
Breakfast With The Prince

"It's much better than before… believe me. She didn't rub it in the boy's face… and I assume she was acting arrogant before the fight to get him riled up, right? That was part of your plan? You just wanted to prove yourself?" My maid of death smiled at Ada. 

"Uh, y-yeah!" She exclaimed, clearly just going with the flow. 

"Mhm… Anyways, let's get you washed up. Then, we'll discuss the real reason why I came here." 

"Hah! I knew it! You didn't come here because you loved me!" My daughter shouted almost smugly as if she wasn't offended by this thought. 

"*sigh*... just get washed up."

"So, where is your father?" I asked the prince as we ate at the main dining table of this palace. It was beautifully decorated but also unnecessarily large. 

"He's out right now. If you have any problems, I can relay it to him if you would like," The boy replied, using the perfect form to cut his pancakes. 

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