
Uzaki-Chan?- 5

Once he'd pilfered everything useful from the stray exorcist, and even stole the mans coat, because it was rather high quality and quite dapper looking-

Kaito left the alley way behind in a hurry and continued on his way to the gym, 'I should start working on stretching out properly and getting limber enough to use my Muay Thai properly.' he mused.

It would probably take a few weeks, if not months of conditioning usually, but he was already pretty flexible so it wouldn't take as long for him. On top of that, thanks to his little boosted recovery trick, he could shorten than time down even further.

He paused in the middle of the street and looked up. There, a few dozen feet in front of him, he saw a glimmering see through purple wall of something akin to energy.

People were outright avoiding it without noticing.

"Nope." Kaito decided right then and there. That was obvious one of those barriers used to ward off the mundane.

He wanted nothing to do with whatever was going on in there.

Looks like he was taking the long way around to the gym.


As always, after nopeing the hell away from whatever was inside that barrier, Kaito pushed himself hard at the gym and had a nice, relaxing back breaking work out.

By time he left the gym behind, it was already nearing midnight and his muscles ached, both from stretching them beyond and in ways they were not used to, and of course, pushing them to the limit with some good old fashion lifting.

He held the twin boosts from his pair of Twice Critical right up until he got home from the gym, had a nice and filling protein shake, water, not milk, because no way he could afford to use up that much milk constantly and then headed to bed.

He could his boost even his his sleep, or at least until he entered a deep sleep, then it was usually released.

As it was, he'd barely lay his head down before he was conking out for the night and falling asleep.

And promptly, awoke.

It was not a dream, he could tell that right away. Almost instinctually. Also, for one, his dreams usually involved him achieving his dreams, earning lots of money, becoming someone of note, being surrounded by hordes of fans, or of the more carnal nature, quite often featuring girls from his school.

It was not usually a roaring red void.

Nor did he usually find himself staring at a distinctly Asian man dressed in fine silks that could barely contain his bulging belly, with a bushy handlebar mustache and a balding head, casually reclining lazily on his side.

"…What the fuck?" Kaito uttered.

He was absolutely confused.

And lost.

A little bit bamboozled.

He knew one thing though. This was definitely some supernatural bullshit.

The fat silk clad man pushed himself up from his reclined position and casually made his way over to Kaito, "Hmm yes, good, good," the man hummed, stroking his chin and circling the teenager, eyeing him critically, "This will do nicely indeed."

"…Who the hell are you?" Kaito found himself asking on reflex, narrowing his eyes at the man.

The man paused and narrowed his eyes at the boy, "Did I give you permission to speak, clown?" the man clicked his tongue in annoyance and demanded.

"Who the fuck are you talking to fat ass?" Kaito growled, "I don't know what the hell is going on here, but you better watch your mouth."

He did have a vague idea as to what was happening though. Or rather, there could only be one answer that made sense when it regarded whatever the hell this…was.

"You dare speak like that to I? The great and powerful Cao Huan?" the arrogant man snarled, clenching his fists, "I am an Emperor boy, I command more than you could ever imagine, my power is that of the world itself and you believe you have the right to speak within my presence? If this was another time I would have you whipped until you called me grandfather and made any female you were close to my pleasure slave."

As expected, it was the spirit in the magatama making himself known to Kaito, for…whatever reason.

"Alas, I cannot do that, after all," Cao Huan gave him a nasty smirk, licking his lips, "It would not do to damage my new vessel."

Say what?

"The hell are you talking about?" Kaito's brows furrowed.

"Stupid dog," Cao Huan huffed, "It means simply that, this body of yours will be mine after I erase your soul. Your physical ability is impressive, not to mention those interesting gauntlets of yours you used to defeat my descendant. Once I take them for myself and use them with my power, I will be sure to get my revenge on that filthy Sima Yan, he will rue the day he looked down upon me, I shall bestow upon him all the humiliations this world has to offer a-"

The fat Chinese spirit never got a chance to finish.

Because Kaito punched him in the mouth.

The mans nose split and burst blood and he hit the…ground? It was hard to tell in this place.

Either way, he rolled about on the ground clutching his face, "My face, my divine royal face!" he shrieked.

"Oh shut up, that was a love tap!" Kaito growled. He was getting a headache.

Could he get a headache in his own…head? Soul? He had no idea where he was.

Also…this was the ancient Chinese king spirit inhabiting the magatama? How….how did this guy ever learn to use ki?

Speaking of-

A familiar green aura suffused the fat Chinese spirits body and he pushed himself up to his feet, a snarl on his flabby face, "Just for that you mangy mutt, I'm going to make sure to have fun with that fat chested bitch you seem to be so fond of earlier." he threatened.

Kaito stared at the man and blinked slowly, "You know, I can't believe I'm saying this, but that bald fuck I took you from seems like a respectable guy in comparison to you," he shook his head and then his eyes narrowed, "You should watch what you say and to who, you never know just who you'll piss off."

Familiar gauntlets formed around his fists, and all of a sudden, the roaring red void around them?

It stilled.

It split into two.

And the red void formed into shapes.

Two distinct, familiar shapes.

A pair of winged beasts made up of crimson red roaring energy.

And then twin voices echoed from the energy dragons, booming and powerful, reverberating throughout his very soul.



Cao Huan clenched his hands against his ears as they burst from the sheer volume of the voices and a scream of terror erupted from his throat, "WHAT…..WHAT IS THIS!?" he trembled in horror, blood leaking through the fingers covering his ears.

….Kaito, wasn't sure.

They were the representations of the power within his Twice Critical, that was for sure. And weren't full on real dragons. More energy shaped like them, probably harvested from a dragon.

Possibly from Y Ddraig Goch, one of the two heavenly dragons and the Red Dragon Emperor.

But he couldn't be sure.

Either way though, none of that mattered right now.

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts
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