
I Love Her (Partial NSFW)

Best because she can finally overcome her parent's death but worst because her abandonment issues will continue to persevere. 

She might've not noticed it, but she loves the other girls almost just as much as me. 

"Now, let's go back and talk things out with Ethel. Also, tell us if you ever need anything as you're always taking the brunt of the stress," I said and she just silently nodded while continuing to ball her eyes out. 

(Lucy POV) 

We took a break the rest of the day and the other girls made sure I and Ethel made up as the friction between us was like two pieces of sandpaper… it wasn't good in the slightest. 

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier… It was unnecessary and made you exceedingly mad. Please accept my apology," Ethel said, bowing her head deeply but I wasn't going to accept it so easily when she dissed me and Mia. 

"Apologize to Mia as well," 

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