
Chapter 59 The Launch of Reisende

Hi guys, this is the next chapter. Thanks to the reader, Psan, for giving his/her suggestion for the new ship. Thank you so much, you're so awesome.


~At night, in one of the military bases at North Siberia, Russia.

Kanda and all the people at the base including the people under Anne standing outside of the base where they could see a dazzling scenery at the sky which multiple stars shining at night.

Their focus go away from the sky when they had heard a loud noise out of nowhere. A hatch near the base's runway can be seen opening and that loud noise can be heard from there.

They wait for a while before they could see a silhouette coming out from that hatch where they finally seeing the full view of Reisende in full glory.

The ship slowly flying up from underground before landing on the runway and cause snow within its landing spot to fly away from the ground.

Shocked and awed looks can be seen from the face at all the people that present there including Kanda as he still amaze to see the ship that had been built by him.

Return from his amazement, Kanda loudly orders: "EVERYONE!!! I WANT ALL OF OUR PREPARATION THAT HAD BEEN DONE TO BE TRANSFER TO THE REISENDE IMMEDIATELY. AFTER THAT, WE WILL DEPART RIGHT AWAY." His voice wakes up all the people here from their stupor which they immediately doing what Kanda had instructed.

As the people starts to transfer the equipment, transportation, and personnel into the Reisende, a siren could be heard around the base where a soldier can be seen coming towards Anne while breathing heavily.

The soldier salutes at Anne and said: "B.G. Anastashia. We have detected 5 F-16 Falcon, 15 M1A2 Abrams Tank coming at our base where a company of soldiers behind those tanks."

"Do you know from where those forces are?" Asked Anne at the soldier.

"No, Ma'am. We couldn't determine from where those forces are? We had already tagged the soldiers under our enemies in this country but the forces that had came at us is not from one of them." Replied the soldier.

Kanda listened to the conversation between Anne and the soldier before he said: "Anastashia...I think that those forces are from Jens which is our current enemy. Just leave it to us and I will order people under me to fight them."

"No, Ichijou." Refused Anne before she continues: "I will handle those enemies and you need to order your people to load all of your things quickly. I just need some information about them so my soldier could fight them."

Kanda looks at Anne for a moment before he nods his head and said: "Fine, I will leave those enemies at you." Kanda looks at Melwin which is beside him and said: "Melwin, could you take out the Assistroid that specialize in surveillance."

Melwin takes out an Assistroid that Kanda had requested where that Assistroid slowly walking to him due to its short legs. The Assistroid takes out its sign board and asked: "What do you need me for, Captain?"

"I want you to give us the visual of our enemies that coming at us right now." Replied Kanda at the Assistroid.

That Assistroid nods its head before a satellite plate coming out from its head which starts to rotate slowly. A hologram also coming out from its eyes where its had projected the view on the enemies.

Kanda could see the soldiers behind those tanks are humanoid robots where Kanda could identify it from Jens as the robots' head still had the same figurehead which is a dog.

Kanda looks at Anne and said: "Anastashia...that army are really from Jens where those robots capable to block your firearms and you need to defeat them by attacking on the back of its neck. Grenade also couldn't damage them due to a thin barrier that will come out from its body. However, I could help you to fight those robots." Kanda said that before he had called Ichika which is 15 metres away from him.

Ichika coming at him and asks: "Why do you call me here, Ichijou-san?"

"Jens's forces had came here and I need you help in your talisman expertise to fight that force. I need a talisman to counter the defense of those robots. As you can see in this hologram, those robots had talisman being plastered on its body which give them a barrier where it will block our attack." Replied Kanda at her while showing her the talisman on the robots.

"Hmm..." Ichika ponders for a moment as she had looked at the talisman before said: "Give me 10 minutes and I will give your the talisman to counter those things." Ichika quickly going somewhere which baffles Anne which Kanda said: "Don't worry about her, Anastashia. She always like that when she is creating a talisman but I could guarantee that what she had promised will be done by her."

"Alright, if you say that, Ichijou. I will arrange my soldiers first to fight with those enemies later." Replied Anne before she going with the soldier into the base.

~15 minutes later.

Kanda and Ichika could see a company of soldiers, 3 AN/TWQ-1 Avenger, 5 KV-1, and 10 T-34 had been gathered outside the base. Anne can be seen giving her order to a soldier. Kanda and Ichika coming closer at her where Ichika had bring a briefcase with her.

"Yo, Anastashia. Have you finished arrange for your army?" Asked Kanda as he had arrived in front of Anne.

"Yes, Ichijou. I just giving my instruction to the leader of the operation." Replied Anne before she looking at the briefcase in Ichika's hand and said: "Is it in that briefcase is the thing that you had talked about, Kanda?"

"Yes, Anastashia." Replied Kanda before looks at Ichika and said: "Ichika, give Anastashia 'that' thing."

Ichika nods her head before she opens the briefcase and taking out two stack of papers where she gives those stack of papers at Anne and said: "The green talisman is a protection talisman where you need to give it to your soldiers. You need to paste these talisman on your body or the vehicles that you currently rode as this talisman while covered whole of your bodies and vehicles. There are 100 green talisman in that stack." She continues: "Next talisman is functioning to counter the talisman on the bodies of those robots. You could paste it on your tanks' shells or on the firearms as its allow your shells and bullets to bypass the effect of the talisman on the enemies. For this talisman, I only could create 50 of them so please be mindful when using it."

"Thank you." Anne thanked Ichika before gives those talisman at her soldier beside her which is the commander of the operation. Anne said: "Use these talisman just like what had Ms. Ichika had instructed. I wish you luck for your fight."

The commander for the operation just saluting at Anne before going towards its team and the army start to move towards the enemies' location.

Kanda and Anne watching the battle that will be happened at any moment through the hologram.

==At the battlefield==

The female commander under Anne had already distributed all the talisman towards her subordinates where she had instructed them to use the protection talisman first. Armored vehicles under her commands already moving at the front to fight with enemies's armored vehicles. Multiple shells had been released from the those armored vehicles where smoke and debris can be seen everywhere at the battlefield.

The soldiers under her command also fighting with those robots from Jens where they can see that their bullet could not penetrate those robots' bodies. However, those robots also could not do any damages at those soldiers.

The fight between armored vehicles from both side still ongoing where their fight seem had reached stalemate before the support from enemies' side which are 5 F-16 coming to assist by launching rockets at its enemy. In the female commander side, they had used 3 anti-aircraft vehicles to counter the strike from those planes where they had succeeded to take down all the planes with the cost of those three vehicles, 2 KV-1, 3 T-34 had been destroyed by those planes.

The female commander takes our her communication device and said: "All soldiers, use the second type talisman immediately as we had seen enough their capabilities. It's our turn to counterattack."

After had heard their leader's instruction, the soldiers takes out the second talisman and paste it on their bodies or some of their shells for the armored vehicles.

The tide of the battle coming at their side as the usage of the second talisman could cause serious damage at those robots and vehicles. They spending an hour to finish all the enemies at that location.

After the battle had finished, their leader coming out from one of those T-34s and looking at the battlefield. She orders some of her subordinates to check their perimeter to ensure there are no enemies still alive from their confrontation.

~5 minutes later.

Her subordinates that had been tasked to scout the perimeter had came back and giving their report at her. They said that there are no enemies had survived from the fight with them.

The female commander just nods her head before giving her next instruction which is to return at their base. They had some casualties where the people inside the vehicles that had been destroyed had lost their lives where several of them had serious injuries due to receive damage from the bombardment of enemies' aircrafts. Others had light injuries or no injuries at all.

==Back to Kanda's side after the battle==

Kanda and Anne can see the soldiers starts to return at the base from the hologram. They had been joined by Kanda's girlfriends, Antonia, Maya, Sarah, Claris, and Ichika to see the battle between their side and Jens's forces.

"Anastashia...I can see that your soldiers had won the fight though some of your soldiers had lost their lives. I'm sorry...for that to happen at your soldiers. Kanda said that before apologising at her at the end.

"Don't worry about that, Ichijou. They had already determined to participate in that operation and their death gave some boost in my subordinates at that fight. Therefore, what I could only do are compensate their family for their lost and remember their fight and placed it in my heart later on. Therefore, they could still alive in my memory." Replied Anne before looking at him with warm gaze while putting her hand on her chest.

Kanda stunned at her looks before wakes up from his daze as he listened to her word: "How about your preparation, Ichijou? Is it all of your things had been loaded into your ship?"

"Yes, Maya had informed me about that 10 minutes ago and she said that we could depart now." Replied Kanda.

"Let's go then, Ichijou. I don't want to hold you here anywhere as I knew that you've important mission to do." Anne said that as she raises from her seat which being followed by Kanda and his people there.

~15 minutes later.

Kanda and the people that close with him can be seen at the command centre of the ship where Kanda had sat on the Captain's seat.

"Rolo, how are the ship's condition right now?" Asked Kanda at the figure on the screen inside the ship.

"The ship's condition is in a stable condition. Our power generator had functioned normally. Our armament also had been readied where we could use it anytime. We're ready to go, Captain." Replied Rolo at him while saluting at him.

"That's good. Prepare for our departure." Ordered Kanda.

"Yes, Captain." Rolo and the crews salutes at him.

The ship's operator said: "Captain's order to depart had been received. Initiate the launch sequence of Reisende. Helmsman, please take over."

"Affirmative, Reisende's engine is in optimum condition. First stage thrusters...Ignition." The helmsman said that where the ship starts to vibrate slightly before loud noise can be heard for a moment.

Everyone inside the ship could feel that they are moving slowly forward after that loud noise had disappeared. People from the outside also can see the ship starts to move after its first thrusters had been ignited.

"Ship's status is normal. Activated the second thrusters." The helmsman said that as the ship starts to move faster.

The helmsman hold the steering and pulls it back slightly where the ship starts to raise its front slowly towards the sky. Helmsman pushes another buttons at his control panel and third stage thrusters had been ignited where the ship leaving the military base through the sky.

"Ship's status is normal...The launching of Reisende had succeeded...Entering the coordinates for our next destination...Coordinates had been set." Series of information coming out from the ship's operator.

Inside the ship's large monitor, there is Anne's face in there where she said: "Good luck, Ichijou. I hope you and your team could succeed your objectives later."

"Thank you, Anne, I'm appreciate very much for your assistance. I hope that we will meet again later." Replied Kanda which cause Anne smiles at him as she heard Kanda had called her Anne and not Anastashia.

Kanda's ship leaving the Earth without anyone notice them as he had ordered Rolo to make their ship to be invisible as they in the sky.

==At the military base==

Anne looking at the sky where Kanda's ship had disappeared after he had activated invisible mode. She has a smile on her face but there is some tears coming out from her eyes which she had wiped it away.

She said softly: "I hope that we will meet again. I always had a feeling on you after you had saved me from those terrorists. However, I couldn't confess my feeling at you at that time which I had regretted about it so much."

A soldier coming behind her after she had said that where that soldier said: "Ma'am, our involvement with Mr. Ichijou had been discovered by our enemies here. They had already prepared to put your under investigation and interrogation where they want to find out about Mr. Ichijou's current ship. I had heard that our base have several spies where they had seen the departure of that ship."

"Hmph...they think that they could force me to spill the information for that ship. They need to cross my dead body first if they want that." Anne said that angrily when she listened to the soldier's word. She continues: "Let's go. I need to show them that I'm not someone who could be picked on easily by them."

Anne going inside the base as she making some plans to fight with her enemies.


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