
minjoon / NamMin shots

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some minjoon / NamMin shots

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Chapter 11. vienna, i love u

joon was delighted. finally he had some vacation and put enough away to spent it on a trip around europe. he was excited to see all capitals and other cities. he wanted to walk through the vatican, he wanted to see sagrada famiglia, wanted to see the hofburg, the opra house and stroll around the parks. he got giggly when he entered his overnight train from rome to vienna. he booked a cabin for his own, but due to some wrong arrangements from the train conductor, he had to share a cabin. the first class compartement was nowhere. but it didnt matter anyway. he just wanted to finally be in vienna as soon as possible. he got into his new cabin and looked around. it was layed out for 4 peoples, bunkbeds, which could clap up to the wall. he sat down on the lowest and got his things out, he needed for the night. the door opened again and a boy came in. he greeted and took the opposite bed. he also got some things out. they didnt talk for a while. the train staff knocked on their door and opened it. "good evening. i wanna make sure u have everything? good. we will lock at 10 pm all doors. so u will have a save night without any intruders who wanna steal from u. please make sure u went to the bathrooms and shower, toilet. breakfast will be served at 6:30. we will arrive in vienna at 7:00 am. any questions?" "so we should go to the toilet before u lock us up?" "yes." "okay. thank u" "have a pleasant night" they nodded. the boy looked at joon. he smiled. "hi , my name is jimin." "also from korea?" the boy was surprised and nodded. "yeah!" they spoke in their language for a while, shared snacks and went to the showers and bathrooms.

*wow he is pretty for a guy! and he is korean too. what a coincidence! i want to know more about him! i had to check the other boy out and focused than on my own shower. jimin has a nice body, even tho he is smaller than myself. but i like smaller guys.... what am i thinking? i am on vacation and for culture not for fucking around! focus, joon! focus! still.... his skin was every womans dream, the ass was every wannabe kardashians goal, he had dancerlegs, as far as i could tell. he is a beauty within. shit.... i starred at him again... and i need to control my hormons. what am i? a puperty strucken teen? for the fucks sake joon! get yourself together! or he will see that u are horny! and it would be very akward to be locked up with a horny guy.*

they got back to the cabin, talked more and heard at straight 10 pm the lock. "now we are really locked in here.... what should we do, if somethings gonna happen?" jimin looked a bit concerned. "what should happen?" "train accident? i dont wanna die in a train wreck!" joon laught out loud. "why should that happen anyway?" "because it can" jimin was irratated. "okay" joon sighed. "if u have a bad dream about it, or be too angsty, you can always come into my bed."

*shit, did he just said that to me? is this an inventation? what should i do? accept it? i saw him checking me out... but am i delusional? why should this handsome hot guy want me? just because we are from the same country... what should i do? i am locked in here with him. if i make a move on him and i saw it all wrong.... that would be so emberassing!...i think i just panic! i.... shit shit shit shit!*

jimin, the drama queen, made himself crazy. joon noticed that he was shaking, so he pulled him gently and suddenly into a tight embrace and placed him on his bed. "shshsshsht! all gonna be good. there will be no murderers, no accident and no nothing! okay? u wanna sleep next to me? just in case?"

*i hope he will not notice my motives here! i am really a bastard! using this boys fear for my perverted thoughts... i am really an animal! the worst! i should carry him later to his bed, right away from me! i should stay away.... i could destroy this innocent boy! i.... what am i thinking now?! of course i will not do anything to him. he will sleep next to me. i will have my hands away from him and nothing will happen!*

*oh shit! i am in his bed! it worked! as if i ever get paniced like that! pfff.... so he is hooked now, ... now what? if he will wrap his arms around me on his own, i will make a move. or i ll wait until he sleeps, than do my magic hipmove on him .... nobody can withstand my moves! if he will be a gentle or a rough lover? a giver or just a taker? i think he will be great! can he fell asleep now?! i wanna try already!*

tensed up bodies layed next to each other. one was focused on not to touch unnessacerly, one was hoping to get touched immidiatly. both heads were in a struggle with themself. jimin sighed and pretended to fall asleep, so did joon. as they couldnt grasp the situation, they stayed like this for a while. jimin eventually took his courage and turned to his side. he tried to see joons face in the dark, sometimes lights came in from outside and spread light into the tiny cabin. he saw him asleep and focused on his face, when he started to trail down under the cover.

*what is he doing? what....what... is his hand on my thigh? where is it going? wha.... woha! boy! oh my ... fuck! i knew it!*

joon was excited. jimin was touching him on his own... so now he made his move. swiftly he layed on the surprised jimin and was so close to his lips. "are u playing me, or do u actually want it?" "i want it... wait, i thought u were asleep?!" "i thought u were too!" jimin bursted out in laughter. "thats stupid.... obviously we want it both, but were to afraid to aknowledge it" "yeah.... looks like" "i saw u checking me out" "good, than u are prepared" he swallowed jimins next words, as he pressed his mouth onto his. joons tongue immidiatly invaded jimins cavern and toyed with his tongue. suddenly jimin gave out an arousing sound, which made joons cock flooded with blood. he backed away and looked astonished. "sorry..." "no! do that again!" jimin was still flustered but relieved that he liked his sounds. usually every boyfriend he had so far, told him to be quiet. but not this guy! as joon was back on jimins mouth, he trailed his hands under jimins shirt and felt the skin. jimin felt like melting.

*oh fuck.... thats so good! i could come in seconds... no wonder, was a long time without... that would be emberassing, if i come that quick! focus jimin! focus! his lips.... shit his lips look so sexy....his hands, focus on his hands....aaaaaahhh my nippels....fuck not good! not gooooooooooooddddd, damn it! can he feel that i just came? please dont!*

*did he just came? how cute! just by my touches? i didnt even touched his dick! only his chest and nipples...oooohhhh his nipples, hm? how fucking great! he is really.... so sensitive! i like that, i like that a lot.... god, i wanna have those lips everywhere on my body.... i am a pervert!... fuck, i love this! i need this.... i want him naked, like right now!*

jimin panted. he used all of his strength and turned them both around. he stood up and ript his clothes from his body. joon looked wide eyed. "u too... hurry" jimin whimpered the words out, what snapt joon out of his thoughts. he was naked in seconds and pulled jimin back to him. "let me do it" "what?"

*i am so fucking horny.... he will think that i am a slut! fuck.... what should i do... i could eat him.... uffff.... i... i have to taste him...*

"u know we have time til to the morning" joon whispered under him. "but .... i really need..." he crawled up onto joons lap and leaned forward and sucked harsh onto joons chest. joon hissed but enjoyed it the same time. he layed still and let him do what he wanted. like a desperate man jimin sucked and nibbelt joons body down. he trailed with the tip of his tongue the thin hairline down to his proud hard cock. this was heaven for both. as his tongue felt the velvet delicate skin from the tip, he coudnt contain another sound, what made the cock in his mouth twitch in delight. jimin smiled and did some of his magic. he liked to make his others crazy with his tongue. he knew he was good at it! obviously joon too, cause he arched up, his body shook, he moaned and hissed and groaned. everything jimin needed to hear and feel to continue. but joon pulled him suddenly up and kissed him deep. "dont make me come now!" he whispered. with a whine, jimin complained, heaved up his hips and tried to get joons cock inside. but he struggled. joon sat up and held jimins face. "hey...hey hey! calm down... all is good... i didnt prepare u for my cock... of course it doesnt fit!" he heaved jimin around and licked his own fingers. slowly and gentle as he could be he slid them in.

*fuck.... he is tight! my cock would kill him ... if its ever going in or fit in there.... shit, why am i so huge? i shouldnt try.... no i shouldnt...shouldnt i?!*

he thrusted still in and out. jimin squirmed under him. "we shouldnt....do that... i gonna make u come with other things... we dont have to do the thing... okay?!" he asured the restless boy. "no... noooo..." "yes. i will get u high, i promise!" jimin kept on whining until joon took his very pinkish dick into his mouth and bobbed his head right away. jimin tried now to contain his sounds by pressing his hands onto his mouth. "why are u so silent?" "dont...wanna...disturb....the....neighbours...i am....too...loud...." jimin panted hard. "oh, than when i take u to my hotelroom, u wouldnt hold back there?" "hm....u want me in your room?" "u are staying in vienna, arent u?" jimin noded. "for some days." "great, so yeah" "oh.....okay....i think" joon grinned at him, what made a horrible grimass when some yellow light hit the cabins insides. joon turned back to his doings and made jimin came undone with his tongue and fingers. it was a nice scene, although joon would prefered to see his face when he did, but that was reserved for the hotel room! he layed next to jimin and smiled. "are u okay?" "hm... i think so... whats with u?" "i will handle myself" "can i ... touch the namdick?" "namdick?" joon bursted out in laughter. "can i call him that, we are friends now anyway" "okay.... u are really something jiminie" "good or bad?" "absolutly great" "thank u... u mean it right?" joon chuckelt and kissed him onto his head. jimin sighed and got down to the namdick and sucked him fastly. he should at least get his happy ending too. joon growled loudly and shoot his load elsewhere, which didnt bother him at all. after they calmed down, they talked for a bit and fell asleep.

jimin heard the loud "good morning" from the neighbours cabin. he shot up and gathered his clothes, walked over the three steps to his bed and layed under the covers. a second later the door was unlocked and this loud "good morning!" yelled through the small compartement. "your breakfast, gentlemen" "thank u" jimin rubbed his eyes. "get ready for your destination"

as the train entered the station, joon and jimin got out and took a deep breath first. "i can smell the culture allready" "wow u are a shithead" jimin driely stated. joon only laughed and took jimins suitcase. "i am no girl" "so?" "i can handle my suitcase" "and?" jimin gave up and sighed. joon caught a cap and pulled jimin in. "zum hotel baroness, bitte" "what did u say?" "the hotel name" "which one?" "mine" "but..." "i told u, u are staying with me" he raised his brows. "oh.... okay...but i payed for mine" "what hotel u have?" "a bed in a hostel" "oh no no no! i wont let your pretty ass near at any so called hostel! not on my watch. u staying with me!"

*he is really nice. and he was gentle with me yesterday. can it be that i finally found someone who is appreciating me with everything i got or am? will he like to continue us when we are back in korea? or will he ignore me, if we cross paths?*

jimin looked at joon the whole drive to the hotel. he smiled at his excitement as they drove by some sightseeing destinations. he acted like a child in the candy shop. "die haben van gogh austellung?" joon talked again in german to the driver. he sounded funny, but obviously the native driver understood him perfectly. jimin was amazed.

"uff... a nice big bed, finally" joon jumped in and stretched his body. jimin smiled and watched him. "for what are u standing around? come jump in" joon patted on the bed. jimins laught and jumped right next to him in. they played like kids, til joon stood up and pulled jimin with him. "lets go. we need something to eat and i need pics from that van gogh."

*wow i had really a lot of fun today! and all thanks to jimin. he is great.... i want him to be mine. when we are back i will ask him to be with me. maybe... no i will not go any further. he has to agree first. i really want to be his boyfriend....*

joon stroked over jimins head and was still in his thoughts. jimin smiled at him and joon kissed him fastly. "hey.. we are here in the outside" "vienna has the annual gay, lesbian and whateverparty. its huge! and u can marry here too" "oh... thats nice" "so dont be shy, we wont have a chance at home. can i hold your hand?" "at home?" "yeah, we should take advantage of it here, okay?" jimin suddenly had tears in his eyes and noded. his hand dissapeared in joons big one. he needed to gulp a few times.

*he wants to be with me.... he wants to be with me.... should i say something?*

"i...i would like that" "what? holding hands?" "no be with u back home" joons eyes went wide and his smile wider. "really?! thats great" he squeezed jimins cheeks and kissed him hard again. jimins tears drippelt down. he was so happy.

"i am so done.... i cant even move a finger anymore" "did u walk on your hands? i didnt see that" jimin grinned and tossed his shoes away. "feels like it" "u are unbeliveble!" "i know" "i dont mean that" "what u mean?" joon grinned. "ah forget it! i cant even throw the pillow on u anymore" he let himself fall onto the bed and moaned about his sore muscles. "i think we should take a nice hot bath. did u see how big the bathtub is?" "has whirlpool sticker on it" "seriously? help me up, we need to check it" "help yourself, i am powerless after u dragged us around the whole city" "tomorrow we will go to the zoo, okay? and the palace!" jimin moaned again. "oh no!" joon heaved himself up and pulled on jimins arms. "come u little shit... lets get a bubblebath!"

water dripped from their heads, they leaned opposite from each other onto the tub and enjoyed the hot water. "i dont wanna ever go out of here" "the water will get cold eventually, jiminie" "great, u destroy all my joy" joon chuckelt. jimin sat up and slowly scubed between joons legs. "whats gonna be that?" "i wanna lean on u" he leaned his head onto joons shoulder. joons arms wrapped around jimins small body and hugged him tightly. this felt so good for both of them. joon kissed jimins face and smiled. gently he let his hands touch the wet skin. he liked to touch him. it became a habit, also outside. he couldnt get his hands off jimin. and now after he saw jimins real side the whole day, how he laught, talked, sounded, moved, how his expressions were to various things, he couldnt get enough of it. he wanted that little shit always around him. it became a must. and now as he was melting in his arms, joon felt fullfilled in his young life. he was there, he didnt need to look any further for a lifepartner. this was it.

with smooth touches and strokes, joon made jimin relaxed. he rubbed his nippels and got some nice sounds out of the boy. joon smirked and saw a pinkish telescope looking out between the bubbles. jimin was hard. with showergel covert fingers, joon started to finger him, to prepare him. jimin squirmed in the water, his feet came out and he placed them on the edge of the tub, his hips moved with joon fingers. "another one" he moaned into joons jaw and licked over the skin. joon added another one. after a while, joon got them out again and held jimins hips. "can u face me?" he whispered. jimin sighed, sat up and placed himself on joons lap. "want me to ride u?" "yeah" jimin smirked and heaved his hips up, the namdick in his hand and guided it to his hole. "carefull, jimin!" joon warned him and helped him to get his tip in. jimin hissed. he got stretched wide up and he wasnt adjust for it, but determind to finally do it! "carefull... are u okay?" jimin noded with closed eyes, took a deep breath and slowly slid down on joons length. as he hit the base, he looked down, than up again and smiled proudly at joon. "all in!" joon smiled back. "yeah, i can feel that" jimin groaned and started to move slowly. his underlip between his teeth, glancing at joons face, holding tight on joons shoulders. "is it good?" he panted out. "u are amazing. more important is that u feel good" "yeah, god damn yeah" he moved faster, his mouth now open and gave joon sounds he liked to hear since their train encounter.

*OH MY GODS!!!! he fells so good!!! i cant.... i wanna go hard on him.... not now... i dont wanna scare him.... hmmm... shit shit shit shit shit.....thats so good.....thats diffrent... thats not the sex i am used too.... hell.... i wanna devour him...*

joon was blissed out, he held jimins hips and helped him, thrusting up. "jimin...." he pulled jimin forward, placed his forehead on his, held jimins buttcheeks and thrusted faster and deeper. as they locked eyes, jimin felt shivers.

*cant think.....cant think....ooooohhhhh shit, shit, shit... i am gonna come in no time.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmm*

jimin cried out and came on joons body and in the water. they held any movements. joon watched jimins face scrunching and relaxing again. jimins face nuzzelt into joons neck, his arms wraped around joons and his hands in joons wet hair. "u too" he whispered into joons ear. "baby, i think we should go to our bed" "okay" he tried to get joon out of him, tried to get out of the tub, but his legs wouldnt work properly. joon chuckelt. "come, i ll carry u" "we will wet the whole bed!" "doesnt matter, its gonna get dirty anyway" jimin looked smug at him. "oh really?!" "yeah, i will make u come again and again" "wow, looks like u have a mission today" joon grinned wide. "u have no idea! i think i should make my bedroom soundproof back home." "why?" "cause i wanna make u scream and no one should hear u, other than me" jimins face got red. "dont be so.... pervert" joon laught loud. "u should know by now" he kissed him harshly. "i am a pervert, obsessiv, overprotective, all just because of u! u are everything for and to me, jiminie" jimin looked surprised, smiled and kissed him back. "u too... everything...." "good" he layed jimin down and shoved his cock gently in again. "u okay?" jimin noded. with a fast pace, joon thrusted hard into jimin. the boy squirmed and whined throughout the overstimulation, joons mouth on one of his nipples. joon gave his best, he made jimin scream, whine, whimper, moaning loudly. joon was addicted to jimins sounds. they fired him on. in no time he made jimin undone again, as he promised, cursed at the clenshed walls around his cock and with a whimper from himself, came hard. exhausted he layed down on the hot body and tried to get enough air again. jimin wraped his legs and arms around him and had his hands in joons hair, held him tight. both caught their breaths and thought about what just happend. "u need to let me out" "noooo! stay a bit" joon chuckelt. "but your namdick is not hard anymore" "still" "okay. do u feel cold?" "i am sweating like shit.... so no. u?" "no" "good than let us stay like this" and like this they fell asleep.

in the middle of the night, joon woke up and noticed that he was still on jimin. concerned for the health and air intake of jimin, he tried to get off, but jimins hands grabbed harder on him to held him in place. joon smiled. unbeliveble, he found the best man. he layed back onto him and caressed the sleeping face. "u are so beautiful. in and out. and i am the luckiest bastard in the world. i am the only one who can hold u, kiss u, fuck u. thank u for choosing me" he whispered to jimin, who moved and sighed in his sleep. a small smile was on his lips. joon grinned and kissed those lips.

*shit.... i am hard again..... can i??? should i??? would i hurt him?*

jimin moaned in his sleep and moved his hips, joon had his answer. very slowly he thrusted again in and out. joon thought he could stay all his life like this in and with jimin. nothing else mattered anymore. the next days here in vienna will be amazing until they would fly back to their hometowns. joon had plans. he wanted jimin to move in with him. he didnt want them to be seperate. joon even considered to move to jimins town, if jimin couldnt come to his. he was determind to find the best solution for them to stay together. cause this was his love.

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