Charly, as was his habit of reading, in order to acquire the appropriate knowledge to adapt it to the requirements of his lifelong learners and of course add to these discoveries the intellect, or what Charly believed he should understand according to each of the learning styles of the participants; what he regards as the logic of a virtual class.
Therefore, he projects himself as a priority to teach complementary skills at a STEM level, which is the acronym for the terms in English: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
The latter are applied in a second cycle of application, but moderately. Some of these STEM competencies are attached by configuration in the various instruments, tools and computational media.
Of course, its use must be moderated at a specified and controlled time of playful play, avoiding gambling; which is the excessive use of them.
So he downplayed the skill needs of his apprentices by three for virtuality competence:
—Reading, implies giving the freedom to choose between three proposals for joint readings (he learned this in the virtual WhatsApp group: Readings Without Borders). These proposals to use would become the theoretical frameworks, on which the learners would obtain the fundamentals of their dialogues, exhibitions and knowledge for a week, if it is one to three chapters to read, and a learning session for up to one month. From there, the foundations were laid, the participant could extend their knowledge and learn more or go deeper into the subject and could propose weekend talks… in this new context of virtuality, school textbooks would become what informative magazines; without the pressure of forced, prolonged and tedious study; but voluntary, expanded and complementary.
—Write, the world of children and adolescents are different, but with progressive attention and consecutive action. We must wait for the signs of the acquisition of knowledge, and of achievements due to the apprehension of them. The basis of all expected results is the writing of a current article, a bibliographic review or an essay on reality, among others. It is enough for the children to have to say the things they have read. The important thing was the annotations on the joint reading cards, cards that are used to debate in the study room; While it is useful for adolescents to identify how to apply this daily knowledge and to mention at least three applications in the family environment.
—Illustrating, is the innovative capacity: tell me with a source of visual recognition; using a graphing tool such as a Tablet with a line drawing and painting application; expanding to a graphic tablet that allows you to generate a reproducible file, both in vectorized or digitized lines, specialize the basic painting process, up to the impressionism of colors, shadows, whites and shades of the same color.
The final result would have to show and demonstrate its use on a personal level, and reference the usefulness to the group as a whole, and recommend this or that participants; As seen from the light of the lighthouse of knowledge, each participant is like a ship trying to reach the shore of knowledge and the knowledge acquired also allows reaching the beach, being able to plant a tree and facilitate the care of development and that in time and sufficient space, to be able to cultivate the production of fruits that allow the survival of the individual or apprentice and then in healthy coexistence to share with other individuals in their community of origin. —This is how the global trial concluded, supervised by Carini, who gave his approval given his pedagogical competence and supervisory nature of the education of his three youngest children, so to speak, since emotional control implies belonging, relevance and adaptability of the group.
You cannot think that what was studied in person in a 10-month school year, can be reduced to three months of arduous virtual work.
In another context of reality, the compulsory suppression of the classroom, implied the saturation of the family space.
Informality was the trigger for the limitations of these spaces, impossible to adapt for such new purposes.
Multi-family homes are the most affected by these new requirements; Residential houses are the optimal model for every professional, artist, who wants to project his ideas to the world from home.
Charly and Carini, planned their lives together, in a residential house, with their respective environments: a different living room than a study room. They did not need to invade common spaces and reduce breathable freedom within the home. Each son has her room so his privacy is limited to others; no need to retrofit a bedroom in the day, to use it as a classroom; making its owner uncomfortable and showing him intimate elements, losing the concept of family privacy. It is not the case that because you are a kitchen teacher, you have to use the home kitchen during the day and have staff on the recording set who do not share your ideals.
If you want to give notions of agriculture, the family garden or better yet the greenhouse; It will be a powerful engine of influence in the decision to buy your products and services, as well as using organic materials and recycled supplies and familiar processes; like a family to family class. This favors and facilitates the notion of virtuality. If I see that it is used in a common "family" environment, I want it, I buy it and I recommend it in my community of origin and in my social networks.
Having made or prefabricated a mountain house, a home at a children's level; and allow, facilitate and implement it. In the pandemic time it served as an external environment and for the purposes of family independence; a mountain house simulates: the school integrated into the home. Children are like themselves: parents, children, teachers and students, and they reorganize and develop, play roles and fulfill functions.
In the case of the family made up of Charly, Carini, Vicky, Danay and the new member of the clan: Uriely. Actions like these were promoted:
"There's something missing here, Daddy," he said, Danay.
"I don't know," Vicky said. "What could we lack in the mountain house?"
"Let me guess," said Uriely, "do you give me all day today to find out?"
"Good! Everyone welcome to the intercultural class, today we will talk about living environments," said Papa Charly.
-How? Maybe we'll talk about Uriely's room. "He said, Danay." Letting out such a laugh that his tender voice was heard in all the hearts of the neighbors who adored the laugh of that benevolent girl. "They considered her a hero since she saved her cousin Uriely, and her entire family.
"No baby," Carini clarified. "Open your books and according to your individual reading cards, check the different habitats or rooms."
We are going to look for ideas in different worlds: human and non-human.
"Oh," said Danay, "today I'll be a great gold-finned fish and cross the ocean in search of reefs and corals." Today I will be able to know how fish, plants and other organisms live inside reefs and corals ... How good!
-AHA! Uriely said, "I'm going to be a great swimmer and dive to the Villa Maria swamps." I will dive looking for hidden treasures and then I will be a walking fungus that will bite the roots of the trees, feeding on the sap. Fantastic!
-Oh! Said Vicky, "I'll be either a seagull or a pelican and I'll fly with GPS included, filming everything you do."
"You like that role, sister Vicky," Danay said. (Smiling and laughing)
-You think? Danay, which is so: why?
"Because of your big mouth! Because you never stop saying too much," Danay actually referred to in a colloquial and not vulgar way. end of studies'
"Ha. Ha Ha ...
"Are you hinting at what?" Uriely fretted. "That Vicky has a pelican's mouth."
"I believe it because she eats so much and without stopping?" Danay explained. The unexpected outbreak of fever and other ailments typical of normal growth from children to adolescents had produced a greater urge to eat Vicky; being that taken by others as a symptom of choking or obesity; she really was not getting fat from eating so much, but eating according to the demands of her new body size and weight.
"This already made me hungry," Vicky said, getting up to grab a cookie reserved for recess time; but that it was valid to take a cookie; when another was expressed in the form of a fault, but the punishment had another meaning, in this intra-family class: avoiding confrontation but allowing the other to freely do something in advance: such as eating freely.
—Because we don't move things forward and start writing or illustrating, like reading our weekly objectives needs more guidance or definition from our teachers.
—I'm going to ask Mom to moderate the discussion and we will have a panel of discussions or points of view.
-Already! Uriely yelled, "frightening by the improvisation of her interjection to the others." So much so that Vicky had to drop the second cookie, leaving it in the middle. Danay stepped out of the outline of the drawing she was painting. —That was a total chaos in the normal development of the classes in the mountain house, which simulated the family school.
(Keep going…)
1/2 Chapter
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