
Chapter 44 : Specimen #02.


\Orihime POV/

After Ísan delivered me to the one he called Harribel, she guided me through the house. She is really pretty.

"Kitchen... Living room... Bathroom... Sparring room... Meditating room... Hot Springs... Slaves Quarter's. You are forbidden from going to the second floor." She said, with a cold voice.

'She must be a nice person, just shy or cold in the outside but on the inside, she is warm.' I foolishly tought.

"Why?" I asked her.

"A slave should not ask questions, just follow what you were told and maybe you won't die by our hands. You are just a slave, nothing more nothing less. If you want to know more, you will have to climb through the rank and become a low-class subordinate. And remember one thing. You are still alive because Master was kind." She said, cruelly.

"Kind? I did not have the choice, or I became a slave or Ichigo died." I said to her, feeling angry.

"You are just a slave and you need to be constantly reminded that you are one. You have to get this on your head. You have no saying in the mansion. You are just our convenient punching bag, we can do anything we want with you, thanks to our Master's kindness that you are alive. Thanks to our Master, you have a place where you can eat, sleep and shower. If it was me, I would let you sleep outside, like the dog you are." She was merciless.

I ran inside the Quarter's, crying while thinking.

'Hell... This is Hell... I am in Hell... What did I do to deserve this?' I lied on the bed and curled my body, hugging my knees.


\Īsan POV/

[>One of Your Tabs Were Updated<]

"Show it to me then." I said.




▪= Subordinate.

• = Slave.

♡ = Has become a wife.

[>Harem: ▪Tier Harribel(100%) ▪Franceska Mila Rose(100%), ▪Cyan Sung-Sun(100%) ▪Emillou Apacci(100%), ♡Kūkaku Shiba(100%).<]

[>Subordinates: ▪Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck(100%), ▪Rukia Kuchiki(90%).<]

[>Slaves: •Orihime Inoue.<]



"Hmm. Rukia increased. Good." I said to myself.

Getting up from the bed, I headed to the bathroom and took a hot shower while remembering the feeling I had when I ripped Loly's limbs. It was strange... It was a profound joy and... Pleasure? Maybe I am a sadistic? Don't know what it was... But I like it. I haven't felt so alive like that since I almost died to that Vasto Lorde.

After a few minutes, I left the shower and dried myself.

[>Warning... Specimen #02 Is Close To Being Fully Transformed... Time For Completion: 5:00... 4:59... 4:58<]

"Damn. That fast?" I said while dressing me.

Getting out of my room, I found Harribel climbing the stairs.

"Harribel. Call everyone. Minus Orihime." I said to her.

"Yes, Master." She answered.

Then I went to the Lab and found out that the second tank was completely frozen.

"Please, don't tell me that she is going to break it like Kūkaku." I said to myself and sat on the couch in front of the chamber.

*Knock* *Knock*

Letting them enter, they stood beside me.

[>Time Expired<]

*Crack* *Glass shattering sound*

"God damnit! Why does everyone that comes out of these fucking chambers have to break them?!" I asked loudly.

Then Rukia came out of it. Her skin was really pale, her eyes and hair were blue, her lips, eyelashes and eyebrows too. The air surrounding the room became freezing, not that it mattered. On her hand, there was a white sword, her Zanpakutou.

"I am... Way stronger." Was the first thing she said.

Looking at her nipples and pussy lips, they were light blue. Her feet froze the ground she stepped on.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"Congratulations. Now you are strong enough to walk around proudly. And now you officially gave me your everything." I said to her.

"Yes." She said while deactivating her Bankai.

This made the cold air focus on her, then it disappeared. She returned to normal, unless that this time her right eye became blue while her left purple, also, her hair had a few blue strands.

"Now. All of you return to you respective rooms, Rukia you should rest, and you three, begin Orihime's training. Nelliel, you stay." I said to them.

"Master is going to eat Nelliel too." Rose said while going out.

"Nelliel, it might hurt in the beginning but after he rubs your body, it becomes amazingly good." Sun said to her.

"*Sigh*. I knew that Nelliel was not going to be a virgin for too long." Apacci said.

"Get out, Master said to get out. Stop bothering him." Harribel said.

"Yes, yes, we are going." They answered.

'For what do they take me for? I am not such a pervert that will... Forget about it. I probably, certainly, am a pervert.' I sighed in my head.

"Yes, Brother Īsan?" She said.

"Nelliel, do you want to kill Nnoitra?" I asked her.

"Hmm? No." She said.

"But he offended me by hurting you." I said.

"Don't worry, Brother Īsan. When you order me, I will kill them." She said.

'Oh, yeah. Numero 8 has his fingers on this too. I forgot.'

"Hmm. Nnoitra like to humiliate his opponents when they are at their weakest. He will probably go to Ichigo after he defeated Grimmjow. So go have punish him for me, will you?" I asked her.

"Of course Brother Īsan... I am going Brother Īsan." She leaned and kissed my cheek.

Then she got out, leaving me alone.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! She follow my orders like a cute little puppy." I said while grabbing Harribel and placing her on my lap.

Then, I started to grope her breasts and body.

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