
Between Friends (2)

Evanna nodded, and they quickened their pace, though she had to help Ger a few times so he didn't fall into the snow or the rocky surface. When they finally caught up to the rest of the group, they were almost at the bottom of the hill. Axel stopped for a moment to regain his energy, breathing heavily.

"Fiza, what did you give me? I feel like I have the shakes!" Axel exclaimed, showing his gloved hand to shake slightly. The group stopped and stared at it for a moment, watching the exchange between the giant and the tiny night fae.

Fiza shrugged. "Serves you right for sleeping all the time. Don't worry. It will wear off by tonight."

"Good, staying awake for three days is not good for my heart!"

Fiza stepped up to Axel, smiling overly sweetly at him. "You're not going to sleep on your post again, though, right?"

Axel shook his head. "No, ma'am." She could be so scary! Sexy or not, she was still scary!

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