
Chapter 1

Am I crazy? I can't be. I know all that stuff really happened to me.

So you want to know how it happened?

Well before I get to that I might as well give you a brief rundown of my history before that point.

My name is William Jason Kyle.

My father was an Irishman named Liam Kyle. He was the current kickboxing middle-weight champion of the world. He also loved to play guitar. His martial arts style was a combination of Boxing, Tae kwon do and some elements of Mauy Thai.

My dad was a bully at one time but he is now a gentle person because of a kid who killed himself back in school. At the grave of the poor boy, dad cried and saw what bullying does to people. He vowed never to bully anyone again.

My mother Helena Kyle was a German woman who used a combination of Japanese Karate, pray mantis and monkey Kung Fu. My mom was once She retired from martial arts competition and began going to nursing school and she had a hobby of cooking.

At one time, Mom was the longest reigning UFC Bantamweight champion and was very popular among the fans because she didn't do that boring submission like most fighters did. She knocks people out and the people loved it! There's no one in the league that had beaten her, but she vacated the title when she got pregnant with me.

This was one of the many reasons why I was depressed a lot of the time, I always felt as if my parents had a lot of fame and would have enjoyed life a lot more if they didn't have me.

And my aunt Regina Kyle, my father's young sister; used a similar style of martial arts as my father. She also had a hobby of fencing and wrestling. Since my parents were always working, she was my babysitter.

Both my dad and auntie trained by a Japanese man named Hamato Yoshi and my mom's teacher was a Chinese man named Tien Shinhan.

My parents met in a World martial arts tournament as rivals back when they were kids in 1988. After my mom had beaten my aunt Reggie, she fought Dad in the final match and lost. Ever since Mom had been hanging out with Dad and my aunt and the three of them became close.

As for myself, I was born on July 20th 2001 at the Wilmington Hospital. I did okay in school but I also spend time training and learning how to defend myself from my parents. Boxing fists, tae Kwon do kicks, Wrestling holds and how to handle a sword.

I also enjoy relaxing with a video game or a good movie or book.

Although I had become very good fighter and put several bullies in their place right in my life, but I have always learn to be non-voilent and help anyone in need. After all, my father had bullied a kid to death and he would make sure to tell me never to do it because of all the pain and sorrow that I would get in the end.

Apart from my martial arts, I had also a little bit of fame in the world of psychic phenomenon. At the age of six, i had found out that I was a powerful physical medium. Father McKenzie who was an old friend of my parents had conducted a séance to test my power and I ended up creating a seven foot tall Navajo Chief from my spiritual energy. His name was chief Grey Wolf, he has been my spiritual guide ever since.

That all sound good but I am far a perfect person. I had problems with depression for most of my life. One time after I had been expelled from school one time when I almost killed a bully in a fight. I was so upset about the injustice that I experienced just because I stood up to a bully!

That night I swallowed a bottle of medicine but it only made me feel nauseous. I threw up a dozen times but I did recover.

This is no point complaining about it now. You want to know about my little adventure.

It all began with me sitting in front of the window watching the rain coming down while playing my guitar. I had been suspended from school again for defending another kid from a bully.

I had been playing guitar since I was 6 years old and I really enjoyed it. My mom would always tell me that playing music would just be a hobby unless I made it very big and I would be more likely to make a profession out of martial arts or being a psychic.

Rain splattered the glass as thunder crashed. The wind blew and the grass blew with it. The city had a dark gray color in the air because of city pollution among other things.

The date was June 6, 2016 and I was 15 years old.

As I looked out the big window I noticed small light in the sky.

Then there was a small streak of white light falling from the sky in front of our house on South union street.

I ran outside into the rain without thinking of any possible danger to investigate the ball of light as it hit the sidewalk out front.

I stared at the light in wonder for a few minutes.

I heard someone groan.

"Hello?" I called out.

"I'm am dying."

The light surrounded my body.

"What?" I panicked, "What's happening?"

"An evil woman known as Lilith is killing all of the gods one-by-one. She wiped out every lifeform in her own universe and now she wants to do the same to this one."

"Why?" I asked. I was so surprised that nobody had noticed why was happening.

"She wants complete power and domination of every timeline. She wishes to destroy everything and then recreate everything in her our image."

The light covered me completely.

"I am dying but my power and consciousness will life on in you mortal. You are the one that Zeus spoke of, you were in his vision. You are the one who will defeat Lilith!"

"But who are you?" I asked.

"I was Hermes. Zeus' messenger. Now my spirit and strength will live on in you William."

"You know my name?"

"Yes. Zeus spoke of you and your family. You are the ones who can absorb god ki."

"God ki?" I said, "You mean god powers?"

"Yes William. The others must come here so we can all put our strength into all of you."

The light disappeared

"Alright" I said, "Let's see what I can do."

As I focused on building my strength, I held out my fist and concentrated on the transferring my strength to my hand. For a moment, my fist glowed a silver color as if a ball of energy had just formed around my fist.

I did always have the power to manipulate ectoplasm into energy ever since I was young, but I never knew that I could do it without my spirit cabinet. Because of my ability, I was nicknamed "little ghost" which I hated but I could never shake the name.

But now I'm getting off topic, how did I make energy appear in my hand? Did I dream it? Had I discovered a way to manipulate energy with controlled conditions through my new abilities?

I began to focus again.

I concentrated on building up energy as I fists began to glow again.

It wasn't a dream!

Don't unleash that energy here! You will never hear the end of it if you end up destroying anything the house!

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