
Chapter 7 : Childhood (1)


2 Months after Birth (61 days)


- Blue Essence : 400

- Riot Points : 0

- Gold : 1656 (The gold still went up day by day even though his actual age [biological] was stagnated.)

[Current Status]

- Name : Death

- Age : 336 Days | 11 Months (Halted by 22 months or 670 days)

- Level : 0 | (0/10 exp)

- Health : 8.5

- Mana/Energy : 10

- Attack Damage : 0.1

- Attack Power : 0.5

- Armor : -8.4

- Magic Resist : 0

- Cooldown Reduction : 0

- Critical Strike : 0


A woman in tattered clothes can be seen deep into the alley. She has dirty-pink colored hair, muddy face, and has two babies on her side. This woman is Rouge.

In front of her is a middle aged man with a bulky and tall frame.

"Garp, I trust you to take care of my children." Rouge said tiredly.

Her eyes slowly losing its light. "I am not going to be there for them when they grow up." Rouge sobbed. Tears continuously falling on her eyes, into her cheeks.

"Even so, please let them know that I loved them. I will always be... I wi-" Rouge said as she stumbled upon a rock. But her parents instinct kicked in and made sure to protect the two infant from the fall first before her.

Garp saw this and immediately took hold of Rouge as to not let her fall.

"Don't worry Mrs. Portgas. Although your man did some troublesome things, I still deeply respect him." Garp said as he picked up the two crying infants.

"Goodbye..." Rouge accepted her fate and let Garp take the two babies.

Moments later, a kid walked by next to Garp.

"Sir! I finally found you. We need to leave this Island soon, the admiral is already tired waiting for you." The marine trainee said.

"Little White Puff... What is your name again? Smoky, smoker? Either way I want you to comeback to the fleet and tell that old man Z to wait his ass off. Also, prepare some men to give this lady a proper burial." Garp said solemnly.

"Yes sir! But I hope it would not be rude to ask who is this lady?" Smoker asked curiously.

"I don't know. But for one thing I say, from now on, this lady's children are now my grandchildren." Garp said proudly as he shows off the two infant he is holding.

(1 Month Later)

It was at a middle of the night.

Somewhere in East Blue there is a peaceful residence called the Dawn Island. There, an old looking man holding an attire of a marine can be seen while holding two babies.

"Oy Old Lady Dadan! I know you are here." A man near Mt. Colubo, the mountain near the village, shouted.

After the man's continuous shouting, large steps can be heard descending from the mountain.

"I can hear you full and well Garp!" Another shout can be heard, but this time, it belongs to a female.

"What happened to you carrot head?" Garp exclaimed looking at the bulky and fat Dadan. "I remember you being thin and sexy... nevermind that. Here's a gift." Garp said as he tossed two sack of cloth as if they aren't fragile.

Looking at Garp's handling on the items, Dadan thought it wasn't fragile. But thanks to her years of being a bandit, she was able to quickly realized what was inside.

She panicked and carefully catches the things tossed by Garp.

"What the freak Garp. I do mean it when I said I am a mountain bandit but I am not a caretaker." Dadan said ignoring Garp's rough handle on the baby.

"Heh, Dadan you have no choice. You know I can just capture you here and now and turn you in to the Marines as a criminal." Garp said as if he outwitted the humongous lady.

"Tsk. Fine. I'll take care of the babies on the condition that I get paid twice as much." Dadan tried to negotiate. But it was too late as Garp already fled.

"I swear I will kill that monkey sooner or later." Dadan said with a deadly glare towards Garp's previous spot.

"Now, what should I do with these two..." she said as she looked at the nametag on the kids neck. 'The blonde is Death and the black is Ace... Are they sure they got the names right?' Dadan thought.

<Back to First POV> (A/N : Okay so that should be it for third POV... Just did that because it's easier to create the background than doing it from 1st.)

Timeskip 1 Month

It's been almost a month since I started living on this world. I found out that my parents died, leaving my brother, Ace, and I to Dadan's care.

From what I remembered in the story, Dadan is the lady who acted as a mother figure for Luffy, Ace, and Sabo.

Since I am on the same age as Ace, that means I shouldn't be too far apart from the start of the story.

I've been doing nothing for the past month besides crying for food, crying for diaper change, and crying for sleep.

I am not going to lie, it is fun to be annoying. Not that I wanted to be one.

One thing I found out during this past few months is that I can't talk to my guide through telepathy... It seems like it requires my voice for it to work.

It was an inconvenience for sure as I can't experiment with it until I started to speak or at least raise out a voice. But I guess I should have enabled the settings allowing it to do so.

(Timeskip 1 year)