
Chapter 58 Creation of New Ship, Anastashia's Story

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


==North Siberia, Russia==

At the apron of a military base, 7 aircrafts can be seen parked at the base where 5 of the aircrafts are black-designed Antonov AN-124 Ruslan where another two aircrafts had strange design on it are parked along other aircrafts. Those two aircrafts are Catia's transport spacecraft belonged to Melwin and Eris's spacecraft.

Multiple people coming out from those Antonov aircrafts where its belonged from Antonia's forces and some equipment also can be seen being transported by those planes such as bunch of firearms and its ammunition and various type of military armored vehicles. From Melwin's spacecraft, three teams of combatants which being lead by Raven, Hawk, and Swallow coming out from there before they monitoring their perimeter from any intruders with some of Antonia's forces which being lead by Sarah.

In another place where enormous amount of materials can be seen had been gathered together, Kanda can be seen standing on the platform where he could oversee all the materials there. His girls, Antonia, Maya, Ichika and Anastashia also standing near him at the platform as they had asked Kanda to see his action in creating a ship for them.

"Anastashia, is it this place large enough just like I had requested before? I don't want to see that this place doesn't have enough space after my ship had been built later on." Asked Kanda as he see his materials from the platform without looking at her.

"Of course, Ichijou. You can see from here that this place had the length of 700 metres, width of 500 metres, and 500 metres for its height. Furthermore, this place located 1000 metres deep from the surface so I could guarantee that no one could know about your secret." Replied Anastashia without being bothered with his lack of attention on her.

"It's fine if this place could hold my ship later." Kanda said that at Anne.

"Ichijou-san...when will you build your ship as I want to see how the process for that creation?" Asked Ichika as she had an eager looks on her face.

"Don't worry, Ichika. I will start soon. Before that, I want to inform something to Melwin and Antonia first." Replied Kanda at Ichika before he had been asked by Melwin and Antonia for his instruction.

Kanda said to the both of them: "Melwin, I want you to modify some of our equipment that had been brought by Antonia-chan. You can ask your subordinates for that. For Antonia-chan, I want your subordinates on the surface to cooperate with Melwin's people so our equipment are suitable for the fight at the space later as we don't have any experience to fight in that kind of environment."

"Alright, Kanda. I will inform Raven about that right away." Replied Melwin while Antonia said: "Ok, Kanda-niisan. I will order my subordinates to cooperate with Raven-san later."

"Great. Now, it's my turn next." Kanda said that as he cracking his fist together before he closes his eyes after touching the bell at his neck for a moment. The bell starts to shine and he raises the blueprint in his hand before that blueprint also shines with the bell.

All the materials in that place slowly starts to glow for a bit like the bell at his neck. The materials floating for a moment before its gathered in one spot and create a ball of light with the radius of 10 metres. The ball for light starts to disperse and the outline of a ship could be seen in the naked eyes of everyone with Kanda except for him as he still closing his eyes to concentrate on his task.

Multiple parts of the ship starts to visible one by one where its starts from the front. Two leg-like structures for the ship had been formed before the structures of its body also starts to appear. Kanda can be seen sweating where he slightly struggle to maintain his focus during the creation process. His girls want to help him but afraid that it will break his concentration later.

~One hour later.

Full view of the ship that had been created by Kanda could be seen by the people in that place where Kanda sitting on the platform to catch his break.

He said while exhaled furiously: "It's too hard for me to build this ship. Fortunately, I could hold my focus until the end or there are some complications will happen if I had stopped in the middle of the creation process."

"What will happen if that had happened, Kanda?" Asked Aoi curiously.

"First, the materials that had been used couldn't be recovered back and it will take another time to find it. Second, I don't know if I could connect the part that I had discontinued as I don't know which one need to connect first. Third, it's took huge amount of concentration during the creation process to build this enormous object. That's why, I thankful that I had finished this ship in one shot." Replied Kanda as he standing up after catching his breathe again.

He looks at the ship that he had created and mesmerised with his masterpiece. The ship had the design of LCAM-01XA Archangel from the blueprint but with different colour scheme. The ship is full of black where there are some golden colour at some parts such as the bottom of its both leg-like parts of the ship, its wing, and some of its tail.

(A/N: You can think that the ship like Dominion that being head by Natarle Badgireul, except Kanda used black and gold as his colour.)

"Wow, the ship looks so awesome, Ichijou-san. What's the name of this ship?" Asked Ichika as she had fascinated looks on her face.

"I don't name it yet, Ichika. Maybe I will get the name for this ship after asking from all of you later." Replied Kanda before he continues: "Anyways, let's go and enter the ship to see its interior as I also curious to see what this ship had inside them."

(A/N: I want to ask at the readers for their suggestions towards the ship's name as I don't want to use the name like Archangel or Dominion. For the ship's name, I like if its name in one word or two words only. My opinion for the ship's name is Bahamuth (I don't really have good naming sense)).

Kanda and the people with him enter the ship and fully check whatever inside the ship before they going out from the ship after an hour.

As they going to the surface, Kanda starts to talk: "Melwin, Antonia, I want the two of you to find any people that capable to pilot that ship. Give this manual at them if you had found the people for that." Kanda giving a file at Melwin which contains the manual how to pilot the ship that he had created.

Melwin and Antonia nods their head before reassure him that they will find the people for that.

"Kanda, why don't you use Rolo in my ship as I think that he could control that ship." Eris said that at him suddenly.

Kanda looks at Eris before saying: "That's good, Eris. I had forgot about him as I don't see you use your spacecraft at home. Anyways, the people that I had requested also need to be found for the backup if there are somethings wrong with Rolo later."

After they had arrived at the surface using an elevator, they going for the lunch at the military base but before that, Melwin and Antonia gave their orders to their subordinates first.

~In the war room at the military base.

"What is the status for the progress of the modification at our equipment, Melwin?" Asked Kanda as he sitting at one of the seats in the room.

"Raven? Can you give us the report for that?" Melwin looks at Raven before she said that.

Raven nods at her before takes out a document in her hand and she starts to speak about the contents of the document: "In our arsenal, we have modified 100 of Steyr HS .50, 250 of M4A1 assault rifles, and 50 of MGL M32 Grenade Laucher for our firearms where we also modified their ammunition. We also had created 250 suits which give us the capability to fight under extreme environment such as in space. For the transportation, we had been only modified our aircrafts as we will fight at the space later. We have modified 20 F-22 Raptor, 30 F-18 Hornet, and 50 F-16 Falcon where they are capable to fight at the space as we had upgraded some of its part to support that. Brigadier General Anastashia also had gave us 25 Sukhoi Su-35 at us where we currently doing its modification right now. The ground vehicles that had been brought with us here will stay as usual for now. That's all the report for our current force." Raven returns back behind Melwin as she had finished gave her report.

"Thank you for the report, Raven, and..." Kanda said that to Raven before looking at Anne and continues: "Thank you for the support that you had given to me, Anastashia."

"It's nothing, Kanda." Anne just dismissed that casually.

Kanda just nods his head at her before looking at Maya behind Antonia and said: "How about our current personnel, Maya? How about the people that responsible for our ship's flight later as Rolo, Eris's AI will control the core system of the ship?"

Maya slightly moves forward as she had several documents in her hand and she starts to speak on first document: "We had 100 maids under Antonia-sama where 70 are battle maids and another 30 are maid-in-training where these 30 maids had passed their intermediate training regime in our place so they capable to fight 1vs3 with the enemies. Our battle maids could fight easily in 1vs6 condition where some of the elites could fight into a draw when fighting in 1vs10 with the armed enemies."

Maya reading another document and said: "In Melwin's side, other than high-ranking members of Catians, they have 3 teams of combatants where each team has 6 members including its leader. They had informed us that they had already been prepared their own equipment which they had asked some of our modified Steyr HS .50 for their own team where I had granted their request."

Maya reading the third document and said: "Other force that we had added were from Brigadier General Anastashia, she had sent one platoon of soldiers at us where all soldiers are females and being lead by a soldier with the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Lastly, the people that responsible for the ship..." Maya takes out the last document and said: We had been identified about 10 people where they had satisfied the condition for that where 3 from Catians, 3 from B.G. Anastashia's soldiers, and another 4 from Antonia-sama's forces. We have already had gave them manual to operate the ship where they are currently in the ship that had been parked at the underground deck to familiarise with the ship. That's all my report for our personnel that had been gathered in this base."

(A/N: B.G. Anastashia stands for Brigadier General Anastashia if someone asking about it.)

Maya had ended her report and goes back standing behind Antonia. Kanda said: "Thank you, Maya, for your report." where Maya slightly nods her head. Next, he looks at Anne and said: "Hei, Anastashia. I want to ask you for a bit. Why you had helped me so much? Before you had sent some of your aircrafts to us and now, you also had sent your soldiers for our mission. What do you really want from me?"

"I don't want anything, Ichijou. I just had a thought that being involved with you will make my life more livelier." Replied Anne at her before she leans her body slightly forward and continues: "You know, Ichijou...Before you had saved me from those terrorists, my life was difficult where my fast promotion in military ranks had been filled with bad rumours where some of my acquaintances talking behind my back. The soldiers under my command also had been ridiculed by others as my units consisted of women soldier only where some of them had been harassed by those male soldiers."

Anne stops for awhile before talking again: "When you had saved me there, I went back to my headquarters and I had investigated what had happened to me for those terrorists could attack me and my team. What I had found from my investigation, one of my own higher-ups in the military had leaked about my mission to the terrorists where they had hoped for me to be killed during that mission. As I had known about that, I used various tricks to make the one who responsible for my accident to be captured and being punished for that. I also knew about your involvement in my action as you indirectly gave me some information which had been sent towards me from one of my subordinates." Anne had explained about her past where at the end of her words, she just gave a dazzling smile at Kanda.

Kanda just evades his eyes from her sight and said: "I don't know what you talked about, Anastashia."

Anne just showing her smile and said: "Don't worry, Ichijou, I just being thanked for your help that's all. That's why my assistance for your mission just a small thing for me."

Kanda coughs for a moment before he starts to raise from his seat and said: "Anyways, I want all of you here to be ready to transfer all the equipment, transportation, and personnel to our new ship which will be coming to the surface from underground dock.

Others also raise from their seat before salute at him except for Anne and said: "Yes, sir."


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