
We are not that old.

I have been staying home for 3 days, and it's the most boring 3 days I have ever had. I can't go outside, I'm not allowed to walk around, it was hard for me to take a bath because I can't let the cast get wet, and the worst part is my foot was itchy and I couldn't scratch it because of this damn thing. The good thing is that my back is no longer hurt like hell, and I can feel the wound is dried up but it's also so itchy and I can't scratch it. Now I have to go back to the doctor's house so he can remove this cast on my foot since I can't do it on my own, Aiko is going to pick me up after school while I'm waiting in my house playing with Himawari-chan.

A car is parked in front of my house, Aunt Lisa is looking outside, and then she looks at me.

"Hasegawa-san is here, Aze."

I nod.

"Okay, I'm going to change, give me a few minutes."

Auntie nods and opens the door for Aiko.

Aiko is having a conversation with Auntie because I can hear it from inside the room while I'm changing my clothes, and it seems that she's interested in Aiko's modeling job. Aiko really knows how to live up a conversation and there's not a single moment of silence between those two, I guess that's the perk of being a public figure because there are so many things that they can talk about.

I get out of the room, and Aiko looks at me.

"Are you ready to leave?"

I nod.

"Yeah, I can't wait to get this thing off of me."

Aiko chuckles and nods.

"Okay then, let's go."

Aiko stands up and looks at Auntie.

"Kurokawa-san, I will borrow Aze for a today, is that alright?"

Auntie smiles and nods.

"Of course! Please bring this guy outside because he's been whining about not being able to leave the house for the past 3 days and it's driving me crazy."

Aiko is chuckling and nodding with understanding.

"We will take our leave, Kurokawa-san."

Auntie nods.


We both leave the house and get inside the car.

We are sitting in the backseat while Aiko is looking at her phone, I take a peek at what's she looking at and it seems like she's looking at her schedule. Aiko sighs and turns off her phone then throws it on the seat, she rests her head and looks at me.

"Is it okay if I take a quick nap?"

I look at her and shake my head.

"Oh, don't mind me. You don't have to ask me that, if you're tired you can get some sleep, I'm okay."

Aiko smiles and nods with understanding, then she's facing the window and I think she's trying to get some sleep. It's an hour's drive from my house to the doctor's house, so it's a perfect time for her to rest and I don't want to bother her because she looks so tired and a bit pissed about something.

We arrive at the doctor's house, and Aiko is still sleeping, so I tell the driver to not wake her up and I can go to the house on my own since Ren is waiting for me inside. The driver nod and he carefully and silently get out from the car to help me get out from the car, we both are looking at her and slowly leave the car and after I manage to leave the car, the driver gets back to the driver seat and continue to drive the car to her photo shooting place.

I'm standing in front of the wooden gate, and someone comes out from the gate, he looks at me and bows.

"Young master is waiting for you inside, please come in."

I nod and walk inside while carrying the folded wheelchair.

Ren is sitting with the doctor in front of the house, he's confused and tilting his head.

"Norl-kun? Where's Aiko? I thought you came here with her?"

I approach him and nod.

"Yeah, she picked me up but she seemed tired and she fell asleep in the car so I didn't want to wake her up because she kind of needed the rest. So I told the driver to keep driving and drive her to her photo shooting place."

Ren is humming with understanding.

"Oh I see, thank you for that. I will go and check up on her later. Now, let's take that cast off so we can start our plan."

I nod with understanding and then the three of us get inside the house, the doctor immediately grabs a saw and starts cutting off the cast on my foot. At first, I was kind of nervous to see that saw, but then he told me the saw is specifically made to cut the cast and it won't be able to cut human skin.

After he removed the cast from my foot, I can feel some of the weight of my body is getting lifted off. I can finally walk again after pretending to be disabled for 3 days, and I can finally scratch my foot that has been itchy.

I wash my foot and then am ready to go with Ren to see Arata Iesada. We leave the house and get inside Ren's car and we go to Akimoto University which is 20 minutes away from here, and we hope that he's still on the campus so we can take a look at him. Ren gives me a few pieces of information about Arata, he's 19 years old and took economics major at Akimoto University, he has a few close friends and he has a girlfriend as well. I'm wondering how did Ren get all this information and I'm kind of afraid to ask.

We arrive at Akimoto University, we look around and so many college students are looking at both of us and most of them are women. It's either because of the luxury car parked behind us or is it because of Ren's handsomeness and coolness or because of me that I'm a foreigner, anyway, we both then approach one of those groups of women.

Ren smiles and looks at them in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, can you tell us which faculty of economics is at?"

The women are smiling and looking at both of us, then they're all pointing at the building on their back.

"That's the one, are you both transfer students?"

We both shake our heads and Ren scoffs while smirking.

"I'm sorry, we are just high school students. We are here to check the faculty, that's all."

They're all shocked. Well, we are taller than these women but I never thought that we look that old that they misunderstood that we are college students.

"Wow, you're still in high school? We didn't notice that. You both look so mature for a high schooler. Anyway, are you planning on going to Akimoto University? If so we can give you our contact if you have any questions."

Ren raises his eyebrows and smiles.

"Oh? Is that really okay? Then I would love to have your contact."

Ren grabs his phone and all of the women are grabbing theirs as well, then they're exchanging their contacts, then one of the women is looking at me.

"Do want our contacts as well?"

I shake my head.

"I'm okay, thank you."

The women are frowning jokingly and then they leave after they say goodbye to us. I look at Ren and raise my eyebrows.

"Are you sure it's okay? They're going to annoy you from now on though."

Ren smirks and shakes his head.

"No, they won't. They only throw the bait, it's up to me if I want to grab it or not. They won't contact me if I didn't message them first, and in the end, they will forget about us if we didn't take the bait. That's how these college students play their game. If we didn't take the bait they will throw the bait to a different pond."

I'm humming with understanding.

"Huh? How do you know a lot about it?"

Ren chuckles and looks at me.

"Where do you think I know about it?"

I'm aahing with understanding.

"Right, Miyazaki-san is a college student..."

Ren nods and then he tilts his head.

"Let's go, we don't have time to waste for something trivial right now. It seems that we are right on time and we should be able to find Arata if we wait near the entrance."

I nod and we both then walk toward the building while looking around if he's walking toward or past us.

We are sitting on the bench while keeping our eyes on the entrance of the building, and every time a bunch of college students walks past us, they're looking at us like we are some kind of an attraction to them but we both are just ignoring them and keep focusing on looking for Arata. I look at my phone and the entrance back and forth since I need to keep reminding myself of Arata's face, but then Ren looks at me and tilts his head.

"Found him."

Next chapter