
Chapter 2

Once the rain had stopped, I left the house and walked out on to South union street.

"Are you still there Hermes?"

"Yes William. I am here."

"What can I do with your abilities?"

"You can do almost anything you want through the power of energy manipulation."

It wouldn't be safe to unleashed any energy hear so I figured it would be safer if I just tried flying. I concentrated on using my energy to elevate my own body. It worked!

"I would recommend taking yourself invisible" said Hermes, "I don't want people to notice you, they might fear you and then try to hurt you."

"Good point" I said and I focus on making my body invisible. A light surrounded my body until it disappeared from sight.

"Very good William. You're a natural."

Suddenly I heard police sirens. There was a police chase on 4th Street by woodlawn park.

This was a chance to test my strength, I could stop that car easily.

I flew over with great speed to the intersection of 4th and north Union street, but I didn't time my landing right.

The robber's car drove right into me, but as soon as the hood hit me the car stopped as if it had hit a cement pillar.

The two crooks in the car had been throw threw the windshield and onto the street in front of the 7 eleven.

I did succeed in helping the police catch that car but I didn't want to happen that way.

"They will be alright." said Hermes, "We all make mistakes. You just need to learn from them."

Police got the criminals and an ambulance was called.

I decided I better leave.

I flew into the air several feet so I could think. Thank God for the invisibility power.

"That was great for starters." said Hermes, "you will need to get more experience in combat."

"Well I am already a great fighter." I told him.

"I am in the side of your brain and I can see how you think so I'm not denying that. But it would be best to you train in a real life situation where you could die if you didn't have me with you."

"Should I start fighting some of the gangs in the area?"

"That would be a good idea. Remember the more you fight, the more powerful you will become overtime."

I decided to fly over to Brandywine village, the turf of the Brandywine Mutilators; one of the most dangerous gangs in Wilmington.

As I land on the corner of Washington Street and W 23rd Street, I began to think. 'I should create a disguise so no one will recognize me'

I began to concentrate on creating on new outfit for me.

'Okay. I will need something to cover up my hair so no one will recognize my hair style. A helmet with a visor to cover my eyes.'

A black helmet formed around my head, covering my hair completely. Only I could see this happening because of the invisibility.

'Alright. Now for my clothes.' Since I was thinking of the video game character MegaMan at that time I made my outfit resemble that of a armored robot. A dark one piece outfit with pads on my shoulders, knees and elbows and thick armor around my waist for hip and groin protection. Now I was a superhero; a boy-hood dream come true.

I turned visible again and began walking down Washington Street, searching for any action. The air in the city was thick and polluted, like the air of most big cities.

Suddenly a muscular man hopped out in front of me from an alley next to one of the row houses. He was wearing a blue denim jacket with a white shirt and blue jeans. The colors of the Mutilators!

"What the fuck?" he said as he waved a switchblade knife, "What are you supposed to be? Nevermind, I could use some money. Hand it over!"

I noticed that he seemed to be moving in slow motion; my speed must have been 10 times at fast as his.

I just grinned at him.

Flies buzzed furrily around the area.

"What are you, stupid? Give me your money!"

The thug jabbed his knife at me, but I dodged him.

He tried again and again to stab me but no luck.

The thug growled as he swung his knife at me.

I grabbed his hand and twisted it, forcing him to drop the knife.

Then I gave him a dozen sidekicks in his face and body. I was holding back my new strength and he was still feeling the kicks as if he was being kicked by a mule.

I threw him to the ground by his arm hard. He was out cold!

"Hermes, can I teleport him to another location?" I asked.

"Yes, anywhere in the universe you want."

I decided to sent him to the nearest jail so I waved my hand and the thug vanished.

"I think it's time to remove the Brandywine Mutilators" I laughed.

I began to think of the whole gang right here, gathering all of them up and making them up here at the spot for a final showdown.

Before I could blink there were over a hundred gang members on the same street as myself.

I know that I could have easily just transported them off to prison, but I figured it would be a lot more fun to face them head on.

"What the fuck?" Said one of the gang members "Where are we?"

Another one of the gang members looked at me. "Why are you dressed like that kid? Are you on crack?

All of the other gang members began to laugh.

I grinned as flew at the closest gang member and sent him flying into one of the front yards of the row houses.

Another gang member pulled a .45 caliber pistol out of his back pocket and squeezed off 6 rounds at me.

I could feel the bullets bouncing off of my skin without any pain.

I moved at the speed of sound, knocking down gang members with kicks and punches.

One gang member was holding a shot gun. He pumped it and fired at me.

I felt the pallets on my skin but there was no force to knock me down or any pain.

"What the hell?" Said the gang member with the shotgun. He pumped the shotgun again.

I grabbed the barrel of the shotgun and squeezed it until I crushed it.

"Damn it!" Said the gang member, "What did you do to my gun?"

"Now it's garbage." I chuckled at him, making a reference to the odd couple.

Just then, another member of the Mutilators rushed at me from behind. I felt a piece of metal jam into my back and then I heard a snapping sound. He had tried to stab me by this knife broke against my skin.

I hit the Mutilator with a quick back elbow to the side of his face knocking him down.

Suddenly a hailstorm of bullets hammered on my face and body. The other Mutilators were shooting me, but the bullets didn't even tickle me.

"Now it's time to clean up the streets."

In less than a second, I had transported all of them to jail.

It was so easy, they were one of the worst gangs in the city and I stomped right through them.

Next chapter