
Chapter 31

A gigantic fleet spanning millions of kilometers suddenly appeared on the star system. The star system defense fleet was of course ready for this as the strategists had already predicted the enemy will arrive today or tomorrow at the very least.

The star defense fleet has sallied out to meet the recently arrived enemy. Corvettes lead the charge as they're the most numerous. They're supported by the TIE fighters soaring through the space and providing starfighter support and defense.

The Imperium battlefleet formed their specialized formation they called, "Asura". The Victory class battleship, the flagship went to the front and readily armed its Nova Cannon.

The distance of the fleet of the Empire from the Imperium is still more than fifty thousand kilometers away. The corvettes seeing the enemy charging what looks like their main cannon immediately ordered to disperse as they're wary of what this unknown weapon is. They're only briefed that the enemy possess some kind of destructive weapons of war. No other information due to the lack of it. They're basically fighting on the dark against the Imperium.

Suddenly, 10 more ships came out with ready to fire Nova Cannons as they sailed side by side with the Victory Class ships. A scene made every captain of the corvettes give the order of retreat and regroup due to sudden assault of fear on their bodily system. They might not know what's the weapon is called, but from the looks of it, they wouldn't and shouldn't try testing its strength.

"Fire!" shouted the Lord Admiral as the Nova Cannon suddenly spewed out their plasma warheads that travelled near speed of light. The people aboard the Imperial corvettes was stunned as they only saw a flash of light and nothing after that from the Nova Cannons.

"Turn around! Retreat!" shouted a captain aboard a corvette as he urged his staff to perform retreat maneuvers but all of this was for naught as they entered the ten thousand kilometers effective detonation range of the Nova Cannon.

The warheads flew literally too fast for them to even react or do anything as the warheads measuring around fifty kilometers suddenly exploded with the ferocity of a small star. The energy shields of each battleship didn't even did its job of being a shield as it literally melted. The whole corvette vanguard and the TIE fighters was melted to nothingness literally as the other ten more warheads that was shot out travelled even further to the main force of the fleet as it was armed to the last second when every ship on the enemy fleet has entered the ten thousand kilometers effective range.

The explosions caused by the plasma warheads looked like a supernova from an unsuspecting individual as it dealt so much damage and also with quickness that the ships from the Imperial fleet has no time to even react.

The Lord Admiral ordered the halt of the ships as they took their time to observe the scene before their eyes. The officers and staff inside the command had high expectations especially for that spearhead looking ship as it looked domineering.

The inquisitor had a weird look on his face as he tried to digest what just happened. But this weird look slowly turned to laugh as he gave out a satisfied laugh.

"Fuck, go get me water! I can't breath!" shouted the inquisitor while laughing as he ordered an officer near him while slamming his hand on the arm rest of his seat.

The officer immediately complied and brought the inquisitor a glass of water. The inquisitor immediately drank the water and threw the glass to the ground as it immediately shattered.

"Fuck, they're too weak. I thought they'll at least put up a fight against us. But now, they're literally melted to nothingness." said the inquisitor as he laughed loudly once again.

The commissar just nodded as he expected more from them. The fleet they just obliterated was the biggest fleet they had encountered by far as the fleets before almost only consists of tens of ships always less than fifty ships so the sight of hundreds of ships with that somehow big ship that looks like a spearhead made them excited.

Not that they expect the enemy to beat them as the smallest ship of this battlefleet is bigger in length that that spearhead looking ship.

But still, getting your fleet one shotted by a plasma warhead is pretty bad especially if you're a so-called Empire. An empire with no strength to maintain it, is no empire at all.

"Snap out of your trances! We still have a planet to take!" growled the Lord Admiral which made the officers and staff including the commissar and the inquisitor snap out and returned to their duty.

The fleet of the Imperial Supreme Commander has not received any reports yet from the baits which made them fearful for their outcome. They know that this star system is a choke point so if they'll lose this, then the tides will surely be evn more unfavorable for them.

"Damn it! How long will it take?" asked the Supreme Commander to staff who's startled and started to speak in fear.

"We're near sir! It will take us a couple more minutes." replied the staff with a vibrating voice due to fear.

"Damn it!"


The battlefleet cruised and entered the planet's orbit as they started the indiscriminate orbital bombing to soften up things so it will be suitable for landing.

The military personnel on the planet was at a lost on what's happening as their communication system and equipment was paralyzed and they don't know what's the current situation outside their planetary base.

"Try and try until it gets in!" shouted a commander to the officer who was in charge of the communication equipment. They've been trying to contact the planetary defense fleet to no answer. Their satellites also captured images of what looks like a supernova so they're more than afraid of the situation.

Suddenly, a cluster of explosions sounded as their position was hit by bombardment from the enemy as it slowly disappeared from the map of the planet, leaving only a crater.

As the planet was literally softening up and only the now paralyzed strongholds and the headquarters still existing the fleet made the preparations on landing.

Soldiers boarded their planes and checked their equipment one last time as their planes penetrated the sky, ready to drop them on the target areas.

As their planes soared and dangerously entered the range of the anti air batteries of the enemy, the fleet of the Supreme Commander of the Empire's navy has finally arrived as it came thundering down from the rear of the Imperium battlefleet.

A battle is about to unfold...

Pew pew

SomeGuyOnDarkArmorcreators' thoughts
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