
Chapter 12: My Moon

Words left me. My brain stuttered and every part of me paused while my thoughts caught up to reality "Who are they? Why are they here? What is with the masks?" My mind raced for the answers, but then I caught a glimpse of a symbol that most people feared, realization hit me, my eyes widen as I stared at the six masked men standing in the kitchen doorway. "What business does my father have with them?" Was all I could think. Not sure what to feel but those voices, I know those voices "Parker? Cassian?" was the only reasonable response my brain could come up with.

Cassian removed his mask running up to me "Which one of you idiots shot my sis- shot her?" he asked furiously.

Parker followed behind him ripping a piece of his shirt wrapping it around my wound. I scrunched my face as he tied his jacket across my good shoulder and around my back creating a cast to keep my arm alleviated. He looked at me with sorrowful eyes, like the pain I'm feeling is killing him inside "It's okay little one you will survive, the bullet isn't that deep, but it could get infected if it's not treated soon."

I jumped onto the counter "I've been in worst situations this is nothing."

Cassian looked at me concerned "What do you mean you've been in worst situations? That doesn't denote the fact that you're hurt now." He said a bit angrily.

I gave him a confused looked "Relax Cassian I was just saying I was made into a tough girl, so I won't cry over bullet wound. Why are you getting angry about it?"

"And that's what I am angry about. What the hell happened to you for you think that getting shot is at the bottom of your worst pain list and brush it off as nothing."

I couldn't answer him, rather I wasn't ready to.

Parker patted his back "Take a walk." He suggested. Cassian glanced at me like I was something he never wanted to lose again. "Take a walk I will stay here with her nothing will happen to her while I am here." Cassian nodded his head.

I watched him walk out the backdoor "Did I say something wrong?"

Parker shook his head "No, he just cares about you a lot that's all." I shrugged it off not wanting to get into it any further.

Mister high and mighty leaned against the counter gasping for air "Umm hello youngest member of our gang is eternally dying over here."

One of the guys who has been silently observing the situation patted his back "Take deep breaths Adrian, you'll live." He said before turning his attention to me "Are you okay?"

Adrian scoffed "Unbelievable."

I gave Adrian a smug look "Yes I'm okay and you are?"

"Oh, my apologies." He removed his mask "I'm sure you've seen me before. I am Chris Wilder the oldest of the three CEOs of Wilder Enterprise. Those are my two brothers Jack Wilder, Poet Wilder, the one who shot you on impulse, and the guys assed you just kicked is Adrian Fox, our youngest."

I jumped down from the counter and stood in front of him "So you are the one that shot me, huh?"

"Yes, but I was only protecting my family." He protested.

I shook my head "That's understandable, but I have this very bad habit of getting even so I would like to apologize in advance." He fell to the ground with a loud groan after I uppercut him with my good arm.

Suddenly someone started to laugh and clapping his hands hysterically "You never seize to amaze me. I knew it was you from the very beginning." He removed his mask and place it over his heart in a respectful manner "Good evening, Ms. Livia Moon."

I was shocked that the man behind the mask of the most powerful gang of this generation, was the youngest, influential, and CEO of Apollo Enterprise, Apollo River himself. "I'm curious, last night-"

"Yes, that was us and I must say your performance last night was extravagant. I knew I felt familiarity in that picture in the living room, but when Poet informed us that a girl was heading in a part of me hoped it was you."

Adrian stood up right "Boss you knew it could have possibly been that psycho girl from last night, and yet you still sent me to retrieve her."

Apollo nodded his head with a slight chuckle "Yes, I wanted to be entertained so I did."

Adrian's mouth gaped open "So fuck my life is basically what you are saying? Cause that's what it sounds like. And you, my so call brothers, just watched as I got my ass handed to me by that psycho girl."

"Tsk tsk don't talk shit bunny boy, what happened- happened so deal with it you. Don't be such a sore loser. I told you I wanted you to look your killer in the eye. Just be grateful they got here in time." I said with a teasing look on my face.

"What you say?" Adrian started to walk towards her.

"Adrian enough I can't bear to see you get your ass kicked again. Well, I can but we have other matters to tend to. Besides, you should take that former ass whooping as a form of discipline. Your arrogance and sassiness have been out of hand lately. I figured it was time for your ego to take a pounding and bring you back to earth. Just be glad I didn't let her strip you of your pride completely."

He laughed in disbelief of what he was hearing "DISCIPLINE! YOU CALL THAT DISCIPLINE I NEARLY DIED?"

Apollo glared at him "It seems my form of discipline didn't work because now you have the audacity to yell not only at your boss but older brother. You know there is a hierarchy in this family, and you know what I expect from the people under me. You have struck out with me today so for punishment you will spend the next three months cleaning the training facility alone and if I hear any complaints, I will bump it up with an addition three months. Do I make myself clear?"

Adrian looked down to the ground with a pout "Yes boss. It sucks being the youngest." He murmured.

"Was that a complaint?" Apollo asked with a stern tone.

"Absolutely not sir, I am grateful for the punishment you saw fit to give me." He said in a sarcastic good boy voice.

Chris slapped the back of his head "Adrian have you not learned your lesson or do you want me to be the one to punish you next."

I laughed at the scenario playing before me "Aww it's fine Chris at least he knows I'm a psycho. Soooo, what did we learn your highness?"

He rolled his eyes "You think you are so clever don't you. You must really have a death wish?"

I gasped "Think? No, I know I am very clever, and I don't have a death wish but I do have a list of people I wish were dead do you want to be added to it? Careful with your response my wishes do tend to come true."

"Don't be cocky, you only won because I was caught off guard." He huffed.

I rolled my eyes in amusement "Whatever helps you sleep at night cupcake. Can someone get the little baby his baba I think it's passed his bedtime?" Wow this woman is seriously unbelievable, me and the guys pressed our lips together trying to contain our laughter.

"Don't. You. Guys. Dare. Laugh. At. That" he said emphasizing every word. Then he pointed his finger at me and yelled "CUPCAKE? LITTLE BABY? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT I COULD DO TO YOU?"

I continued to tease him "Aww someone quick get the little guy his sippy cup."

Poet hunched over laughing "I really like your sense of humor princess." He said wiping the tears that escaped his eyes from laughing so much.

Adrian snickered "Princess, more like devil. We just going to ignore the fact that she tried to kill me not even five minutes ago."

Jack gave him a blank look "Yes, yes we are going to ignore it, and do you know why? Because your arrogance put you in that situation. Boss told you to bring her to him not get into a fight with her. You should apologize to her."

He glared at me "Over my dead body."

I smiled cheekily at him "That can be arranged cupcake."

Chris rubbed his temples "Enough! I swear from the outside looking in anyone could seriously mistake you two for siblings."

"Unless they become lovers." Poet teased.


I know Poet said that to tease the two, but the thought of someone else claiming my girl really pissed me off. I couldn't control my temper "Everyone shut up and go to the living room...NOW!"

They all looked at me confused by my sudden outburst "I don't appreciate the tone of your voice Mr. Apollo River." Livia said daringly.

Usually I love her boldness, but after Poet's little joke I was on edge. I walked towards her sandwiching her between me and the counter. I must say she is even more beautiful up close. Breathtaking...her dark auburn hair, turquoise eyes, curvy body, tanned blushed skin, button nose, and plump lips are to die... no kill for.

"Look here kitten my patience is running thin so be a good girl and get that pretty little ass in the living room or else..."

She cut me off by grabbing by my collar, lips barely touching and whispered seductively "Or else what, King?"

King sounds so sexy as it rolls off her tongue "Be careful kitten you are barking up the wrong tree."

A small gasp escaped my lips as her hands began to roam around my upper body. I followed her ever gesture in trans until she snapped me back into reality "Oh King don't act like I haven't notice you watching my every move when we are working. My guess is you had an interest in me from the very beginning. Attraction at first sight."

Gripping her waist "Is that so?" she shook her head yes "You have no idea how much I love when you call me King and how much I want to taint your honey like skin right now."

She looked down at the tent in my pants "Mmm I think I have an idea, but as much as I would love to discover what happens if I keep "barking up the wrong tree", I will much rather get this over with I'm starting to get bored."

I couldn't help but to smile at how unbothered she is about this whole situation. "As you wish kitten." I put some space between us allowing her to walk past me. The boys were more than shocked at the fact that I allowed her to speak to me and touch me as she pleased. To be quite honest I'm not even sure of what just happened.

We started walking to the living room while surrounding this bold creature of a woman and being amused by her fearlessness. This little kitten really has some balls all I could think was... Perfect!... She will make the perfect queen and I can tell the boys thought so as well, including Adrian. I know he already sees her as a member of this family, even with their little quarrel he was never mad or irritated, he was amused because he saw a companion that will join him in his mischievousness. He sees a little bit of himself in her.

We all did.

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