
A beautiful medieval castle appeared before my eyes.


—Haber, flat, said: Danay. "Who showed an enlarged character, after the great emotional experience of the Uriely case and the drug package."

"Yes, Cousin Uriely," Vicky said, "have explained what bee stung you now." —Vicky, she said it like that, because she was bothered by the fact of losing her precious food right in the second half… this feeling of not completing things, is a stronger discomfort than hunger itself.

"Well, tell them we need to get a little bell, like the one sheep wear around their necks to get the attention of their shepherds." If we have a bell we can call our teachers or parents that way; This way we could solve our differences 'in situ' as soon as possible and not leave misunderstandings or disappointments that cause us mixed resentments, we fill ourselves with pain, anguish due to the impotence of saying things, or worse we fall into waves of anger that spread: a our other times, of work, of leisure, or of family relationship.

-Vague!! - both sisters agreed ...

"What makes you think like lamb?" See that camera up there? Danay said.

"At the control below each of these chambers, there is an intercom for your information Uriely." Come! Said Vicky:

"I'll show you how to use it."

—You see the green button: it's for talking. You must hold it down to speak and release it to hear the other person on the other side, at the other intercom point. Both mom and dad will get the message wherever they are. One of the two, sure: will answer in turn, if necessary.

—And when you are in danger for any circumstance, you press the red button and run to a place of refuge, or contrary to where the danger is; and do not stop shouting your name to know through the open microphones where you will be going. Vicky finished explaining to Uriely.

"But," Danay said, "what's right now is not worth pressing the red button, let alone pressing the green button on the intercom." To do this: we will use, at the end of our daily work folders, the class occurrences sheet. At the time of group study, you will ask for a time of 2 minutes to indicate your observations about the normal or abnormal development of the class. Do not forget that you must formulate a list of questions, and that you must even propose at least one or another answer, since you made the observation; With your frequent questions and answers the topic of the day is expanded and thus we always learn together.

"Oops…" Uriely said. I just wanted to paint and illustrate, now I know that the world is more complex than reality. And I want to continue being a better kid and never grow up… Sniff! Sniff…! —What was going through Uriely's head was that he was not used to this level of learning and less in a group, since he was little he had been used to learning alone. Not being the case of Danay and Vicky. Sometimes the formalities occur as a premeditated implementation, little by little, communicating with gradual changes; without losing the notion of reality, because there are children and adolescents, even the grown-ups: who learn according to traditional teaching and learning models. Preparing for virtuality means living as such: virtually.

The teaching objectives must be formulated in such a way that they are flexible, the learning blocks must lead us to personal reflection and constructive criticism; so that the group is in consensus, assertiveness and intellectual productivity.

—Guys: How are you doing with your work today? —Said Carini, bringing the mid-morning refreshments, —in itself, it was a triple strategy of supervision of the classroom environment, of reinforcing knowledge: it was the moment of greatest and best quality of information, in addition to visiting the family that it is a good time of care.

"Danay and Vicky," Carini said, "got Uriely to adapt to the requirements for this week." Any concerns about it? Do you need expansion of the weekly theme? Why those faces? Should I know something different from today's topic?

"We've sorted out details that need no further mention, Mama Carini," Danay said.

"Indeed mother," said Vicky, "Uriely will have what you need to be happy." And for the happiness of our family. Uriely this Christmas 2021 he will smile.

"Mama Carini," Vicky asked, "in a tone of a good and naive girl, something natural for children with her parents." Say what had to be said as soon as possible, but looking to be reciprocated by affection—: Why do pelicans have such big swims? They have such long beaks!

"Well, I'll tell you something: pelicans have a pocket that expands." When it's time to feed; pelicans use their beaks like a shovel; with which they extract large amounts of water. Within that fishing block, they are sure to catch more than one fish; that it serves as food and if it is the case of having small babies, it will feed on it; after shredding yesterday's fish .

Thirty minutes later. The first class shift was over and the 'Coffee Break' continued; the participants could take their respective food. Vicky, asked for a double serving of cookies, which she couldn't find, explaining: Why did she do what she did? That is: eat double. —The food processes are deductible, instinctive and decisive. No one can prevent eating; It is up to each diner to relearn to nourish themselves. Moderate impulses; do your diet plan. Grow your own food. Dose what you eat with fruits and vegetables ...

"Mama Carini," Danay said, "Can you tell us a story?"

"One of the virtue of being a woman, slim and loving," said Danay, alluding to the "Vicky Crab" case. illustrating your knowing exquisitely. She invented the Vicky Crab case, comparing the activity of a crab on the shores of the sea that does nothing other than cut, everything that they find in their path and that is: 'organic' and then feed themselves.

(We immerse ourselves in the Ideas that when dreaming: They wake up!)

—This is a King, who liked the color red and for being like that, I'll put him: King CrabReb. Danay said.

"Haber, what an exciting idea," Mama Carini said. So, I'll bring a sheet of red paper to let your imagination run wild.

"Why with a single red paper !? "They all asked!"

"I learned it once from my parents," Carini argued. "Dad used to tell me: My Princess Jumping, Let's see who remembers, something about it?" No problem! —He continued explaining, orally, while his hands took a red sheet in which he manually did the process—: Suddenly: Mom, took a sheet of paper 'in my case it was pink' and folded it in half vertically , then redoubled horizontally, and again vertically but more to the sides. On the side where the parts are joined or folded, she began: 'previous strokes with the pencil of squares, rhombuses ...' to cut, it took her a short time to make the cut, it was to fold and trace. Finally: she unfolded her and Oh magic! What do you think? A beautiful medieval castle appeared before my eyes, with three towers that begin with a quadrangular base and inside it a door and end in a triangular point and on top of it a pole to place the flag or banner of the kingdom. The central tower: it was enlarged in half, since the central set must be wider since it has a gate, that is to say, a wide, high and more beautiful door, with a square base, but it ends up curved. Also carried small geometric figures that simulated at the top of the three towers as windows, these windows were divided into four squares that added fine details to the majestic castle. Foursquare, "the extended presentation to the class ended.

This wealth of extending knowledge based on a premise or proposal of new ideas. Experimentation using the hands, reinforce what has been learned and lay a solid foundation for memorizing stories. This playful way of learning fuels emotional intelligence. Background music could be added or wonderfully the teacher or better a student, ask to play an instrument: making a sweet, soft melody. The excitement of the recreation of the environment of the story or the elements of the landscape ... promote multiple intelligences and facilitate the entry of more members with extensions of ideas.

-Understood! He yelled again: Uriely. Breaking the emotional climate, and untimely changing the character of the teacher and the other students. —Say what, this abrupt way of interrupting is typical of an apprentice who in his home experiences sudden changes in the temperament and personality of his parents or family.

"Haber, crazy cousin?" What have you understood? "He said: Danay."

-Voucher! And it's okay for you to explain yourself well, because this time: I'll pull your ears, "he asserted: Vicky, showing her fists. "Vicky, she goes through a period of growing up with hormonal changes, and any out of place expression was on her nerves." "Since Uriely arrived, 'with his whole adventure package.' Everything changed, certain moments became a little more irritable, Charly and Carini learned: to be "tolerant"; but this is not always the case for girls who are willing not to tolerate bad habits.

The plot extends to: 7 Creator Games.

(Contestant work for WFP # 34, Writing Formule Practice)

(English version) https://www.webnovel.com/book/7-creator-games_19366455705122805

(Spanish version) https://www.webnovel.com/book/el-creador-de-7-juegos_19366871205123905

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