
[Bonus chapter]Between Friends (1)

The group seemed better rested than before though they still remained quite quiet, even as the ever-ongoing ascension of the hill finally revealed the top. The path led back down a rocky landscape, though slippery with ice; it was safer than the thick, crumbling snow to the side.

Evanna stopped for a moment, clutching at the hood of her cloak to look at the view before them. Pine trees surrounded a huge icy lake, mountains behind it and there in the distance was the back of a palace. It almost seemed to float in the sky with the clouds surrounding it.

By standing back and letting the others walk ahead, she watched with mild fascination and amusement that Garrett and Fiza walked close together. Either one preferred space. Axel kept fussing over Ronan like he was his child or younger brother, making sure his cloak was tight enough. And Arawn followed, glancing behind his shoulder, eyebrow arching at her before he looked behind her shoulder and continued to descend.

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