
Conversation With Ada (1)

"Are you sure you want the credit for helping find the man who's going to die? The all-powerful and ever so famous hero…?" 

"No, I want the credit of discovering interdimensional travel. I doubt a public enemy would ever try and use that fame… so I'll just use it to boost my own cred'? Decent enough deal?" The boy shot out his hand for a handshake. 

"I like you…." I smiled, shaking his hand before sitting back down. 

This boy was just like his father, so I couldn't help but dream of what he would grow up to be. In a new world created and ruled by Tolf… I wonder where he would place. Or would he even accept such a position underneath the rulers? 

I wouldn't be surprised if he ever led some kind of rebellion.

Not long after the dinner had finished, I followed my daughter back to her room whilst making sure that everybody who was watching us didn't pull anything fishy. 

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