
Short Mission (1)

"It tickles," I giggled a bit as she worked her way up my back and to my neck, scratching it a bit. 

"Well, the tickle monster is coming to get you then!" She shouted and we began to have a wholesome time together as she began to tickle me in bed. 


The next morning, we all met up before leaving LA as we needed to plan out our trip and book a hotel that we could stay in for a while. 

But for some reason, all the hotels in Texas where we are planning on starting our investigation, are packed, so we were all forced to share one hotel room. 

I mean, at least it was big. 

As soon as we finished our short trip through the teleporter, we walked through yet another, plain-looking city. 

Nothing was different and as we had a few hours until the check-in time, we decided to clear a few of the dungeons around. 

First, there was this B-Rank dungeon which had some familiar monsters that I was way too bent on killing. 

Next chapter