
ch 10. yoongi


i hated him right from the beginning. he was noisy, an annoying little prick. i couldnt stand him at all. until....

first i thought, that there was just the typical hidden secret jerk off in one of the stalls, but it sounded diffrent. the gasps and moans were airy and .... arousing??!!! what the fuck?!

i went silently to the next stall and pressed my ear on the thin, really thin wall. i heard slick noises. fuck i was corious. so i got on my knees and slid my phone in rec mode to the next stall. thank hell i had the nightvision app! i knew it would come handy one day! he whined when he came, what was kinda cute. i retrived my phone and went back to my room asap.

i pulled the covers over my head, plugged my earpods in and watched what i caught and mostly who!


it was my fucking roomie! how on earth.... why the hell.... what the actual fuck...

i was watching the whole thing and again, and again. he fucked himself with a dildo.... fuck! i had boys before, but... i dont know... i never watched them getting off by themself. shame. i should have done that sooner!

then i recognize the face.... shit! it was my fucking roomie.... wow!

i saw him now in a diffrent light. i watched him in secret, admired his body, his movement. i liked how he was with his friends, even spied him in his dance class. boy can move! and he had a fucking hot body! cause he danced one time only in his sweat pants. i had to swallow a lot of drool.

it became my obsession to stalk him, when he went to the toilets at night. i recorded every time. i loved my new app!

than this party came, he was drunk as fuck, he moved so sexy with the music, when he saw me, he came over, fuuuuck! why?! my pulse went up like a race car! so i said something rude and to my utter surprise, his comeback was amazing! alcohol obviously made him grew some balls. cause he never talked anything with me.

he blushed and walked away, before i could replay something, or yanked him up to one of the rooms and do whatever to him. i growled and went after him. he walked not so straight back to our room. and there i snapped.

i really really wanted to fuck him, but my sex fantasies were now more important. i wanted to watch him fucking himself in real live. without the nightvision, without hiding and stalking. finally!

funny, how he always blushed when we ran into each other on campus. cute! he was really cute.

right the next night i made him to do it again, only with the vibrator and i handled the device. i made him come. then i let him watch me handling myself. i came harder. i think i liked it, him watching me. interesting.



i didnt know what happened, but it happened. we went out on our usual gamenight, what is drag up and have some fun at the queens. after it hobi, jin and i went on a bar binge. we were wasted!

i woke up with a head big as the moon and with pain. as i tried to sat up, i touched something. if i saw correctly with my blurred vision, than next to me layed a very naked hobi.


what have we done?! i groaned and woke him up with it. great... fucking great.... we looked at each other. hobis face scrunched in disbelive and put his hand down to his jewles. it came up again and after he looked at his fingers, he stucked them into my face.

"we fucked" was all he said.

again we looked at each other. "i am sorry?" i apologised. he shook his head, regreted it immidiatly and just waved it off. "get me some coffee and i ll forgive u" okay....?

with hissing and groaning i went to my kitchen, made some coffee and came back. i almost tripped over a mountain of clothes on the floor, but there was something else down there. so i pulled the clothes away, after i gave hobi the mugs.


"what the fuck are u doing here?!" i bursted out. he rubbed his head and groaned. "get your voice a bit down, please?! and give me coffee too" i huffed and went back for another mug. we sat all three in the bed, backed on the headboard enjoyed the coffee and tried to wrap our heads about last night.

"so.... anybody an idea what happened?" i asked. jin put his mug down and looked at us. "u idiots!" "enlighten us" hobi groaned. jin tsked us and rolled his eyes.

"okay, we drank a loooot yesterday, we came here to kooks and out of a joke we fooled around.... until.... u know" "a threesome?! seriously?! i never did that" i was kinda excited. "nope.. more of a 2 and a half some" jin stated and sipped his coffee. "huh?!" hobi and i were a bit shocked. "what that mean?" "that means: yes we fooled around, we all... like i sucked hobis dick, than yours, than hobi mine, while u fucked him. than u two fucked some other rounds without me. multimal times" he grinned.

oh fuck..... and now?



i missed him. i missed him so much. we talked once a week. i tried to get him into skype sex, but he didnt budged. so i fucked around again. others drink, some ate icecream til vomit point, i fucked everyone who was willing to gave me their ass. how pathetic.

otherwise my college life was great. only the bleeding heart was kind of a bummer.

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