


I completely forgot that I broke my other glasses.

/"I- I accidentally step- stepped on them/" I quickly come up with a lie

My mother's eyes do not look away from mine as she analyses my every movement.

I practically release a breath of relief when she sighs, a look of disappointment on her face.

/"Maybe it was for the best, you needed a new pair anyway,/"

I nod my head.

I go to try and exit the house only for her to stop me once more.

/"So, I'll make you an appointment and text you the details. Does that sound good?/" She questions

/"Yeah, I need to go before I'm late/" I tell her before finally exiting the house

A sigh of relief exits my mouth once I am finally outside.

She was oddly calm about the glasses situation.

Wait until she finds out about my phone.


/"Rosemary!/" A barista calls out my name

I walk up to the counter and accept my drink, thanking them.