

"Want to go on a date?"


"W-what do you mean?"

"Like a date with just the two of us. We can go to the movies, a restaurant, we can go to see fireworks, it's up to you," Mia says.

Everybody was silent and from the look on Mia's face, I could tell she was completely serious. Her cheeks were slightly red and as I looked at her, she avoided my gaze. I took peeks at the remaining group members around us and all they did was give me a thumbs up.

"*sigh*... shouldn't you be asking somebody you like out,"

"That's what I'm doing," Mia replies.

"You don't like any boys?"

"I do like some guys but, they aren't powerful enough for them to date me,"

"So you want to date me because I'm powerful?"

"That's not the only reason,"

That is probably the only reason… tsk… They're all the same. Selfish and arrogant bastards.

"I'm leaving. Ask somebody else if you're bored,"

"Wait!" I hear Mia shout.

I mentally say the keyword and my vision suddenly twists. With one blink, I had appeared back in Mia's room. I sighed internally before walking towards the exit.

"Wait! Lucy!"

I hear Mia's voice call out from behind so I stop before turning to face her.


"W-why don't you want to go on a date with me?" Mia asks with a weary smile.

"Cause you're a piece of shit. Do you think I forgot what you did to me on my first day of actually going to PE? Sure I accepted the duel, but what if I was powerless? Would you have tried to hold back? Would you have even requested the spar? Didn't you do it because I annoyed you despite me minding my own business? Was it cause I took all the attention away from you?"

My questions hit her like a truck. Her expression had darkened and I could tell she was regretting every moment.

"I-I'm sorry,"

"You only like me cause I'm powerful right?"

"That's not true! It might be true for the other girls but I… I… I love you," Mia says, tears streaming down her face.

Uh… this is so fucking cringe.

Mia was now bawling her eyes out on the floor. No matter how many times she tried to wipe them away, they kept coming back. Despite saying all those things earlier, I couldn't bring myself to leave the room with her looking like this.


"Get up. You're first in line for an inheritance. Somebody as powerful as you shouldn't look this pitiful," I say, grabbing her arm and tugging her up.

"P-please… one more chance. J-just one date and if you don't like it then I won't bother you again," Mia says, limply standing up.



We stare at each other for a while with Mia blushing profusely.

"... Fine, one date, and you won't bother me again,"

"Really! Yes!"

Mia starts jumping up and down in excitement while I walk straight out of her room. Before she could stop me, I had already left the mansion and was on my way home.

It was the next day and school had just ended. We decided to have our date today since we both had nothing to do, and some members of Tolf had to do important errands.

I wore normal clothes like every other day. A baggy white crewneck sweatshirt that said 043 in light green. I wore white leggings to match the rest of my outfit which consisted of white.

My back was leaned against the gate of our school as I waited for Mia. My headphones were on and I was just listening to music until I saw Mia walk in front of me. Her facial expression was much better compared to yesterday.

"Let's go," Mia says with a smile.

I take off my headphones and listen to Mia's plans for the day.

First, we would have a snack at some local cafe. We would then go shopping after. Then for the grand finale, we would go watch some fireworks.

"Alright, lead the way," I say, gesturing for Mia to go in front of me.

Instead of taking up my offer, she grabs my hand and walks beside me. I could feel a warm heat creeping up my neck but decided to ignore it in the end.

"Here we are. This is my favorite cafe to eat and drink coffee at when I need to relax," Mia says, leading me by the hand as we walk through the door.

"Miss Mia! Welcome back! Would you like the usual?" A tall and skinny man says, gesturing for us to sit at a table.

This cafe was relatively big with lots of customers. If Mia wasn't a regular, we probably would've had to wait at least 20 minutes to get a table… well it might also be because of her status.

"Yes, I'll take the usual," Mia says.

"And what would you like young lady," The man says as we both sit down at our table.

"Can I get a black coffee?"

"Of course, would you like anything to eat with that?"

"What can I get?"

"I would recommend their croissant sandwiches. They're really good," Mia says.

"I'll take one of those then,"

"Alright… it should be out in about 5-10 minutes. Please enjoy your stay,"

Our waiter types our orders into his tablet before walking away.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Mia asks.

"I don't know… It's up to you,"

"Well let's first start with this… Do you like me?"

"Which way,"

"Do you have even the slightest bit of a crush on me?"

"No, definitely not,"

"Well that's going to change today," Mia says with a smile.

The warmth from before had crept back and I could feel it spreading even farther up my neck.

For the rest of our stay, we enjoyed our sandwiches with my black coffee and Mia's cappuccino. We talked about school and tried to avoid talking about Tolf in public.

Once we had finished our meal, we left the cafe and headed for the closest clothing store nearby.

Thankfully, it was within a 10-minute walking distance so we arrived quickly. We were immediately greeted by a few receptionists which we ignored and headed for the onesie aisle. Mia followed behind me, clearly interested.

"You like onesies?"

"Yeah. What do you wear when you go to sleep?"

"Oh, did you just initiate a conversation? That's the first today," Mia says.

"Just answer the question?"

"Well… it depends on the weather. I wear pajamas during the winter and fall while I wear a sweatshirt and only underwear for spring and summer… and I assume you wear onesies?"

"What about it? They're comfortable,"

"Maybe I'll buy one then," Mia says, shuffling through the selection of onesies.

After about 30 minutes of shuffling through different isles, we had picked out some clothes that we liked. Mine was mostly made up of onesies and sweatshirts while Mia had picked out only beautiful but simple dresses.

Of course, we had to try them on first so we walked to the back. There were a few stalls open so I let Mia go first which she happily complied. Not long after she entered, she came out with a frilly red dress that went to her ankles.

Once again the same warm feeling had come back and this time I felt it near my chin.

"Are you blushing?" Mia asks with a smug face.

"*cough* N-no. Let me try my clothes on now," I say, walking past Mia and into her stall.

"Wait, my clothes are still in there,"

After about 30 more minutes spent in the store, we had finished trying on all our clothes. In the end, we bought every single one we picked.

As we stepped out of the store, we saw the night sky and bright lights being emitted from the towering buildings. It was a beautiful sight but I couldn't admire it any longer since Mia took my hand and led me to an open grass field, about 10 minutes away.

Many other couples were here so I decided to keep my distance from Mia. But whenever I slightly scooted away from her, she scooted next to me. I eventually gave up as we gazed at the starry night sky.

"It's beautiful isn't it,"

"I guess,"

"Well it's about to be even better," Mia says.

In the distance, I hear a whistling sound and then a loud crack. The sky exploded with colors and it shone directly on our faces. We both gazed at the starry night sky that was slowly being filled with different shapes and colors.

We continued to watch the fireworks and I didn't even realize Mia had grabbed my hand.

"Hey, this is pretty cool- mfff,"

I turned my head towards Mia and before I could finish my sentence, I felt something press against my lips. It was soft and warm. The warmth that was slowly creeping up my neck had exploded out, making my entire face turn beet red.

We sat there, holding hands, lips pressed against each other.

Soon the last firework had popped and Mia retreated. She saw my beet-red face and smiled gently before hugging me tightly. I didn't resist. It was warm… I liked it.

I haven't been writing much action lately since needed Lucy to Recover from Trauma and sort shit out... also needed to get the Yuri going. Action coming soon in like a chapter or 2.

Plus what would you do if I said her revenge isn't completed? Say what! Alright, I'll take my leave.

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