
Chapter 60 Hyperjump, Conference

Hi guys, this is the next chapter. We finally reaching the final arc for this world. Thank you for all the readers that had supported me in this fan-fic. All of you are so awesome.


==At the space, 500 000 KM away from the moon==

A spaceship can be seen floating in that location where several small figures can be seen flying around outside the spaceship. Those figures flying around as they building something where the thing that had been built by them could be seen started to form slowly.

~Inside the Reisende.

Kanda looking at the screen where several Assistroids are busying themselves creating a portal for their hyperjump as their Reisende could not travel fast enough like the Catia's main ship to trigger hyperjump.

Kanda looks at Melwin where she sitting at the seat below him which indicated her rank as his First Officer and said: "Melwin, how about Jens's current location? Can we reach her fist before she starts her attack?"

"I have the location for our main ship and I could estimate that they will reach Catia Federation in 5 hours. With the current speed of our construction for the portal, we could finish it in 2 hours. Therefore, when we go through the portal, we could intercept her immediately as long as Jens did not have anything that could let the ship she currently took over to increase its speed." Replied Melwin as she worked on her terminal.

"Ok. How about our personnel in the ship? Are they already adapt to the flight in the space?" Asked Kanda again.

"They already had adjusted themselves to the current environment and they currently busying themselves by checking the ship or doing some maintenance to our armament that we had brought." Replied Chaika as she become one of the deck's crew due to her expertise.

"Thank you for that, Chaika. Anyone had visited Kuune and how is she doing right now?" Asked Kanda on Kuune's well-being.

"I have meet her with Manami and Aoi, Kanda. Dr. Durel said that we might have Captain Kuune to wake up from her state in 40 hours." Replied Eris to him where she also become the deck's crewmates.

"So, where is it?...Aoi and Manami, Eris." Kanda said that to Eris.

"They had went to the our combatants' quarters where they want to involve in the rescue mission. Manami had joined our air force team which being handled by Swallow-san and Hawk-san. She currently had being taught by Hawk-san for the manual to pilot the aircraft." Replied Eris before continues: "For Aoi, she joining assault team under Sarah-san, Raven-san, and Claris-san. She had been assigned as the team leader of team Assault 3 where she will lead 5 members under her. Her superior officer is Claris-san where under her, there are 12 assault teams. Sarah-san and Raven-san also have the same number of assault teams under both of them."

The time continues to pass as the construction of the portal had almost finished where Kanda and others had also took some time to eat where some of the maid-in-trainings had acted as the cook inside the Reisende. Maya becomes the one who responsible to manage the people inside the ship as she had the position as Head Maid in there. Antonia sometimes visits him at the bridge or Ichika at her lab where they had spent their time in there, sharing their knowledge.

~2 hours later.

"Captain. We have finished the portal." Rolo salutes him with other Assistroids.

"Thank you, Rolo, and you too, Assistroids." Replied Kanda at them before looking at his crewmates and said: "Prepare for our hyperjump. We need to arrive at Jens's location as soon as possible."

"Yes, Captain." Replied Melwin before continues: "Initiate our hyperjump...Activated all of the thrusters...Course clear...Accelerating in 5...4...3"

The helmsman slowly pushes the accelerator as she had listened to Melwin's countdown where Melwin continues her countdown: "...2...1...0...Reisende, TAKE OFF." The helmsman pushes hard the accelerator which cause the speed of ship to increase suddenly and enter the portal.

After the Reisende had passed through the portal, the portal starts to destroy by itself which had been set by Rolo and being ordered by Kanda so the portal will not being used maliciously in the wrong hands.

(A/N: I knew that you don't want them to take your paradise if they could travel to another path of the universes. Just admit it, Kanda.)

~Inside the Reisende after pass through the portal.

The Reisende can be seen inside a tunnel-like space where everything seems like distorted outside the ship. People inside the ship don't feel anything changes in them except that they feel like they are moving as in a boat where the water of the river flowing vigorously. They had adjusted their condition after a moment as the people except for the Catians had not travelled in the space.

After feeling like many hours had passed inside that hyperjump which only an hour had passed , Kanda could see the exit of this tunnel-like path where Reisende coming closer to the exit.

~Somewhere in the outer space.

A dark circle can be seen started to form there where an unknown object coming out from that circle. That unknown object is Reisende where the ship had exited from the hyperjump.

"Ffuuuuhhh. Feel good to coming out from that as I could feel that my body being stretched after we had exited the jump." Kanda said that while breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well...It's Captain's first time to travel using this type of travel. It's couldn't be helped for you to feel like that." Melwin said that when she heard Kanda's words.

"Nyahahaha, just relax yourself, Kanda, as you might travel like that again." Chaika just laughed at his words.

"Chaika...How many times that I had informed you that Captain Ichijou is now our captain. Please be respect when you had called her." Melwin said that to remind Chaika.

"It's fine, Melwin. I don't really care about that as we are already a family when the people here had gathered in the Reisende." Kanda raises his right hand slightly to stop Melwin as he said that.

Melwin just sighs at Kanda's words where Chaika just laughs at that and said to Melwin that she is too strict which Melwin shouts at her denying Chaika's words.

"Anyways, Chaika, can you find it? Current whereabouts of Jens." Asked Kanda to change their conversation.

"Please wait for a second, Kanda." Replied Chaika as she manipulates her panel for a moment before she shows the information on the monitor. She said with a surprised tone: "From the information that had been shown here, Jens had already passed our current location 15 minutes ago. Her location from us is 250 KM apart and we need to move our ship immediately so she will not make our distance with her become even further."

Kanda nods at her words and said: "Let's go. We will chase her right away."

Reisende starts to move where its next destination is Jens's current location.

~Inside the Reisende.

"Why Jens could move faster that what we had been expected?" Asked Melwin as she still confused with Jens's whereabouts.

"Well...maybe she had something to manipulate the speed of her ship though she couldn't access its bridge. She had those abundant of knowledge from her planet so it might do some help at her." Replied Kanda after he thought for awhile.

"There is a possibility for that thing to happen like Kanda had said." Eris said that as she had agreed with Kanda's assumption.

As the Reisende travelling through the outer space, multiple spaceships could be seen travelling towards the same direction as Reisende where its trying to chase Jens.

"Why there are many spaceships here, Melwin? I could see that they also going the same direction as us." Kanda said as he see many ships outside his ship.

"I don't even know why these ships are here, Kanda." Replied Melwin before her face had changed into realization which she looks at Chaika and said: "What is today's date, Chaika?"

"It's June 16." replied Chaika short.

Melwin just faceplams before looks at Chaika at again and said: "Not the date from Earth, Chaika, in our Catia's date."

"Nyahaha, sorry, Melwin. I just feeling like I'm still on Earth." Replied Chaika while laughing before she operates her panel for a second and said: "It's 1st in month of Apr, Melwin."

"I see...that's why there are many ships here?" Melwin said that while nodding as she listened to Chaika's answer.

"What is you had in your mind, Melwin?" Asked Kanda at her.

"Today is the day when the meeting between the alliance inside Galactic Federation of Intelligence Life will be held. Every 50 years, this meeting will be held to discuss about the alliance such as the recruitment of new ally or the problems that had been faced by the planet under the alliance. This year, our Catia Federation had been chosen as the place where the meeting will be held. Our team also had been ordered to return at our planet but maybe due to great distance between Earth and Catia Federation, that message had been sent late at us and just now, I started to remember about this meeting." Replied Melwin as she talks to Kanda.

"So, Jens, will use this conference to execute her revenge. If that's so, we need to speed up our pace so we could intercept her ship though I don't know whether we could catch up to her or not." Kanda said that while pondering at his word.

"Captain, may I suggest you an idea where I could make this ship to catch up with the ship's that you had been targeted." Rolo suddenly appears on the screen as he said that.

"What is it your idea, Rolo? If your idea is plausible, we will do it right away." Replied Kanda as he allows Rolo to continue.

"We could use Reisende's Second Phase to catch up with that ship where in that phase, Reisende will increase its speed by double though the fuel consumption for Reisende will become greater." Replied Rolo.

Reisende have three phases which are First Phase, Second Phase, and Third Phase where current state of the ship is the First Phase.

Kanda thinks for a moment before asks Rolo: "How about our current remaining fuel? And is there any backup fuel if our current fuel had depleted?"

"Our current remaining fuel is 83% where the fuel will be under 35% if we had used the Second Phase later. Our backup fuel had also been prepared where the Energy Converter Device (ECD) which had been built by captain had succeeded to convert about 50 tonnes of metal into 10% of fuel for Reisende. We need to use 500 tonnes of metal to refill our backup fuel. Right now, we only have another 500 tonnes of metal which not had been used inside ECD." Replied Rolo.

Before Kanda had flown to the outer space, Anne had gave him about 1000 tonnes of various metals when she heard that Kanda had created ECD for his ship. Anne had said to him that those metals had been left behind without anyone use it so she gave those metals at him when he had asked her about the metals' origin.

"Ok...how about the Third Phase? Why don't we use that phase?" Kanda asked that after he nods his head.

"I'm sorry, Captain. We couldn't use Third Phase as our current ship could barely hold that phase so I don't recommend for that. Also, in the Third Phase, our fuel will be consumed immediately if we using that phase. Our current fuel storage capability could only hold for two hour before the storage become empty from the Third Phase. Unless we have unlimited materials to use inside the ECD, We need to avoid from using that phase." Explained Rolo at him.

"Alright, Rolo. We will use Second Phase. Activate that phase immediately and take us to Jens." Ordered Kanda which Rolo salutes at him.

"The ship now will enter the Second Phase...Reisende will make change in 3...2...1...0...Change had completed...Reisende had entered the Second Phase." Female operator said that as on the outside Reisende changes its looks slightly.

Reisende in the First Phase had the colour of black on its body where some parts have gold in colour. In Second Phase, Reisende still maintain its First Phase state but with red vine-like decoration spread to all its body.

"Now, take Reisende to Jens right now." Ordered Kanda as he points his finger forward.

"Yes, Captain. Reisende...Speed Up." The female helmsman pushes the accelerator and Reisende moving with greater speed compare to previous state.

==In Catia's main ship where Jens had currently resided in there==

"Mwahahahaha...Finally, I could sense that I'm getting closer to that despicable Federation. Mwahahahaha...Just you wait, Catians, today will be the day of your doom. Mwahahahaha" Jens said that as she laughing.

She located at the edge of the ship's front hull though she could not enter the bridge or Core System Room. She standing behind the transparent glass which separating her from the outer space.


Next chapter