
Fast learning

Kurosa came at ms. Sheva.

"Ms. Sheva...." Kurosa called from ms. Sheva's back. Ms. Sheva looked at her back to see who called her.

".... I have.... a request...." Kurosa said.

"Said it." Ms. Sheva said calmly.

"Could we....."

"In Kannoya Academy name...."

"Accept Akira Yukina as the student of Kannoya Academy? She has helped us at that time and I could confirmed that she's not an enemy." Kurosa asked.

"*sigh..... that again? If you really want her to be your classmates, it wasn't that easy. She need to join the Junior High School lessons first, then she'll accepted." Ms. Sheva said.

"She need to join the exams too. After that she need to registered here." Ms. Sheva continued.

"Is that so...." Kurosa asked in a sad voice.

Ms. Sheva smiled,

"I know. You're a kind girl. To join the lessons and more, it will be Yukina's choice as well. If she rejected, we couldn't do anything." Ms. Sheva patted Kurosa's head.

"Then I'll ask her!" Kurosa said while leaving ms. Sheva.

"Thank you, ms. Sheva!" Kurosa said.






Yukina kept training and training.

"I see.... I need to work harder, it almost there." Yukina thought.

Yukina ran toward the X marked logs with her magic that gathered at her left hand. When the magic hitted the X marked logs, immediately Yukina tried to gathered the magic again so that it won't damaged the other logs arround it. The other logs weren't damaged, but the X marked logs was damaged just with a small scratch. But still, Yukina smiled,

"I did it! I'm near to controlling my magic!"

But then the magic that gathered was vanished and became wild. Yukina fell on the ground.

"Damn.... I thought I was near." Yukina thought.

Yukina stood up again. She tried the other method. She gathered her magic and created a ball shaped magic. Then she controlled the magic ball to fly toward the X marked logs. The magic ball float and strike toward the X marked logs. The ball hitted the X marked logs without getting exploded or vanishing. The ball flew to the other X marked logs. The logs that was hitted by Yukina's magic ball was sliced into pieces or even dust. Yukina smiled in joy and thought,

"I did it!"

But then no longer she felt tired and the magic ball vanished. Yukina sat on the ground hardly and tried to take a lot of breathe.

"*hosh *hosh"

"The air- I almost couldn't breathe-" Yukina thought.

She tried to control her breathing, but she couldn't. Yukina prostrated on the ground and tried to calm herself.

No longer,

"Stamina healing, energy regeneration."

Yukina could breathe like normal.

"Thank... you...." Yukina said slowly while sitting on the ground.

"Yukina, we have told you to not forced yourself too much or else you'll be like that." The girl with short brown hair and dark skin complained.

"I'm sorry, Nera." Yukina said.

"*sigh, rushing is not good okay? You should get some rest too." Nera said while tapping Yukina's shoulder.

"Let's head inside." Nera said while walking to the dorm again. Yukina followed her from her back.




Nera opened the door and Yukina came inside after Nera. Then suddenly someone called,

"Yukina! Yukina! Yukinaaaaaa!"

"Hm?" Yukina responded.

"Yuuuuukkiiiiiinaaaaaa!" A girl with black hair and low twin tail hairstyle approached Yukina.

"Kurosa, what's wrong?" Yukina asked.

"Well, ehehe..... would you like to be Kannoya Academy's student?" Kurosa asked. Everyone was shocked.

"She got the permission?" Everyone asked in their mind.

".... sure..... but if I get in your way, I choose not to." Yukina answered.

"Then.... you should take the fast-learning-examination." Kurosa said.

Everyone got it.

"It makes sense." Osamu thought.

"What is that?" Yukina asked.

"So basically you're like learning and having normal exams of the Junior High School lessons, but in a fast way." Kurosa explained. But Yukina didn't get it.

"She means that you'll relearn the material to get the diploma." Denzel said.

"Hm... I see... then I'll try." Yukina said.

"I hope by learning these, I could control my magic." Yukina thought.

"But we need to pay 19014,17 Ney..." Rheinalth, the dark blue haired boy, said.

"Payments, hm.... I could hold it all." Ermin, the white short haired girl, said. From afar, Asuka stared at Ermin and thought,

"Damn, she's rich, I wonder if she could even bought an island...."

".... thank you guys. You help me so much. I'll make sure to do some favour for your kindness." Yukina said.

"Then it decided!" Kurosa cheered.

Everyone smiled at Yukina and Kurosa. Yukina looked at those smiles and suddenly she remembered her family.

"Family..... my.... family...." Yukina said slowly.

"Um, Yukina?" Kurosa asked.

Yukina smiled and closed her eyes. She shook her head.

"In fact, I didn't deserve this...." Yukina said in her mind.





"Then let's have your lesson reviews." Osamu said while showing everyone his books. Osamu put his books on the lobby's table.

"Let's start with the easy one. What's 6×3?" Osamu asked.



"I forgot about numbers but I remember how to count it." Yukina answered. Denzel took a deep breath as the sign of relieved,

"I thought she'll said I don't know.." Denzel thought.

"So, how to count it?" Osamu asked.

"6×3. The number that put on the front must be added until times as the last number spelled. So if 6×3 you need to add 6 three times." Yukina said.

"So, what's the result?" Osamu asked.

"Six threes." Yukina answered.


"It's 81 Yukina!" Kurosa said.

"No, Kurosa, it's 18!" Denzel replied.

"Then, how about we moved to biology maybe? So do you know what is this?" Osamu asked while showing Yukina a picture of a cell.

"It's a cells. There's no cell wall on it because it wasn't a plant's cell. The one in the middle was the nucleus who command the movement and the activities of the cells." Yukina said.


"How did you know these? I mean, not to be rude but.... you're homeless for arround 4 years and I'm sure you didn't go to schools." Osamu asked.

"Oh.... some students often threw their paper in the dustbin so sometimes I looked at it and read it. Or if I am lucky I'll got some useless books too. All of the thrown papers and the books are talking about the things you just asked." Yukina answered calmly.

".... 0o0"

Everyone was shocked in silent.

"She was learning this whole time...." Kurosa said.

"O.... okay then.... it's a good thing. Let me just give you some small materials and lessons so that you could learn and try some exams questions." Osamu said while opening a book.

"Okay." Yukina answered calmly.

Then Yukina and Osamu learned together in the lobby.

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