
Chapter 43 : Unexpected and Free Slave.

\AN: This chapter is a gift for trying to place the novel between the top 10. But this will not happen again. If you truly want to have a double release next week, you will have to place it on at least the top 10 until Saturday. And if you want 2 chapters on Sunday, you will have to place it on top 1 until Sunday. Author's out./

"Why?" Melony asked as light was fading from her eyes.

"Why? Hmm. I wanted to do it." I answered.

Her body then became lifeless. Taking my hand out of her chest, I looked at her blood and licked it.

"Hmm. Not the best but not the worst too." I said while tasting it.

Then I ripped a cloth from her clothes and cleaned my hand.

"W-Why did you had to kill them. They did not do anything exagerated." Orihime said, frightened.

"Hmm? Well... You healed Nelliel, so I was owning you one. Consider this a tie. Also... They deserved as they were too irritating." I said to her while sitting on the couch beside her looking at my piece of art.

Loly's body was limbless and her arms and legs were separated while Melony had a big hole on her chest. Hah, this is true art.

Looking at her face, I saw that there was a few bruises and dirt on her face, so I moved my hand to clean it, she stood there, frozen.

"Also, the strong lives while the weak submit or die. An example is your friend, Ichigo. He is fighting Ulquiorra and in a couple of minutes he will be dead too." I said to her.

"He will not die! I believe in him!" She said with conviction in her eyes.

"Hahahahahaha. It is beautiful to see such a strong conviction to an almost dead man. Want to know something?" I asked her.

"What?" She asked, a little angrily.

"Ulquiorra is the Espada Numero 4. But he still is hiding some of his power, if Aizen knew all the power he had, including the second Ressurección, he would climb in the ranks, so Ichigo has an extremely bad luck. Hmm? Hahahaha. See, Ichigo lost. And he is not going to live long enough. What have I said to you. Conviction on a dead man." I said while shaking my head.

"N-No. I-I have to reach him!" She said while getting up and running to the exit, she almost slipped on the blood.

"Hahahahahaha. Will you get pass Ulquiorra though? There is no way that Ulquiorra will let you heal Ichigo." I said while crossing my legs.

'He was really tired too. He could not defeat Ulquiorra on his normal state, there was no way he would defeat him being so tired.' I thought.

"N-No! There is no way that Ichigo would lose!" She screamed at me.

"Hahahahahahahaha! You are so funny. I have never laughed so much. Okay, let's go. As I said before, Ulquiorra is the Espada Numero 4, while Ichigo's strength equals only the Espada Numero 6. He could win a Espada Numero 5, but he would have to be on his prime condition while giving his all to the fight. But not against an Espada Numero 4 as the strength gap between 4, 2, 1 and 3 are monstruous and it is way out of his reach. Orihime, feel the Reiatsu around you." I said to her.

Closing her eyes, she concentrated and felt it.

"N-No." She said in an anguished voice.

"You felt it right? Ichigo's Reiatsu is dropping too fast. He is dying." I said to her.

"N-nooo." She said while falling on the ground.

She placed her hands on her face and began to cry, she had lost all her hope. Her sylhouette was that of a hopeless weak woman. Then she suddenly looked at me and her previous sylhouette broke and was replaced for one of a hopeful woman.

"P-Please, you said before that you were the strongest of the Espadas... So please, escort me to there. I beg you." She said while placing her hands together, like she was praying.

'Bingo.' I thought before getting up and closing the distance between us.

"Hmm. I can do it. But under one condition." I said after 'thinking' for a few seconds.

"W-What would it be?" She asked, afraid.

Crouching, I said.

"Become my slave and I will bring you to where he is and let you heal him." I proposed to her.

Her face transformed to an pensative one.

"Tic... Toc... Tic... Toc... Time waits for no one, Orihime. Ichigo is dying. After he dies, your heal will not work." I said to her.

"O... Okay. I will become you s-slave." She said, relutantly.

"Good choice." I said to her before getting up and offering my hand.

She grabbed and got up.

"Turn around." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Should a slave question their Master?" I said.

Then she turned around.

'System. Store Melony and Loly's bodies on the inventory.' I thought.

["Storing... Done."]


The bodies in front of me suddenly disappeared. The system sure is good.

"Let's go. Someone needs to be healed." I said before hugging her from behind and grabbing on her large chest.

Then we vanished from our previous position.


Following Ichigo's diminishing Reiatsu, we reached a red tower that had a hole at one side. Entering it through the hole, we saw Ichigo lied on the ground with his face down. A pool of blood coming out out from his chest.

"Kurosaki-kun!" She screamed while struggling to break free from my hug.

Letting her go, she ran at his direction, what a pity... I wanted to feel more of her smooth breasts. She turned his bloody body and said

"Santen Kesshun. I reject!"

After a few seconds, it did nothing.

"What happened?" I asked while sitting on a bolder nearby.

"Its Ulquiorra's Reiatsu, it is on his body, that way I cannot heal him. Please, get it out of him! I beg you!" She said, desperate.

"There is no need to beg, at least for now as I said that I would let you heal him." I said, getting up and going near his body.

'I wanted to see his face, if he knew what have I done to Rukia and what will I do with Orihime.' I chuckled and crouched.

Placing my hands at his chest. I replaced Ulquiorra's Reiatsu for my own then took it out of his body. This will certainly alert Ulquiorra.

"Thanks! Santen Kesshun, I reject!" She said.

This time, her ability worked and his chest began to mend itself. After a few seconds, it was as good as new.

'I'm glad that I have someone with such a fearsome ability as my slave.' I thought, pleased with my plans.

"Let's go. Your job here is done." I said to her when she got up.

"What are you doing? Why did you healed him?" A voice asked from behind us.

Turning around, we saw Ulquiorra's empty face.

"None of you business." I said to him.

"I will not le-." He was interrupted by someone.

This someone was Grimmjow, he appeared behind him and placed the Caja Negación on his throat. Then Ulquiorra suddenly disappeared.

"Ooh~. Look who is here." I said.

"Why?" Orihime asked.

"You. Shut the fuck up! That punch hurt like a bitch! I did this to at least delay Aizen from knowing what is happening. And as a thanks for healing him. Now get the fuck outta here!" Here said.

"Orihime, you heard the man." I said while going behind her and embracing her back.

My right hand was coming from her right and grabbing her left shoulder while my left went below and grabbed her right tit. Then, we vanished from out place.


After getting out of the tower, we went to my mansion. Once we got there, we immediately climbed to my bedroom and locked the door.

"Orihime. Take you clothes off." I said to her.

"W-What?! Why?!" She asked loudly.

"Should a slave speaks to her Master?" I simply said.

Gritting her teeth, she started to take her clothes off, from her eyes, small tears came out, while whispering to herself.

"Am I going to get violated? Will my life resume to this? Why this is happening to me?"

As my ears were extremely good, I heard what she was saying.

'Why women are so dramatic? *Sigh*.' I thought to myself.

When she finished, she was covering her private parts and her breasts. A true sight to behold. But not now.

"Grit your teeth." I said to her.

Doing what she was told, I got near her face, and waved my hand, doing a 1 in the air.

Then a sizzling sound came and a muffled pain groan too. Looking at her face, there was a number 1 on her left cheek.

When she felt the pain, her hands released her breasts and pussy. She had big pink nipples, areolas too, she had her burnt orange pubis, she shaved it as it was trimmed.

"Dress yourself. What I had done was something cool. I marked your body using my Reiatsu, this means that I will monitor your health and where you are... All of the times. This is the mark of my true slave. What I had marked on your back was the number 1. The closer the slave is to 0 the bigger the chance it is of him rising up to a normal subordinate." I said to her.

She then dressed herself. Naturally implanting my dense Reiatsu on her, boosted her powers greatly, she will be impressed the next time she uses it.

"Wear this." I said while condensing my Reiatsu on my hand and doing a solid green collar.

She grabbed and placed on her neck.

"Orihime, look at me." I said.

She did as I said, and I placed my finger on her head. Then a sickly green aura came from it, but it was really tamed and entered her head.

"Hmmmmm!" She moaned in pain.

"This is something to make sure that you will not stray from you path." I said to her.

"What have you done to me?" She asked while grabbing her head.

"Just a counter-measure. Everyone in his house has a bigger status than you, so they are free to do whatever they want to you. As long as it doesn't involve violating your holes. Your holes belong to me." I said to her.

"Yes." She simply said.

"Come. Harribel will show you where the Slave Quarter's are." I said to before getting out of the room and going to where Harribel was.

"Yes, Master." She said, while following me dejectedly.

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