
Chapter 3

Using my new god powers I cleaned up the city and captured every gang.

Suddenly another ball of light fell into the city. Using Hermes' sensing ability, I could see that it was a woman with long blonde hair. She was screaming as her body created a crater in the middle of Market Street.

As I flew to her, another figure flying down to the woman.

"Death Ray!"

A pulse of energy rips through the air.

The woman was hit with the beam in her chest as she screamed in pain.

"It's over Aphrodite! Give up the philosophers stone! Lilith wants it now!"

Just as I finally landed on the street as heard the woman shout "Never!"

"That's Ares," said Hermes, "He was my brother but now he betrayed our family because Lilith promised him a lot of power."

I decided to sneak attack Ares while his back was turned.

I hit Ares with a jump kick to the back of his head and knocked him down.

Then I jumped up into the air prepared to stomp on him but Ares moved out of the way.

"Who in the hell are you?" Ares snarled at me.

"Hermes, is he one of them?" I heard Aphrodite speak telepathically to Hermes.

"Yes Aphrodite, he is."

"Let her go." I growled at Ares.

"And if I refuse?" said Ares.

Just then Aphrodite held up a large diamond shaped stone.

"That must be the philosophers stone." I thought.

A beautiful light covered my body.

"Philosophers stone," cried Aphrodite, "Give the power to the young one."

I raised my fists into a cross in front of chest and begin to focus on building up energy as I fists began to glow again. It was time for me to unleash a new technique.


Then I lowered my glowing fist at both sides of my hips.


He area was eliminated buy a bright white light.

He put my wrists together in front of me as I launched my ball of energy at Ares.


Ares dodged the blast and the ball exploded into the wall of a building.

"Can't you blast any faster than that?" Ares taunted me.

I could hear people screaming in the streets as they watched.

I raised my fists into a cross in front of chest again.

"I won't miss this time. Fierce bomb Ha!"

This time when Ares dodged, I waved my hand to control the ball of energy like a remote controlled car.

The blast swung around and hit Ares in the back. He groaned in pain.

"I will destroy you!" Ares shouted "You are nothing but a child!"

Ares had much longer arms then me and he got the first punch. Bam! A right to the head and then one-two combos to the chest and head, occasionally taking the time to do an extra punch in one of the two areas.

His punches hurt me and felt like a hammer but I did not back down. I dodged his next punch and threw all of my strength into one mighty punch filled with energy.

"Fist of the devil!"

I unleashed a furious blow across Ares' face, giving him a deep cut.

I rushed him and swung for his head. Ares caught my arm and pressed firmly against my shoulder with two fingers. I cried out in surprise and pain.

I shifted my weight and tore out of the painful hold. "What's he up to?" I thought.

I dodged and blocked with my good arm while Ares took the offensive.

I felt something jab his side and stomach. I fell to my knees clutching his wounds as I realized Ares was using a technique similar to pray mantis Kung Fu.

I growled as I slammed my good arm into Ares' crotch, hard.

Ares stood motionless for a moment and turned red. I kicked his feet from under him causing him to land on the back of his head.

Ared rolled away as I tired to stomp on him and stood shakily on his good leg.

Ared rose from the ground and glared at me "I'll teach you about pain before I kill

you now boy!" he sneered and stalked towards me.

"Fists of fury!"

Ares became a blur of motion and swung at me from all directions shifting his forms to confuse me.

Blows struck me almost causing me to lose my already delicate balance. "What am I going to do?" I thought desperately.

"Stay focused." said Hermes.

I slammed his fist into Ares gut as he kicked me in the face.

Ares spung around and tried to hit me with a back hand, but I ducked.

Unfortunately when I stood up again Ares manage to grab me.

However before he could do anything else I managed to slip out of his arms.

I lifted my right foot and begin to kick Ares with a series of tae Kwon do kicks.

"That's it!" growled Ares as he pointed his index finger at me.

"Death Ray!"

A beam of energy shot out of his finger.

I back flipped just in time to avoid the beam.

The death Ray exploded in the front window of one of shops.

He suddenly ran full-speed, straight at me.

He stopped just a foot short of me, and leaped at least twenty metres into the air, did a flip at the apex of his jump, and then came down in a hammer-blow position.

Seizing an opportunity too good to miss, I jumped towards him, straight into the air, right as he was reaching the top of his bound. I arrived at his position just as he was re-orienting himself in the air and going into his attack pose. I bent my arm, stuck out my elbow, and drove it right into his abdomen.

My elbow wedged itself right into his stomach, and Ares was propelled through the air and onto the roof of one of the nearby abandon apartment buildings by the blow. He crashed into the small entrance on the top of the roof, ripping apart the steel and bricks of the small structure.

I slowly descended to the street and gazed up at the roof. I knew I could've jumped up to the top of the building and continued the fight, but I saw a much better chance to possibly finish the battle right then. I decided to bring the entire roof down.

"Fierce bomb!" I cried out, the river of ki energy flowing through my arms and concentrating in my palms. "Ha!" I screamed as I whipped my hands to towards the rooftop, and willed the powerful stream of energy out of my hands, towards my enemy's position.

The beam cut a swath through the stale air of the city, struck the roof and shattered it entirely. Bricks, steel, mortar and a whole bunch of other pieces of debris were sent flying through the air at deadly speeds. There was a gigantic explosion as the excess ki energy light up the dark night sky.

I'd hoped that the blast would destroy, or at least injure Ares, and give me some sort of advantage for the rest of the fight, but instead he was sent flying into the air, several metres away from the blast point of the Fierce bomb.

Ares was still high above me and had regained control of his body just as I was heading towards him. I realized my opening was slim, but I knew it was still there. I concentrated my mind while in mid-air, and prepared another surge of ki power. I pushed this one down my leg and into my foot, where it burned through my skin and illuminated the air in a dull blue. It was time for me to try out a few new techniques.

"Dragon's kick!" I yelled, as my energized foot pulled the rest of my body behind it as it exploded straight towards the immobile Ares. In record time, I covered the hundred metres between us, and smashed my foot into his torso with a spinning back kick.

The blow sent him gliding through the sky, with a slight downwards angle to his fall. I hung in the air for a moment before gravity caught up with me and I was sent to the rubble of the destroyed rooftop.

I dropped right through the gaping hole I'd created in my less than mythic descent, and crashed into a vacant bedroom. Fighting through a stinging pain, I quickly rose from the ground, ran to the side of the room, punched out the glass window and hopped down five stories to the sidewalk.

After landing, I turned to my right and ran off to the area where Ares had been heading during his fall. As soon as I turned around the corner of the ruined building, I was met head on by a fist.

"You little punk!"

I was thrown backwards by the force of the blow, but managed to orient myself and land back on my feet across the street. I looked across the gravel road to see Ares smiling, very satisfied with the results of his punch.

The taste of blood spread in my mouth, and after allowing the cut clod, I emphatically spat out the blood, stared at Ares.

His smile never even cracked, not for a split second. I hated to see him so smug and confidant.

We met in the center of the street, and that was when the fight continued.

Lightning quick flurries of blows were exchanged between the two of us, neither one of us landing anything other than partially blocked attacks and useless jabs.

Finally I noticed that Ares was breathing heavily.

'He's getting tired.'

One of his forearms didn't move fast enough, and I managed to swing around his arm, and catch him on the side of the head with a hook shot. He stepped back in defense, but not quick or far enough. I followed up by faking a jab with my left to his head, which he bought, and then with my right, I planted a fist in his solar plexus.

In a single, effortless motion, I side-kicked him in the kneecap, bringing him down to one knee, and then backhanded his temple with my right fist. The attack sent him sprawling to the ground.

I stepped back and took in a deep breath, hoping to stop the shaking in my hands. Slowly and groggily, Ares rose from the street. He looked into my eyes with a sort of silent challenge, and I returned the gaze with an equally challenging look.

When he had finally risen to his full height, he stood with his back straight up, his chin high and a trickle of blood running from the side of his head. There was something in the way that he presented himself; I just knew he was going to attack once again.

Without the slightest hesitation, he dove towards me and threw a wild punch straight at my head. I saw the blow coming though, and managed to easily catch his fist in my palm and block its path. Sensing an opportunity, I quickly brought my own hand up and then swung it down in an attempt to crack his shoulder. The blow failed when he caught my forearm in his free hand though. We both pushed with all our strength, neither one willing to concede an inch to the other.

I fell backwards and onto the ground. I landed directly on my spine and a sharp, shooting pain rocketed through my back and left me immobile, if only for a split second. That was time enough for him to axe-kick me in the stomach. The air was rushed out of me as the pain in my back slowly subsided, only to be replaced by the sting in my abdomen. I suspected he would try and keep me on the ground, and sure enough, he tried to tackle me while I was on the concrete. I managed to roll away from the poorly aimed pin though, and came to a rest on my stomach. I pushed myself up from the ground, on my hands and knees, but he was completely relentless, and just as I was about to rise up, he kicked me savagely in the ribs. A deafening crack broke through the air as my ribs and the palm of his foot connected.

I could feel him beginning to charge his ki at the same time I changed mine.

"Death ray!"

"Fierce bomb ha!"

Our blasts met and pushed against each other. For several minutes at look like neither of us can get the advantage.

The adrenaline flowing true my veins and my heart was pounding so hard as I struggled to fight off the attack. It was a colossal struggle for domination.

"I must get stronger!"

My veins exploded out as a wave of energy shook me. My muscles involuntarily flexed out.

"Charge up!" I cried.

I felt sudden feelings of power inside of my body and then my body was surrounded by a bright red mist of energy and felt my strength a thousand times higher. I felt great!

I had suspected that I could use energy in order to power my own body, but now I knew that it was true and it was a technique I would call charge up.

Now I was getting the upper hand.

"No!" yelled Ares, "No!"

I unleashed a flurry of energy and the blast finally hit Ares head on.

"H-how is this possible?! AAAAAHHHHH!"

Being disentegrated within my friece bomb, I had finished Ares once and for all.

I could hear a crowd of people cheering behind me, the people in the city had seen the whole thing.

It's a good thing I was wearing a disguise because I am sure that my parents would have had to pay for all of the damages that was being done.

"Thank you chosen one." Said Aphrodite.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I helped Aphrodite up to her feet.

"I'm fine now that I have found you young one"

"Hermes? Are you there?" called out a voice.

"Hera?" said Hermes, "Is mount Olympus still intact?"

Hera replied with anger and sadness "It depends on how you consider intact...".

"Did Zeus survive?"

"Yes. He is still alive."

"Hera? This is Aphrodite. You senses were right! We have found the chosen one!"

"Wonderful!" cried Hera, "We have prepared a special room where the chosen one can train."

Aphrodite gasped.

"The room of nothing?"

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's a special place in between dimensions where time does not exist. It is a place where you can get a lifetime of training in a second." said Hermes.

"Incredible." I said. "My parents would love a place like that. Of course, my parents! I'd better tell them. They can help me train."

"Well I'd better give you my strength too." said Aphrodite then quit that she took a hold of my hand and we are both surrounded by a flashing light.

When I open to my eyes again she was gone from site.

"It's great to have you here." Hermes joked.

I began to focus again.

"Maybe I can teleport back home."

I concentrated.

"I want to go home. I want to go to my front lawn."

Within 2 seconds I disappeared for my current position and I was in front of my house.

I could hear police sirens wailing in the distance.

I opened the front door and walked inside.

"Hello sohn." said my mother who was in the living room. She was about 5'2 and 135 pounds but she was a very strong woman.

"Is she your mother?" asked Aphrodite.

Mom shirked. "Who said that?"

"It's a long story." I told her.

Next chapter