
Best friend?

A dark-brown-haired guy that's quite good-looking for a guy, he's walking next to a woman with black hair while having a conversation and holding hands, so that's his girlfriend. Ren keeps staring at them both for quite a while and he's not moving at all, I look at him and furrow my forehead with confusion and I thought we are going to approach him, but Ren let them both walk past us and pretend to not care.

Ren looks at me and raises his eyebrows.


I raise my eyebrows.

"Aren't we going to approach him? Why are we staying here?"

Ren smiles and shakes his head.

"What makes you think that he wants to talk to us if we approached him? We need an opportunity to get close to him, and I already have a plan for that so just watch and get prepared."

I'm squinting my eyes while keep staring at him, Ren then grabs his phone and makes a call.

"Are you in position?"

"Good, as soon as you see my signal, you can make a move."

Ren stands up and looks at me.

"Let's go, we are going to follow him from the distance."

I sigh and nod.

We are following Arata and his girlfriend, we are leaving the university and they both seem to be going on foot since they're not going into the parking lot. We keep following them and as soon as there are only a few people on the sidewalk, Ren immediately fixes his hair and a guy wearing a black suit is approaching Arata from behind. I recognize that guy's face, he's one of Ren's men and I immediately know what's he going to do to them both.

I look at Ren from the corner of my eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this? What if your plan failed?"

Ren scoffs.

"Do you underestimate my man? Just watch, and you will know what kind of person Arata is."

Ren's man gets closer to Arata and he immediately wraps his arm around his neck. Arata is surprised and they both look at Ren's man with fear written all over their faces, the guy is just smiling at them both and then he outstretched his hand. Arata without hesitation grabs something from his pocket and it's his wallet and his phone, he gives those to Ren's man, and then the guy just smiles and messes Arata's hair forcefully. The guy removes his arm from Arata and walks away toward us, Arata and his girlfriend are traumatized just because of that. They both don't dare to look back at the guy and immediately walk to the nearest bench to calm down.

Ren's man gives the phone and wallet to me, and he bows to Ren then immediately blending with the people. I look at Arata's phone and wallet with confusion then I look at Ren. Ren smiles sinisterly and squints his eyes.

"Clench your teeth and close your eyes."

I lean my head back and furrow my forehead.


Ren clenches his fist while he keeps smiling at me.

"Just do it."

I sigh and immediately clench my teeth and fists while closing my eyes, Ren then punches me in the face right on my nose. It stings so bad and I can feel something warm is coming out of my nose, Ren then gives me his handkerchief. I'm pressing my nose while wiping the blood with his handkerchief.

"You almost broke my nose, you asshole..."

Ren chuckles.

"You're fine, I didn't hit you that hard."

I'm groaning and sighing.

"Just because you can't beat me in a spar back then, doesn't mean you can use this opportunity to avenge your lost."

Ren is raising his eyebrow.

"Oh? Let's have a rematch then, I will make sure that I will break every single joint of your bones."

I look at him while keep massaging my nose.

"No, thanks. It's your mistake to go on easy on me, but a loss is still a loss."

Ren is chuckling and shaking his head.

"Anyway, let's approach them and give him back his wallet and phone."

We both walk to the bench where Arata and his girlfriend are sitting, Arata looks so scared and his girlfriend is comforting him while rubbing his back. I approach them both and look at them, they both are looking at me with confusion because they see my nose bleeding, and then I sigh while grabbing his phone and wallet in my pocket.

"I believe this is yours?"

Arata is surprised to see his phone and wallet in my hand. He jolts from his seat and bows at me.

"Thank you very much! Yes, those are mine!"

I shake my head.

"Here take it, just be careful next time."

Arata grabs his phone and wallet back from my hand, his girlfriend is looking at me and Ren.

"Thank you very much, and it seems that you're hurt. We will take you to the hospital and pay the bill as gratitude."

I shake my head and wave my hand.

"This is fine, it's just a weak punch anyway."

Ren is smiling and nodding while staring at me from the corner of his eyes. Arata then looks at both of us.

"Then, how about I treat you something, like coffee or anything that you want?"

Ren looks at Arata.

"Yeah, coffee sounds nice, but not for him though. He's having a nosebleed so maybe he can drink some milk because his bone seems so fragile if he got a nosebleed from a weak punch."

I look at Ren while smirking and squinting my eyes.

"Oh really?"

Arata's girlfriend is laughing quietly while looking at both of us.

"You both look very close, are you guys best friends?"

We both shake our heads while saying the same thing.


Arata's girlfriend is chuckling, Arata then points his hand at the sidewalk.

"Please, follow us and I will treat you a milk and a coffee."

I immediately turn my head while squinting my eyes and furrowing my forehead at him, Ren is snorting and holding his laughter. Arata's girlfriend is pinching his side and he's screaming in pain because of that, then Arata's girlfriend is bowing her head at me.

"I'm sorry, he's kind of dense for a guy..."

I shake my head.

"It's fine, milkshake sounds good for me."

Arata and his girlfriend then guide us to their favorite cafe, Ren and I are just following them from behind while looking at them both smiling happily because he got his phone and wallet back. Ren is looking at his phone and it seems that he's replying to a text message from someone. If my nose can talk right now, he must be very pissed at me since I keep making him suffer for the past few days.

I look at the cafe's name, The Sunday's cafe. What kind of stupid name is that, but the cafe looks nice from out here. Arata and his girlfriend get inside the cafe and we both are following them from behind. Arata is pointing at one of the empty tables, and he wants us to wait for them both over there while they order the drinks for us. Ren and I go to the table and sit down while leaning on the comfy seat.

I look at Ren while wiping the last drop of blood on my nose.

"So? What's the next plan? We can't get to know him more if we can't keep making a contact with him, and on the other hand, we don't have a reason to keep seeing him since this is just a coincidence."

Ren looks outside the window.

"You have seen how he reacted to my man earlier, you should ask him why he didn't try to fight. Once you get his answer, try to find a way to keep him in your grasp. That will be easy since we both know why he didn't dare to resist when he got robbed earlier."

I furrow my forehead.

"Why me? Why not you do it yourself?"

Ren scoffs and smirks.

"Sure, let him hang around with the Patriarch's son and let my enemies notice that I'm trying to get something from him. Sooner or later you will see either his parent's death or him getting kidnapped. My hands are limited, Norl-kun, you should have known that."

I'm humming with understanding.

"Right, then I will try my best."

Ren chuckles.

"You don't have to, he will pour his heart like a flood. He has a weak personality, and the dam will break by just poking it with your finger."

I'm humming with understanding, then Arata and his girlfriend are back with drinks in their hands. He gives me my milkshake while he gives Ren the hot cappuccino. Arata clears his throat, we both are looking at him and he immediately bows again.

"Thank you for giving me back my wallet and phone, and I almost forget to introduce myself. My name is Iesada, Arata Iesada."

Arata's girlfriend bows as well.

"My name is Tamamiya, Kureha Tamamiya."

Ren and I introduce ourselves to them as well, and then they both ask us how did we manage to get Arata's wallet back, Ren let me do the fake story and I just give them the most simple and common story that just came out from my head that I saw the guy robbing him and beat him up in an alley when he was checking his wallet. They both are praising us and showing their gratitude again.

Arata is scratching his head.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick."

Ren immediately looks at me, I know that this is the right time to get something from him. I look at Arata and nod.

"Ah, then I should clean my nose as well. Be right back."

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