of the pendant. At the mouth of the dragon, there is small black orb had been placed there.

Jens say: "Although you had devastated our planet with your attack at that time. Our library where all the knowledge had been stored are still exist until now."

"IMPOSSIBLE!!! Many people had raided your planet and they couldn't find anything that could be identified as your library. Even our previous leaders had tried to find it but in vain." The male Catia said that after had shouted first.

"Hahahaha, of course, you couldn't find it because you all need the pendant with me now to find it." Jens said that while showing her pendant. She continues: "This pendant will show you the way to our library where you also need this pendant to open that library."

The male Catia had smile of greed as he had heard about the pendant with Jens.

"I will forgive your action on my planet right now as long as you give me that pendant." Asked the male Catia as his eyes looks at Jens's pendant.

"Hah...you think that it will that easy for me to give you this pendant." Replied Jens while scoffed at him.

"If you don't want to give that, I will get it from you. SOLDIERS!!! attack her and get me her pendant." The male Catia said that at her before gives order to his army.

"Leader of Catia Federation, cease your order right now." The Orsonion said that as its had seen that the male Catia had been blinded with his greed.

"Your Honor, we need to get her pendant immediately so we could safeguard the knowledge that had been received by Dogisia Federation from being called into the wrong hands." The leader of Catia Federation appealed to the Orsonion.

"NO! I will not let you to do that." The Orsonion firmed on its verdict.

"Well...I'm sorry, Your Honor. I couldn't follow your order." Replied the male Catia where he continues order his subordinates to attack Jens.

Seeing the army of Catia Federation had came at their direction, Jens loudly laughing and say: "I KNOW IT!!! I know it that he couldn't resist anymore from his greed. I will show him that our legacy will not easily could be obtained by them."

Jens can be seen controlling her terminal in her wrist before 10 huge robots that had been saved her for the next plan had been deployed to the battlefield. Those 10-metres robots starts to combine where 4 robots had combined to form four of its limb and another 6 robots to form its body.

After their transformation had finished, 80-metres tall robots had appeared and the fight between that robot and the army of Catia Federation will be started at any moment.


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