
Weaponly elemental secrets

After recovering, the students gathered in the dorm.



"Ardolph, Asuka, could I ask your help?" Osamu asked while approaching them.

"What is it?" Ardolph, the dark skinned and dark haired boy asked.

"It's about the weaponly elemental magic. Even it will be easier if Denzel join us but he chose to meet someone so... " Osamu amswered.

"Hm? I thought you have knew it all?" Asuka asked.

"Yes I have knew it all but.... we all haven't knew about..... the digit." Osamu answered.

Asuka and Ardolph understood. No one knew about the digit in the weaponly elemental magic. And the digit was the special thing in the weaponly elemental user.

"This might help Yukina so...." Asuka said while walking closer to Osamu and stood in front of him.

"What do you need?" Asuka asked from eye to eye.

"The explanation about the digits for sure and you could do the example." Osamu answered.


"Let's go to the practicing field." Ardolph said while pointing with his thumb outside.

They went to the practicing field.



"The digit was really important because it was the next level of learning weaponly elemental. Every weaponly elemental user have this digit at least one. In Yukina chase, she has 4 as the number and that means she was ultimately rare." Ardolph said while explaining.

"The digit was like a level, but it won't affect your power.... some people see it as power but it was wrong. The digit was to increased special things in the user's magic. In some chases, it could increase and decrease too, even I don't know how." Asuka continued.

"As you know if weaponly elemental got a lot of disadvantage such as they couldn't create anything except their weapon magic type. Except for a non-built magic like wind, fire, water, and others will got a advantages. Built magic is a category that could create and build something like ice, earth, plants, and many more. So the digit secret was the advantage that this magic users will have." Ardolph said while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I haven't use any of this power except for the basic to be honest, but maybe Ardolph has used it once." Asuka said while staring at Ardolph.

"Well, you're right Asuka." Ardolph said.

"Then? What is it?" Asuka asked in enthusiasm.

"Well.... as you see.... if you're a sword weaponly elemental, according to the element it will shaped as the weapon no matter how. In this digit, is kinda different. It's more like a status increasing and other." Ardolph said.

"Show us! Show us!" Asuka cheered.

"Aaah..... but the digit need a lot of energy and stamina. So since I am not in that good condition...." Ardolph said. Immediately Asuka cried,

"Booo! It's just a reason!"

"Aaah.... no. I am real tired." Ardolph answered.



"The meal is ready!" Nera said from the door after she opened the dorm's outside door.

"Oh, the meal is ready. Let's eat." Ardolph said while walking to their dorm.

"Aaaargh..... at least show us!" Asuka cried.





After meal,


"How I used it last time?" Ardolph thought.

Ardolph layed on his bed.

"Something.... I didn't remember how to use it...." Ardolph thought.




"Aah... I'm sorry I'm late just now. How's the interview with Ardolph and Asuka?" Denzel asked while entering Osamu's room.

"Nah..... no answer, just another riddles." Osamu answered.

"Ah man...." Denzel complained.

".... so how's your date?" Osamu asked while smiling.

"Huh? Date? I'm just seeing her! You're crazy!" Denzel yelled.

"Haha, just kidding." Osamu answered.

"But remembering that there's arround four weaponly elemental user in this place is kinda crazy, right?" Denzel asked.

"Yeah.... it was like 1 out of 100..." Osamu said.

"But I'm sure no longer it will be 3 out of 10." Denzel said.

"Yeah, kinda right I think." Osamu answered.





Yukina was still practicing outside at that night.

"Thank God she wasn't as critical as we thought she will be since her blood was taken out from her hand. All we need to do is just covering her skin and her blood vessels that was broken out with our magic. About the blood, we could just threw it away and let the new blood filled her left arm." One of the nurse said that time.

"Since I'm not as bad injured as the others, I'll train hard." Yukina thought.

Then she tried to attack the X marked logs with the second method. Yukina ran toward one of the X marked logs. The magic ball hitted perfectly to the logs, but some of the green log was slashed a bit too.

"Huft..... still uncontrolled..." Yukina complained.

Then she tried the first method. She gathered her magic and made them flew to the nearest X marked logs. The magic ball flew really slow but it hitted the right target. Even so, when the ball hitted one of the X marked logs, the other green logs arround are slashed too.

".... it's still uncontrolled...." Yukina complained.

But then she tried again.

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