

"I'll see you tomorrow,"

Mia waves goodbye as I walked back to my apartment. Everything happened so fast. I also couldn't stop blushing whenever I thought of what just happened mere moments ago. It made my heart race extremely fast.

After Mia hugged me, we sat there for a while. Nobody spoke a word and eventually, I let out a yawn due to it getting late. Only then did we sit up and walk back to the sidewalk. We held each other's hands and once I felt we walked far enough, I went on ahead.

"I should've said more…"

The next day, I felt much calmer. The day proceeded like normal with me going to school and such. The class was as boring as always. But, there were much fewer bullies from before. It was probably due to the stunt I pulled during the trip.

After school, I received a message from the Tolf group chat. Mia wanted us to gather in Iceland once again since she wanted to put some of our plans into action.

Everybody was free today, so we immediately teleported there after school.

"Ah, Lucy. Do you remember where the base is?"

I turn my head to the left and see Nell standing right next to me. She was as beautiful as ever but today she seemed exhausted.

"It should be where that giant pole is in the distance… also are you good? You look like you've been through hell and back,"

"Guess you could say that,"

"What happened?" I ask as we both walk towards the giant metal pole.

"My dad made me train in our A-rank gate yesterday,"

"Ah, that's pretty cool… how long were you in there for?"

"First of all, it's not cool, and second of all… I trained the entire night… with no breaks at all,"

Nell continued to rant to me about her painful and exhausting experience until we finally reached the giant metal pole. It was right next to a house that was made from various stones. It was relatively large and only had 2 floors.

"Guess this is it,"

We both walked inside the stone house and saw the rest of Tolf waiting for us.

"Alright, everybody has gathered here. If we want to, we could furnish this fake base but for now, let's look at the real base,"

Mia lifts one of the wooden floorboards and presses the red button beneath it. Suddenly, the stone walls in front of us started to open. It was like a 4 layered vault with the way they were sliding out of the way.

"Alright, shall we go?" Mia says, gesturing for us to walk down the metal staircase.

After walking a few hundred steps down, we were presented with a massive metal and concrete room. It looked to be the living room and it even had a loft at the top left. Though it wasn't finished, we were impressed by how much progress had been made.

"Your rooms aren't even built yet nor is the training room so let's go to the meeting room to discuss the future,"

Everybody nodded their heads in agreement as we followed Mia down a metal hallway.

We soon entered a room that was pretty small and had a round stone table in the middle. Surrounding it were 12 stone thrones that faced inward.

"That's edgy as hell. Who came up with that idea… It was you wasn't it?" Clio says, turning to Mia who avoided all eye contact.

"W-well let's start the meeting," Mia says… still avoiding all eye contact.

We step in front of the thrones and sit in a comfortable position. The throne was made from pure stone and had some patterns engraved in it. I sat cross-legged and supported my chin with both of my hands.

"We have many rough ideas on what to do, but we don't know what to do first," Mia says.

"Before we move on with that… should we discuss the elephant in the room?" Amanda says.


"Mia, you know what I'm talking about,"

"Oh, you mean Lucy. Well, we're only dating right now, she's not my girlfriend yet,"

Ah… I see…

It seems Mia noticed my slight change in expression so she quickly fixed her sentence.

"I-I mean I want her to be my girlfriend, but I haven't asked Lucy yet," Mia says, shifting her eyes towards me.

"It's fine. You only want to date me right now,"

"N-no! It's just I didn't want to jump to conclusions,"

"Whatever… proceed with the meeting,"

Everybody present snickered at Mia's fumble, causing her to blush in embarrassment.

"Geez, lovers quarrel already," Aria says.

"W-we can talk after. Does anybody have any ideas?" Mia asks once again.

Everybody calmed down and started to brainstorm. Only after about 5 minutes of shuffling through our ideas, Celestine spoke up.

"We should probably start with the Write family…"

"I agree. They're getting too powerful. Plus, I think most of us are enemies of the Write family," Clio says.

"Well… the Brollet family is allied with them… but I don't mind taking them out. I never liked them anyway," Ethel says, a sadistic smile slowly forming.

Electra and Nuala shivered at the sight of her expression while everybody else started to smile sadistically. My smile was wide. I could feel my eyes even starting to squint… my blood started to boil from the thought of killing the Write family's head.

He was the father of that bastard and was the one that fired my mother. I'm going to kill him… I won't be satisfied with just James. Before, I wouldn't have dreamt of even laying a hand on him, but with Tolf… I can fucking torture this guy.

"Alright everybody, we need to calm down for a second. There's no way we can just burst through their front door and kill everybody. First of all, we need some people to join our org but should we reveal our identity to our underlings or hide them. All in favor of hiding our identity, just raise your hand,"

Everybody raised their hand. It was kind of a no-brainer since anybody who infiltrates our org could immediately expose us. Plus, any traitors will have a much harder time trying to sabotage us.

"Okay, now how exactly are we going to recruit members?" Mia asks.

"We could try to take down some smaller families or kill some of the smaller Write family members, leaving a message that was from Tolf. Like we could right 'Tolf' in blood… or something like that," Nuala suggests.

"Kinda cringe… but you gotta do whatchu gotta do," Charna says.

"I guess we can try that but we're going to have to leak the evidence since the Write family will try to cover it up as much as possible. Any objections?" Mia asks.











"Nope," I say.

"Well, it's decided then. We'll make our move this weekend and I'll order something to hide our identities/faces. Oh yeah, I need 500 Million from all of you for the necklaces,"

Makes sense… The bracelets are at least 750 million but with them being necklaces they are at least 1 billion right now…

Everybody nods their heads before pulling out their phones and sending the money through our messaging app.

"Anybody else have something to say?"

"I'm good. I think we could end this here," Astra says before walking out of the room.

Everybody soon followed after her and before I could walk further down the hallway, I felt somebody grab my wrist.

"Can we talk?"

I turn around and see Mia, clearly nervous.


Mia walks ahead as we enter the living room. Some members stayed behind while some had already left.

"S-so I know you're normally supposed to ask for somebody to be your girlfriend or boyfriend after a few dates but I think… w-we can…"

"Sure… also when did you get so tall? I thought I grew a bit but now your basically 6 foot,"

"W-well, I took a potion that helps with growth speed. If I wasn't meant to grow any taller, I wouldn't have grown any taller so I think this is my limit," Mia says.

"So you're like 18 now?"

"No, all it does is increase my heights growth speed, my physical age wasn't affected,"

"I see…"

Mia steps closer to me and gives me a hug. I didn't resist and even hugged her back.

"Want to sleepover at my house tonight? There's no school tomorrow anyway," Mia asks.


"I won't do anything. I swear,"



"Just for tonight,"


Mia jumps up and down in excitement as I teleport back into Mia's room.

My coffee has done absolutely nothing so far. My eyelids are about to close shut.

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