
Chapter 11: Unexpected

Bidding the girls goodbye, I decided to have a little joy ride to clear my head before heading to my father's house. I needed to prepare myself mentally to not kill him tonight.

The rush. The adrenaline. The excitement. The thrill.

I drifted through the streets like it was my own personal playground. The streetlights passed by in a glare. It was nothing but me my car and the road. We merged into one.

I parked my car a block away from the house just to buy myself some more time. The place I once called home was in view. On the outside you would think that it was owned by loving family, but in the inside, you would see the true chaos. Isn't that how people are? Masking our messed-up selves behind a pretty exterior. It's funny how your household is perfect representation of how you become the way you are. I notice an expensive SUV from the corner of my eye, clearly neither the car nor the car owner belongs in this neighborhood. I shrugged it off because it nothing to do with me, so I thought.

I took another glance before pulling out my keys ready to enter until I noticed that door was slightly open. There were no signs of forced entry. That leaves me with one of three things, he knew the person, he was caught off guard or I am just overthinking, and he really did forget to lock the door. But then again, he rarely uses the front door, he usually uses the back door that leads to the alley behind our house.

I cautiously kept moving forward. My senses were heightened. I tried turning on the lights, but nothing. Something was definitely wrong. I walked further in and examined the entrance hall. There were picture frames shattered on the floor like someone put up a struggle. Okay I am about to do the stupid thing people do in movies when all the signs point to something is wrong, I called out to him "Dad are you home?" He didn't answer, a small part of me wished he had. No matter how much he hated me he still would at least acknowledge my existence, even if he were flat out drunk, sprawled out on the couch with empty cans of beer scattered everywhere.

I heard faint footsteps above me. Shit Livia think.... Aaa I nearly forgot I keep a gun hidden in one of my dad's coats in the hallway closet. I hid it there the first time I started to visit him again, you know just in case. I quietly opened the closet and search through the coats...found you.

I inspected the gun to make sure there weren't any damages and check if there were bullets inside the gun. I quietly cocked the gun, walked back to the front door, and slammed it. If someone else was here I am sure that those men outside probably already alerted them about me anyway.

"Enough with this shit! Whoever is in this house I can ensure you're not welcome... so come out now.... At your own risk of course." I yelled.


Okay that's how they want to play, fine by me. I slowly made my way to the stairwell weighing my odds, I know for sure that someone is up there, but how many is the question. I decided to stay on the first floor because there is only one stair entrance, and I would see them before they see me. What do I know so far? I do know there are two men outside for sure and I know there is at least one person upstairs. But there's still no way of telling how many people is actually in the house. Fuck fuck fuck...okay I should go through the kitchen first it's an open space with plenty options for me to make an emergency escape.

"You got this Livia. You are a strong and fearless. You have been in sticker situations." I said to myself. I made my way towards the kitchen and peered around the corner of the stair entrance. I stood there for a couple of seconds to make sure no one tries to sneak up on me. I silently walked down the hall closer to the kitchen. As I was entering the kitchen, I saw a reflection of a man wearing a white bunny mask embroidered in gold from the pots on the stove. "What the fuck? Who does he think he is, the member of the royal court or something?"

He had his back towards me I took this as an opportunity to take him down. I would shoot him, but that would for sure alert the other people in the house. I counted to three in my head and quickly came from around the corner and pulled him into a choke hold, but he quickly broke free. He pushed me away to put some distance between me and him. "Fuck... you little bitch I'm going to kill you." he sneered.

"You can try your highness." I taunted.

He then charged at me "Let's see how tough you really are kitty?"

"Oh, you have no idea." I took off my hood "Don't mind me I think it's only fair that you get to look your killer in the eyes before you die."

He chuckled in a cocky matter "That's cute, but I couldn't agree more, for you that is." He took off his mask. Why does he look familiar?

I shook my head "There is no time for distractions." He swung on me first, but I caught his arm in mid swing and through him over my shoulder "Is that really the best you got bunny boy?"

He got off the ground angrily "Not even close."

We set ourselves in our fighting stance ready to fight. This time I took the initiative. After what seemed like forever of delivering and receiving blows, I managed to jump on his back placing him into a choke hold, he was slowly losing conscious. I was so into the fight I didn't notice six masked men standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Just as I was about to deliver my final blow to end all of this, I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder.

"Aaa shit who the fuck shot me?" I yelled out in agony.


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