
ch 9. new chapters of life, new strangers


i drove with joon and my parents. it was quiet. joon half layed on his seat and had his mouth was open. some snorres came out and i needed to giggle. mom too.

"by the way, son... what happened with the handsome guy?!" "kook?" "yeah" "who is kook?" my dad asked. "nobody" i stated. "oh i am sorry, honey. but u have joon now, right?!" mom smiled. i looked at joon. we didnt talked really about this. we needed too, he still had hobi and i needed some time for myself to figure out. i loved him, but not "loved" him. i was confused and i .... if he wanted to be with me, i needed to know if he really wanted me. cause i didnt want to be a "mistress".

"oh shit! i just remember! this was our last real family vacation! our baby is going to college soon!" mom suddenly bursted out and started to cry. dad and i looked at each other through the mirror. "what?" "my baby is going sooo faaar aaaawwwaaayyy!" "MOM! STOP IT!" i was flustered. oh yeah! there was college. i forgot. in 2 month i was off on my own. alone. without joon, cause he was going to another college. shit! i forgot also! and now?



i saw him. fuck, he looked so gorgeous. i wanted to hug him, kiss him, drowned myself in his smell, but... i sighed big and walked up to him. thankfully he was alone.

"hey" he flinshed. "just listen, please" i backed away and leaned on the lockers. he stood there with his arms crossed. "i am sorry, i really am. i never should have treated u like this! i am seeing a shrink to get my problems solved. i wont contact u, i wont hurt u anymore. and if u have the heart one day, i ll hope u can forgive me. i will apologise to joon too. again i am really really sorry. and i still love u. always will." i couldnt look at him, i felt his hand lifting up my face and he leaned forward and kissed me so sweetly.

i looked big at him. he gave me his beautiful smile. "i know u are gonna do good in the future. it wasnt ment tobe for us. and i still love u too. bye kook" "bye jimin"

after he left i broke down, ran to the toilets and cried my eyes out. i lost an angel.



the fuck?!

kook apologised to me. i saw he had cried. wow.... somehow i feel.... i dont know. i needed to talk to hobi and jimin. this cant go on forever.

i needed a clear table. i wanted jimin. i needed jimin. and i had to be honest with my dear hobi. he deserved someone who wanted only him. and i couldnt give that.

i walked to my car, when i heard jimins sweet voice, calling me. i waited for him. he ran up and we walked to my car. as we drove away, i started to tell him about my day.

"oh yeah, kook apologised to me" "hm, me too" "oh... and?" "all good now." "okay... u are to good for the world." he giggled. god, i love his giggle.

i drove to a remote place up a hill and stopt there. "we need to talk, huh?" he asked. i removed my seatbelt and turned to him. "i...." "we cant be together" he interrupted me. "what?" "we are going to college soon. we will be seperated." "long distant relationship?" "no, joon. that wont work, u know that." he had tears in his eyes. i realised that he was right and it bothered him as me.

i grabbed his hair and pulled him to me, kissing the air out of him. as whe backed back, i said "we should use the time we have left, dont u think?" he smiled and some tears escaped his eyes. "yeah" he nodded and kissed me harshly.

i pulled him to the back of the car, got rid of his clothes and mine. we scratched each other, bruised the others skin, sucked marks everywhere. we were desperate for the other. it was like a goodbye, even it wasnt yet.

i knew i hurt him, i was to harsh with him. but he wasnt holding back either. i felt his nails scratched my back skin open, i felt blood running down. i didnt care.

as impatient as he was, he pressed my butt down on him, to get going. i thrusted hard into him and he immidiatley bucked his hips up to meet me. this wasnt "love" neither sex, this was animalistic. i held him so tight, i might broke some bones, thrusted fast and went off of his moans. i didnt want to lose him. i didnt want to be seperate from him.

by the way, i broke things off with hobi. he was sad, but understanding. odd.



i took a deep breath, looked around my now almost empty room. i was ready for a new chapter in my life.

my parents dropped me off, mum embarrassly squished my cheeks, infront of my new room mate and i started to unpack my things.

my roomie wasnt talking really. he was occupied with his phone, glanced at me from time to time. i had tried to start a conversation with him, but to no avail. good with me, thanks dickhead.

the first few weeks were interesting and exhausting at the same time. new people, new courses, new buildings, new teachers. my roomie and i still didnt really speak with each other. only the occasionally "mornin", "hey" and "night". i got used to it, still it was frustrating sometimes.



i was devastated when joon broke it off with me. funny enough, kook was a good listener, when he came to apologise, but saw me crying like a child. he comforted me good and we became somehow friends. the last few weeks, we spent together and went out for movies, icecream, swimming and other stuff.

one night i pulled him into the queens club and introduced him to miss ruby j. they hit it off immidiatley. not as a couple, but as friends. they bickered around, like an old married couple. it was hilarious to watch them.

rubi j went crazy on us, when we allowed her to make us glamorous and fabulous! i have to admit, i changed with all the make up and the wig, the lashes, fake boobs, the heels and all the things. wow women are heros!

i swung my hips and just was fabulous. kook still was a working project and i grinned. "wow! i look so .... sigh... fuckable!" i looked into the huge mirror. rubi j looked up and tilted her head. "i wish i could have your shoulders. mine are to wide for a queen" "nooo, u look amazing! can i have more purple glitter?" kook said and looked into the mirror closer.

when we were done, ruby j clapped her hands and gave us some champagne.

"now, in the next 10 min, i wanna see u do your best on the stage! shush shush ladies!"

the night was the funniest and best ever in my life. ruby j, kook and me had so much fun and wow it took a while to get everything down again. my skin felt so good after cleaned of all things. now we looked normal again.

"oh diamond jacky is a man again...." i pouted at kook, he grinned back. "and mercyless hope is a horse again" i slapped his arm. "stob it bitches!" ruby j, now jin laughed. "lets go get something to eat" "how the hell do u maintain your body with all the food u stuffed down?" kook shook his head. "fantastic genes!"



i heard him. it was some after midnight and we were in bed, supposedly sleeping. but i couldnt, layed with open eyes in bed, thought about my life. he started to jerk off. i get it. we are boys/men, we like doing it, its a buzz when u dont have privacy. i had to go also in the dark night to the toilets to relife myself. cause jerking off wont do the trick for me. i needed some nice vibrator or dildo. how easy was my life before i knew i liked dicks up my ass..... uffff...

so he jerked off. stuffled his moans with his pillows. somehow i found that cute. i heard him going faster, his moans became a bit angrier, what surprised me. why sounded he angry, jerking off??? he strangled a sound out and every movement stoppt. i surpressed a sigh and wished i could enjoy myself too....

the days went on like this, i made some friends. the nights were also the same, only that i purposely stayed awake to ... spy on my roomie. in these lonley nights i missed joon and kook a lot. sounds shady. but i missed a warm body next to me.

we called or skyped. joon, kook and me. i heard all of their life, activities, kooks strange hobby to crossdress once a week, joons fucking around again, i get it. college was like a candy shop for him. life goes on and i didnt go with it. i was stucked.

it was a party friday in on of the frat houses, i disliked, but i got a surprised inventation. so i was standing like stinking fish in the growd, drank my... i dont know... 4th beer with schnaps and kinda was drunk. then i saw him. my roomie was here too. never thought he would. wow!

with the alcohol in my blood, i walked to him, smiled probably like an idiot and just moved with the beat of the music. "hi!" "what u want?" "wow... someone is on their period" "wanna have my fist in your face?" "hm... i prefer it more up my ass" yes i was drunk as fuck!

he cought his beer out and looked funny at me. "okay, bye, see u home" i stuttered and walked off. so fucking embarrassed! this was going to be awkward in the future! i fucked up!

i stumbled into our room and sat on my bed, hid my face in my hands and tried not to puke on the carpet. i heard the door and looked up. SHIT! HUGE SHIT!

"listen... sorry.. i am drunk and dont know what i am blabbing" he sighed and sat down on his bed, glarred at me.

"sorry?! please forget that all!" he still glared at me. i felt uncomfortable. really uncomfortable..... and aroused?! somhow his glare made me itchy. wow.... what the hell?

"strip" his voice was low and hoarse. shivers! and wait....what?! did i heard right?

"what?" "strip" "out of my clothes?" "yes?" "oh.... why?" "cause i said so"

oookkkaaaayyyy..... what was going on here?!

but thanks to devil alcohol and my sexual frustration i stood slowly up and really unsexy peeled my clothes off. i am such an idiot!

as the last fabric left my body i stood there.

"sit on your bed and do it" "what? do what?" "do it with yourself. get either your vibrator or your dildo out" "y...you....know?" "i heard u in the toilets" "oh....fuck" "come on"

i reached for my drawer and get my dildo out. i wasnt up for vibration that night. if he wanted a show, i was gonna gave him a show, for fucks sake! i had no shame anymore.

i made myself comfy and played with my nipples, touched my body, got interestingly faster horny then usual, cause i felt his eyes on me. he sat there, right opposite of me, spread legs, ellbows on his knees, his chin on his hands, stared at me. i lubed my hands up, teased my tip, started to moan. as i was jerking i glanced at him. he leaned forward to catch everything.

"i think its time to get down" his voice became lower and husked. again the fucking shivers! i growled and run circled on my hole, dipt a finger in and arched upwith my body, he had really the best sight.

as i fingered myself, i watched him, watching me. how odd and fucking hot!

"do u find this disgusting?" he shook his head. he was still staring at my doing, so i snapped my fingers. "hey! u there?!" his head snapped up and looked at me. "keep going" "sorry, but.... are u even gay?" "bi" "oh.... okay" "keep going"

i sighed and lubed the dildo up. even that i wasnt ready for it, i needed to feel the stretch, the bit of pain, i was desperate. i moaned out loud.... with a whine.... and huffed. i looked at him and flinshed. he was right there, his face between my up knees and watched me closer than ever.

"go on" he whispered. oh dear fucking satan! nice to sent me one of your demons!

i fucked myself on that dildo. pressed my head into my pillow, allowed my moans to be loud, allowed myself since weeks to let go, thrusting that silicon wannabe dick in and out of me and of all allowed a stranger to watch me. i looked down and he was still there, the tip of his tongue between his lips, a hand in his open black jeans, jerking himself to my doing.

he never touched me, but i felt him all over me, strangely.

after we came, he cleaned himself, stript down and went under his covers. he didnt say a damn thing. i came out of my bliss and was a bit disappointed. i sighed and crawled under my blankets too. so much for .... whatever that was.

"we should do that again" he said and that was all.

wow.... just wow..... asshole

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